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Space Systems Engineering Curriculum Review. 29 November 2011 LCDR Henry Travis hdtravis@nps.edu. Agenda. Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion. 2. NPS Curricula Purpose.
Space Systems Engineering Curriculum Review • 29 November 2011 • LCDR Henry Travis • hdtravis@nps.edu
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 2
NPS Curricula Purpose Fulfill technical and managerial education needs of the Navy
591 Curriculum Purpose Operations S&T/R&D Space Systems Engineering Acquisition Assessment Requirements Space Systems Operations Educated and experienced Space Cadre personnel must fill each link in the “National Security Space Chain.”
CSR Information Qualified Designators 1000 - 1000 / 1001 - 1019 / 1021 - 1049 / 1050 - 1050 / 1051 - 1099 / 1100 - 1109 / 1110 - 1119 / 1120 - 1129 / 1130 - 1139 / 1140 - 1159 / 1160 - 1169 / 1170 - 1179 / 1180 - 1189 / 1190 - 1199 / 1200 - 1209 / 1200 - 1299 / 1300 - 1399 / 1400 - 1499 / 1510 - 1519 / 1600 - 1609 / 1610 - 1629 / 1630 - 1649 / 1800 - 1899 / Major Area Sponsor Robert A. Klocek 202-781-1726 Robert.Klocek@navy.mil • Curriculum number 591 at NPS • Tour lengths will be 18 months
ESR Emphasis Computers Signal Processing Joint Strategy and Policy Analysis, Synthesis & Evaluation Guidance and Control Project Management & System Acquisition Structures, Materials & Dynamics National Security Space Systems Architecting Joint Military Space Missions Design, Integration, & Systems Engineering Orbital Mechanics, Space Environment & Remote Sensing Thermal Control Advanced Concepts & Technologies Conduct & Report Independent Research Propulsion Systems Communications Information Superiority Payload Design Space Systems Operations Space Systems Engineering Power
591 Course Matrix • Includes: • Integrated JPME • Degree Specialization • Degree Options: • MS-Astro • MS-Physics • MS-Electrical • MS-Mechanical • MS-Computer Science
591 Curriculum Outcomes Graduates prepared to competently fill space billets
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 9
2009 Space SystemsCurricula Review • Conducted 16 September 2009 • Reviewed both 591 and 366 • Major Changes to ESRs • Rewrote to incorporate Bloom’s Taxonomy • More accurately capture desired levels of learning for each requirement
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 12
2011 Space Systems Engineering Curriculum Review • Conducting review 29 November 2011 • Reviewing only 591 • Review of 366 will be conducted in 2012 • Proposed changes to ESRs • Reflect changes to DoD acquisition instructions • More accurately capture required payload design skills • No matrix modifications recommended • Modify existing courses to meet ESR changes
Curriculum Review Process Space Cadre & Sponsor Community Inputs Faculty ESR Assessment Surveys Graduate Surveys SSAG Committee Inputs Educational Skill Requirements Curriculum / Course Content Student Exit Surveys / SOFs
Faculty ESR Assessment Comprehensive review of: ESR to Course Mapping Level each ESR is taught at compared to desired level All instructors surveyed Findings All 591 ESRs are covered at desired level except 4d ESR 4d: Graduates will understand the unique nature of space acquisition programs and the differences between the DoD 5000 acquisition process and the National Security Space NSS 03-01… Covered at the A/A level vice S/E ESR 4d no longer current
Continuous Improvement Steps Continuing to use seminars to augment curricula Speakers to help fill gaps, add perspective on key topics Ex: SE case studies, ground systems, mission partners, etc. Review “Course Blocks” AE/SS/EC Investigate means to improve 591 matrix flexibility Explore options to consolidate where feasible and appropriate Continue discussion on AE track requirements as necessary
Curriculum Content Change • ESR Changes (591) – Sponsor Input • Add • Systems Engineering ESR • Ground Systems ESR • Modify • Payload ESR • Curriculum Content Changes – Sponsor, Surveys, Internal • Add • Systems Engineering content (591) • Ground Systems content (591) • Payload Systems content (591) • Curriculum Modifications – Sponsor, Surveys, Internal • Review Course Placement (366/591) • Increase Curriculum Flexibility (366/591) • Ability to take electives • Ability to pursue varied degree options
Proposed Changes to ESRs ESR descriptions 3c: National Space Systems 3e: National Space Systems 3f: National Space Systems 4d: Project Management and System Acquisition 5e: Communications 6a: Computers: Hardware and Software 7a: Spacecraft Guidance and Control 7b: Spacecraft Guidance and Control
Proposed ESR 3c National Security Space Systems Current Graduates will examine the role of the Services / Agencies in establishing required space system capabilities, and will translate these capabilities into system performance requirements. Proposed Graduates will examine the role of the Services / Agencies in defining system architecture /mission performance and translating these into applicable space systems requirements.
