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Survival advice for 6 th graders!!. By: Eliseo and Kanak. What Is Stomp?. S- self control in the classroom is making responsible decisions. Also participate in group projects. Then follow classroom procedures.
Survival advice for 6th graders!! By: Eliseo and Kanak
What Is Stomp? S-self control in the classroom is making responsible decisions. Also participate in group projects. Then follow classroom procedures. T- trustworthy in the classroom is being honest, being respectful to teacher, on your own and having integrity. O-you show optimism by doing your personal best every day in 6th grade. Second be helpful to the ones around you. Finally show good manners. M-you show being motivated by being engaged in learning every day. Also you should clean up after your self. P-prepared means having your materials for every class. Use your agenda as a hall pass. Third manage your time wisely. That is what stomp is and how you show it during the school day.
Be nice to every adult and student at the school To be successful at this school you have to respect everyone. You can help somebody if they are having a hard time or if they are feeling down. Also make lots of new friends but you don’t have to forget the old ones but make a lot of new ones.
Take your agenda everywhere you go!! You should use your agenda like a hall pass. It is glory to everything. You need to have it everywhere or you cant leave the classroom without it. Also the teachers have to sign it before you leave the room.
Don’t step on the mustang Don’t step on the mustang in the main hall way. If you step on the mustang it is sign of disrespect. The mustangs mean a lot to this a school because it is our mascot. This is how he looks when you step on the mustang.
Arrive to class on time If you don’t arrive to class on time you have consequences. 1st. You get a warning and call home. 2nd. A 20 minute detention and parents contacted. 3rd. 30 minute detention and parents contacted. 4th. Office referral: 30 minutes office detention ; parents contacted. 5th . Office referral: 60 minutes office detention; parents contacted. 6th. Office referral; 1 day of ISS ;parents contacted.
Lockers! How to open your locker: 1st you turn 3 or more times to the right. 2nd you pass your number once to the left and then go to it. 3rd you go straight to your last number. 4th you open your locker. 5th you celebrate!!!!!!
Go by the dress code!! By that we mean to were appropriate close to school. Keep your pants up and don’t sag. Wear good length shirts or tops. Wear shoes to school don’t come barefoot.
Keep your hands to yourself!! Keep your hands to yourself because sometimes it makes people feel weird or sometimes they don’t like it when people are all over them. Also it is against school rules and you could get a minor or even a major.
Gum behaviors When you are chewing your gum don't pop the gum in your mouth to make loud noise because the teachers get annoyed. Also they will make you spit the gum out. Finally you can have gum in some classes. Some teachers do not allow you to chew it like in music class.
Talking Advice Don’t talk when the teachers are talking. Raise your hand before yelling out something. Wait till the teachers call on you. Next don’t speak over your class mates. Finally don’t blurt out when the teachers are speaking to the class.
How To Make New Friends If you see a new kid in the lunch room go sit next to him and see what you have in common. Help people when they are having problems in class or outside of school. Help people when they are making mistakes.
Computer Passwords Write down all of your passwords and remember them. If you lose any of them you wont be able to log in to your computer. Also you will have a hard time in weebly( FYI you will learn more about weebly as you go along the school year.
Info Goes Into Your Agenda Every week you put info about what your going to do the whole week . Sometimes it is really helpful if you cant remember things so easily. Also it helps just to have the right info so you don’t have to ask the teacher 1,000,000,000,000,000 times a day.
Don’t share your locker combination People can get into your locker if you tell them you combinations. People can put stuff that shouldn’t be there or you will get in deep trouble. If you share your combination yo8u could lose your electronic. Don’t tell your best friends even if you can trust him or her.
PAT P=preferred A= activity T= time This is extra time you earn and play really fun games the last 5 minutes of class you can earn way more pat time by showing good behavior.