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Antra Vriddhi, as per Ayurveda or what is known as Hernia in common language is a state where an internal organ in the abdomen gets replaced and starts protruding outwards, giving rise to swelling in the abdominal region.
Find Ayurvedic treatment for Hernia Antra Vriddhi, as per Ayurveda or what is known as Hernia in common language is a state where an internal organ in the abdomen gets replaced and starts protruding outwards, giving rise to swelling in the abdominal region. You may develop a hernia at any place in your body, but it mostly occurs in the lower abdominal area and can affect both men and women of any age. Many reasons can cause Hernia, but the leading causes of Hernia can be hereditary. Factors like lifting heavy weights also trigger it. The causes of Hernia are: Even though Hernia can be a hereditary condition, certain other factors can also contribute to its cause. These causes include persistent coughing, laying extra pressure when passing feces, straining your abdominal muscles by exercising or lifting heavy objects or build-up of excess fluid in your lower abdominal cavity. Now let's look at the symptoms of the disease that are: In most of the cases for hernia patients, it has been seen that they complain about a visibly hard protrusion in the development of soft lumps and pain in your lower abdomen. Some people, however, do not go through any symptoms at all. Hernia can be distinguished into many categories based on the affected body part and sometimes even depending on your gender. When the case becomes severe and painful, it does require quick medical attention and, in the worst cases, may require surgery; however, Hernia's treatment in Ayurveda can treat your Hernia from its root without the need of undergoing any surgical process. The holistic method of Ayurveda works on the root cause of the problem. Let's look at how Ayurveda helps, Ayurveda begins helping your problem of Hernia by working on your diet. By simply following some disciplined dietary rules one can completely cure themselves of Hernia. 1. Lower the amount of meals you eat in a day and take small portions frequently in shorter spans instead of the standard three meals divided by hours; 2. Chew your food correctly and while eating, ensure you eat your food slowly; 3. Include lots of water in your dietary routines everyday and not just water but also other fluids, but do not have too much aerated drinks. It is advised that one must not take too much water with their meals; instead it is recommended that one must only drink a glass of water half an hour
before each meal. This in turn inculcates the healthy practice that can prevent acidity and heartburn, in fact aids in the well being of the digestive system; 4. Any raw food, like uncooked food, meat, and vegetables, is strictly not allowed for hernia patients. The other list of forbidden foods is bakery and packaged foods or the ones that come with preservatives like breads, cakes, cookies etc. 5. An added tip is to precise the fact that whatever food you are eating needs to be cooked properly before eating, by this we mean lightly cooked not overdone; 6. You can begin your day by having a glass of juice that is freshly squeezed from vegetables and fruits. Recommended fruits are carrots as it is loaded with calcium and vitamin A. These nutrients are known to help in the healing process. 7. Include whole grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruits as a part of your diet. 8. Finally, it is suggested that you go for a walk before sleep and after you take your dinner, especially if you've had a heavy meal. 9. Now let's check some herbal formulation as per Ayurveda that is known to have benefitting properties for Hernia. These are effective and devoid of side effects when taken along with proper consultations from an Ayurveda expert. Household Herbs like fennel seeds can be consumed as it is a known ayurvedic treatment for Hernia and majorly beneficial in improving your digestion. To treat Hernia ayurvedic herbs like fennel seeds, sheep sorrel, slippery elm, and walnuts can be taken. Mostly these herbs can be taken in the form of herbal teas and the others that are available in the form of supplements and capsules. Licorice root, the useful old herb on the Indian land, is excellent at neutralizing the acid formation in your digestive tract. Consult Shuddhi for any further queries for your medical condition and expert advice by Ayurveda expert Guru Manish.