Proposed ESR 3e National Security Space Systems Current Graduates will develop and assess space tactics and/or CONOPS that integrate with and enhance or support military operations. Proposed Graduates will develop and assess space tactics and/or CONOPS, including space protection concepts that integrate with and enhance or support military operations.
Proposed ESR 3f National Security Space Systems Current Graduates will identify how proposed space-related capabilities / doctrine are translated from concept to real-world implementation through experimentation. Proposed Graduates will identify how proposed space-related capabilities / doctrine transition from concept to real-world implementation through experimentation.
Proposed ESR 4d Program Management & System Acquisition Current Graduates will examine the unique nature of space acquisition programs and the differences between the DoD 5000 acquisition process and space-specific acquisition processes (e.g., NRO Directive 7). Based on this knowledge, they will plan and structure a notional space system acquisition program. Proposed Graduates will examine the unique nature of space acquisition programs and plan a notional space system acquisition program.
Proposed ESR 5e Spacecraft Communications and Signal Processing Current Graduates will examine how these space systems are used to meet Joint war-fighters’ communications requirements. Proposed Graduates will examine how current and planned space communications systems are used to meet Joint communications requirements.
Proposed ESR 6a Computers: Hardware and Software Current Graduates will apply the fundamentals of digital logic and digital system design to the modeling / design of simple digital computer subsystems. Proposed Graduates will understand the fundamentals of digital logic and digital system design of simple digital computer subsystems.
Proposed ESR 7a Spacecraft Guidance and Control Current Graduates will examine the field of spacecraft guidance and control, to include topics such as linear control, rotational kinematics, rigid body dynamics, gravity gradient, spin and three-axis stabilization design, active nutation control, sources of and response to disturbance torques, and attitude determination and associated sensors and actuators. Proposed Graduates will analyze the field of spacecraft guidance and control, to include topics such as linear control, rotational kinematics, rigid body dynamics, gravity gradient, spin and three-axis stabilization design, active nutation control, sources of and response to disturbance torques, and attitude determination and associated sensors and actuators.
Proposed ESR 7b Spacecraft Guidance and Control Current Graduates will apply these techniques to the analysis and design of spacecraft guidance and control systems. Proposed Graduates will apply these techniques to the design of spacecraft guidance and control systems.
Proposed Changes to ESR levels ESR levels reduced to Knowledge/Comprehension (K/C) 2c: Orbital Mechanics and Space Environment 2e: Orbital Mechanics and Space Environment 3a: National Space Systems 3b: National Space Systems 5d: Communications 7a: Spacecraft Guidance and Control 7b: Spacecraft Guidance and Control
Proposed level for ESR 2c Orbital Mechanics and Space Environment Description Graduates will examine the fundamentals of spacecraft tracking and command/control from a ground station. Justification for teaching at K/C level Until a course for Ground Systems can be developed and incorporated into the academic catalog, this ESR is being taught at the Knowledge/Comprehension level. A change to K/C would reflect the current level students are learning.
Proposed level for ESR 2g Orbital Mechanics and Space Environment Description Graduates will examine the physical behavior of the upper atmosphere, ionosphere and space environment under the influence of both natural and artificial phenomena such as solar activity, geomagnetic and magnetospheric effects, and man-made disturbances. Justification for teaching at K/C level Current level (A/A) is higher than necessary for future course work. A thorough understanding of this important topic can be achieved at the K/C level.
Proposed level for ESR 3a National Security Space Systems Description Graduates will examine the roles, responsibilities, and relationships of National and DoD organizations in establishing policies, priorities, and requirements for National Security Space systems; and in the design, acquisition, operation, and exploitation of these systems. Justification for teaching at K/C level Current level (A/A) is higher than necessary for future course work. A thorough understanding of this important topic can be achieved at the K/C level.
Proposed level for ESR 3b National Security Space Systems Description Graduates will examine the nature of space warfare (theory, history, doctrine, and policy); distinguish between the four JP 3-14 defined Space Mission Areas (Space Control, Space Support, Force Enhancement, Force Application); and interpret how current and planned space capabilities contribute to the satisfaction of these mission areas. Justification for teaching at K/C level Current level (A/A) is higher than necessary for future course work. A thorough understanding of this important topic can be achieved at the K/C level.
