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United states government timeline . BY: ALY FULLER . mCkINLEY’S SECOND INAUGURATION . March 4 th , 1901 He is then shot on September 6 th , 1901 by Leon Czolgosz in New York September 14 th , 1901 succeeded by VP Theodore Roosevelt . U.S. acquires Panama canal zone .
United states government timeline BY: ALY FULLER
mCkINLEY’S SECOND INAUGURATION • March 4th, 1901 • He is then shot on September 6th, 1901 by Leon Czolgosz in New York • September 14th, 1901 succeeded by VP Theodore Roosevelt
U.S. acquires Panama canal zone • Treaty signed November 17th, 1903
Theodore roosevelt’s second inauguratio • March 4th, 1905
FBI established • July 26th, 1908
March 4th, 1913 • William howardtaft is 28th president • 17th amendment to the Constitution is ratified, providing direct election to US Senators by popular vote rather than legislation
April 6, 1914-1918 • World War 1: US declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary • War ends November 11, 1918
aUGUST 14TH, 1916 • US buys Danish West Indies for $25 Million dollars
Jan. 13th, 1919 • League of Nations meets for the first, US is not represented • 18th amendment to the Constitution is ratified, prohibiting the manufacture, sale, and transportation of liquor. • Later repealed by the 21st amendment
March 4th, 1929 • Herbert Hoover inaugurated as 31st president • Stock market crashes, Great Depression starts on October 29th, 1931
Jan. 20, 1937 • FDR inaguration
dECEMBER 7TH, 1941 • Pearl Harbor is attacked by Japan • US declares war on Japan
October 24th, 1945 • United Nations is established
aPRIL 4TH, 1949 • North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is established
June 25ht, 1950 • Korean War: Cold War conflict between Communist and non-communist forces • North Korea invades South Korea • President Truman, without approval of congress, commits American troops to the war
May 1950-1975 • Vietnam War • North Vietnamese torpedo boats attack US destroyer in Gulf of Tonkin • US begins bombing of North Vietnam • North Vietnamese army and Viet Cong launch Tet Offensive, attacking Saigon and other scities • American soldiers kill 300 Vietnamese in My Lai massacre
feB. 27TH, 1951 • 22ND AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTION IS RATIFIED • Limiting the president to two terms
July 25th, 1952 • Puerto Rico becomes US commonwealth
Jan. 20, 1953 • Dwight Eisenhower inaugurated 34th president
Jan. 31, 1958 • Explorer I becomes first American satellite
Jan. 3, 1959 • Alaska becomes 49th state • Hawaii becomes 50th
Jan. 20, 1961 • JFK elected 35th president • Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba (April 17-20)
Oct.-nov., 1962 • Cuban Missile Crisis: President Kennedy denounces Soviet Union for secretly having missile bases on Cuba
Aug. 28th, 1963 • Martin Luther King Jr. delivers ‘’I Have a Dream’’ • JFK assassinated in Dallas (Nov. 22) • Succeeded by LBJ
July 2, 1964 • LBJ signs civil rights act
Feb. 10, 1967 • 25th amendment to the Constitution is ratified outlining the procedures for filling the presidency
April 4th, 1968 • Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated in Memphis • Sen. Robert F. Kennedy is assassinated in L.A.
Jan. 20, 1969 • Nixon is inaugurated as 37th president • Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin Jr. become the fist me to land on the moon
July 1, 1971 • 26th amendment is ratified lowering the voting age from 21 to 18
Jan. 20, 1977 • Jimmy Carter is inagurated as 39th president • President Carter sings treaty agreeing to control of the Panama Canal over to Panama
Jan. 20, 1981 • Ronald Reagan is inaugurated as 40th president • US hostages held in Iran are released after 444 days
Jan. 20th, 1989 • George H. W. Bush is 41st president
July 31, 1991 • US and Soviet Union sign Treaty I agreeing to reduce strategic nuclear weapons
Jan. 20, 1993 • Bill Clinton is inaugurated as the 42nd president
1998-1999 • Clinton denies having sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky • Clinton releases first balanced budget plan since 1969 • Clinton admits having sexual relations with Lewinksy • US launches missile attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan following terrorist attacks • Columbine shooting leaves 14 students, 1 teacher, and 23 wounded