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The contribution of the continuum amplitude In e ﹢ e ﹣  Charmonium

The contribution of the continuum amplitude In e ﹢ e ﹣  Charmonium. Changzheng YUAN IHEP, Beijing. 2nd International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium Sept. 20 – 22, 2003, Fermilab. OUTLINE. The continuum amplitude The form factors at psi’ mass The universal -90°phase

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The contribution of the continuum amplitude In e ﹢ e ﹣  Charmonium

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  1. The contribution of the continuum amplitude In e﹢e﹣Charmonium Changzheng YUAN IHEP, Beijing 2nd International Workshop on Heavy Quarkonium Sept. 20 – 22, 2003, Fermilab

  2. OUTLINE • The continuum amplitude • The form factors at psi’ mass • The universal -90°phase • Summary

  3. The overlooked amplitude In e﹢e﹣ annihilation experiment for charmonium production, continuum amplitude contributes to all decay channels … e﹢e﹣ψ(2S) @ BESII Except for scan experiment, the continuum amplitude has been overlooked in both experiment and theory!

  4. The overlooked amplitude σexp=σtheo σ’exp=σexperiment

  5. The overlooked amplitude Continuum contribution becomes larger after considering ISR and beam spread!

  6. The overlooked amplitude There is interference… J/ψ ψ(2S) • |aggg|=0 • |aggg|=|aγ| • |aggg|=3.4|aγ| • |aggg|=5|aγ| • |aggg|=10|aγ|

  7. The overlooked amplitude CESRc The consequences: 1. Results from different experiments not comparable a) beam spread (reduce/shift peak) b) data taking energy (hadron peak) c) selection criteria (s-dependent) 2. Wrong theoretical inferences a) the form factors b) the relative phase between strong and electromagnetic decays BEPC2 hep-ph/0308041 (e﹢e﹣ρπ) at Ecm=mψ(3770). 0.5 MeV shift 90-95 % RES

  8. The form factors at ψ(2S)  0 and ﹢﹣ Wang, Mo, Yuan PLB557, 192(2003)

  9. The form factors at ψ(2S)  0 and ﹢﹣ Real resonance decay branching ratio (BES) Gerard, PLB425,365(1998) (BES) (DASP) Brodsky, SLAC-pub-3747(1985)

  10. The universal -90°phase Branching ratios Phase All previous analyses handle only these two diagrams, but we have one more now … Then what can we get ?

  11. The universal -90°phase Existing analyses without considering the continuum amplitude |φ| J/ψ Decays: 1. AP: 90 ° M. Suzuki, PRD63, 054021 (2001) 2. VP: (106 ±10) ° J. Jousset et al., PRD41, 1389 (1990) D. Coffman et al., PRD38, 2695 (1988) N. N. Achasov, talk at Hadron2001 3. PP: (90 ±10) ° M. Suzuki, PRD60, 051501 (1999) 4. VV: (138 ±37) ° L. Köpke and N. Wermes, Phys. Rep. 74, 67 (1989) 5. NN: (89 ±15) ° R. Baldini et al., PLB444, 111 (1998) ψ(2S)VP 1. φ=180 °(± 90 ° ruled out!) M. Suzuki, PRD63, 054021 (2001)

  12. The universal -90°phase VP continuum Haber, PRD32, 2961 (1985) Four equations for four unknowns:

  13. The universal -90°phase J/ψVP Two solutions With opposite Sign!

  14. The universal -90°phase ψ(2S)VP Assuming Rψ(2S)=RJ/ψ Hep-ph/0303144 With continuum! • Can’t rule out (nearly) orthogonal phase • The phase is negative PRD63, 054021 (2001) Without continuum!

  15. The universal -90°phase ψ(2S)PP ψ(2S) π﹢π﹣ ψ(2S) K﹢K﹣ ψ(2S) KS KL A’ (π﹢π﹣) and A’+B’ (K﹢K﹣) known, KS KLis needed to extract the phase between A’ and B’. φ When extract A’/B’ from experimental information, Continuum contribution should be considered!

  16. The universal -90°phase ψ(2S)PP DASP: BESI: MKIII:

  17. The universal -90°phase ψ(2S)PP B ((2S) KS KL ) =5.2510 – 5 K+K– & +  inputs ; Input 1:DASP; Input 2:BESI ; Input 3: K+K– from BESI & + by form factor. BESII preliminary Yuan, Wang, Mo PLB567 (2003)73 –80° 120 °

  18. The universal -90°phase ψ(3770)ρπ Using mixing angle θ=12°, assuming ψ(2S)ρπ completely missing, ψ(3770)ρπ is enhanced! or Using ωπ form factor to estimate ρπ form factor: Comparable! Interference?

  19. The universal -90°phase ψ(3770)ρπ To measure B(ψ(3770)ρπ), the best way is to do the energy scan! The band is for non-zero B(ψ(2S)ρπ)! σ(K*0K0+c.c.) For φ=﹣90°! Hep-ph/0308041, To appear in PLB. MK3 UL (<6.3pb) Favors φ=﹣90°! Missing ρπ signal and/or enhanced K*0K0 signal indicate BRs at 10-4 level.

  20. The universal -90°phase Concluding Remarks 14 ψ(2S) Sample in Million • A universal ﹣90°phase can accommodate all experimental information in the OZI suppressed vector charmonia decays; • The minus sign is determined with the help of the continuum amplitude; • The existing ψ(2S) and ψ(3770) data samples at BESII and CLEOc will help to clarify the situation; • The orthogonal phase with minus sign is probably also true for bottomonium decays. 1.5 ψ(3770) Sample In pb-1 2fb-1 planned by CLEOc M/Ecm CLEO, hep-ex/0307035

  21. Summary • Continuum amplitude was overlooked for a long time in e﹢e﹣charmonium experiments, new generation experiments should consider it seriously to get reliable physics outputs •  0 and ﹢﹣ form factors at ψ(2S) mass are calculated and compared with predictions • A universal -90°phase between OZI suppressed strong and electromagnetic amplitudes of charmonia decays is favored by the experiment information • The universal phase may be extended to bottomonia • High precision experimental information are desired to test above conclusions

  22. Thanks a lot!

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