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Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists: Battle Over the Constitution

Explore the clash between Federalists, advocating for a strong federal government, and Anti-Federalists, championing state power. Learn why the Bill of Rights was a contentious issue in shaping the U.S. Constitution.

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Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists: Battle Over the Constitution

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  1. The Federalist and the Anti-Federalists The fight for the Constitution

  2. Federalists • Leaders: • Alexander Hamilton • James Madison

  3. Federalists • Want a strong federal government • (hence the name federalist) (Washington, D.C.)

  4. Federalists • Want national government to: • Maintain Peace • Provide Protection • Guarantee Liberty

  5. Federalists • Wanted the national and state governments to share power where the federal government had the supreme rule.

  6. Federalists • State governments can not overrule or contradict laws of the national government

  7. Federalists • Argued that a bill of rights was unnecessary because the government didn’t have the power to take away your rights. (it didn’t say in the constitution your rights could be taken away). • (They were offended that anyone would think the government as written would take your rights… um…slavery….DUH!!!)

  8. Federalists • Said that: • it was not possible for the national government to take away people’s rights • Because the government only had the powers given it in the constitution • (so a Bill of Rights would be a waste of paper in their minds!)

  9. Anti-Federalists • Leader: • Patrick Henry

  10. Anti-Federalists • Want a weak federal government and strong state governments. • (hence the name anti-federalist)

  11. Anti-Federalists • Worried that a strong national government would threaten : • The people’s rights • And the state governments

  12. Anti-Federalists • Wanted a federal government like: • the Articles of Confederation

  13. Anti-Federalists • Believed that state governments: • should have more power and duties than the federal government • because the states are closer to the people.

  14. Anti-Federalists • Criticized the new constitution: • Because it did not have a bill of rights • to guarantee personal liberties and freedoms of the people.

  15. Quotations • In a single republic, all the power surrendered by the people is submitted to the administration of a single government; and the usurpations are guarded against by a division of the government into distinct and separate departments.

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