Proposed level for ESR 5d Communications Description Graduates will differentiate, compare, and contrast the characteristics and capabilities of current and future communications systems in use or planned by Naval operating and Joint forces afloat and ashore. Justification for teaching at K/C level Current level (A/A) is higher than necessary for future course work. A thorough understanding of this important topic can be achieved at the K/C level.
Space Systems EngineeringCore Matrix • Includes: • Integrated JPME • Degree Specialization • Degree Options: • MS-Astro • MS-Physics • MS-Electrical • MS-Mechanical • MS-Computer Science
Space Systems Engineering Possible Modified Matrix • Includes: • Integrated JPME • Degree Specialization • Degree Options: • MS-Astro • MS-Physics • MS-Electrical • MS-Mechanical • MS-Computer Science
Degree Requirements • Students can earn degrees in one of several areas and each degree has their own requirements. • Astronautical Engineering • Physics • Electrical Engineering • Mechanical Engineering • Computer Science • Students can earn different levels of degrees • Master’s Degree • Engineer’s Degree • Dual Degree • PhD
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 36
Quantitative Aspects • Fit and fill difficult to influence without space cadre becoming a naval community. • Class size of 10 • Most graduates are URL and required to return to operational billets • Others are from joint services or civilian. • 3 students headed to billets at NRO after graduation. • APC insufficient as a decision tool, transcripts ALWAYS reviewed.
Space Systems Engineering (591) Masters & PhD Graduates by Service Take away: Students from other services are vital to the success of our program 40
Space Systems Engineering (591) Masters & PhD Naval Graduates by Community Take away: URLs make up less than half of our Navy students. 41
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 42
591 Graduate ESR Satisfaction Survey Note: Specific numbers may not be statistically relevant due to small sample size.
Topic% Agreed Overall excellent program 93 High-quality space courses 88 Thesis a valuable component 62 Field trips a worthwhile aspect 98 High-quality space faculty 93 Responsive program officer 96 Adequate student study space 100 591 Graduate Exit Survey
CONCLUSIONS No courses need to be eliminated Acquisition (MN3331) should be modified to reflect changes to DoD 5000 Emphasize systems engineering in design project 591 Graduate Exit Survey
Accreditation status Degrees are accredited, not curricula. Thesis quality and relevance Outstanding Sponsor and NPS funding Critical Academic Design & Execution
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 47
SP Research Efforts in 591 Objective: Provide space weather products and research into ionospheric physics. Challenges: Integration of 8 experiments onto micro-satellite platform. Status: STP-2 medium launch vehicle July 2014 Title: NPS Spacecraft Architecture & Tech Demo Satellite Students: Various PI: Rudy Panholzer Objective: Provide launch vehicle integration capability for CubeSat community. Challenges: COTS component integration and launch vehicle integration Status: Scheduled for NRO L-36 launch in July 2012 Title: CubeSat Launcher Students: Mr. Vidur Kaushish Ms. Wenschel Lan PI: Jim Newman Objective: Observe satellites or debris predicted to pass close to space assets Challenges: Integration of Colony II bus and LLNL (Lincoln Labs) optical payload Status: Scheduled for NRO L-36 launch in July 2012 Title: Space Situational Awareness Students: LT Vidal Lozada LT Tolu O’Brien Ms. Madison Studholme PI: Jim Newman
MAE Research Efforts in 591 Objective: Deriving & Simulating N-CMG Pyramid full equations of motion Challenges: Current lack of detail in CMG system equations of motion Status: Project complete by December 2011 Title: CMG Mathematical Models Students: Christine McManus PI: I. Michael Ross Objective: Design, fabrication, analysis of single gimbal Control Moment Gyro Challenges: Development of CMG from scratch Status: Project complete by December 2012 Title: CMG Development Students: Kerri Ackman PI: I. Michael Ross Objective: Autonomous vehicle movement w/o a priori knowledge of obstacles Challenges: COTS component integration and launch vehicle integration Status: Project complete by December 2012 Title: Autonomous vehicle Students: Travis Bateman PI: I. Michael Ross Objective: Fully-autonomous, optimized-trajectory flight while tracking a target/object Challenges: Implementation of SLUGS chip on Aerial Autonomous Vehicle Status: Project complete by December 2012 Title: Autonomous vehicle Students: Marta Savage PI: I. Michael Ross Objective: Develop autonomous satellite tasking and maneuver algorithm Challenges: Automation of a manual process with an increase in performance Status: Initial planning Title: Satellite Maneuvering Students: Jeff King PI: I. Michael Ross
Agenda Curriculum Purpose Summary of Last Review Validation of Curriculum Requirements Quantitative Aspects Academic Design Review of Research Conclusion 50