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Amchara Health Retreats UK - Essential-Detox-Guide<br><br>Cleanse your body from the inside and supercharge your health<br>Take a minute to rate your health. Mark on a scale of 1-10 your energy, mental clarity, physical symptoms and emotional wellbeing.<br><br>https://www.amchara.com/<br><br>DETOXIFICATION, CLEANSING & FASTING, Amchara Health Retreats UK Essential Detox Guide, Amchara Health Retreats, UK Essential Detox Guide, mental clarity, physical symptoms, emotional wellbeing, Amchara Health, Amchara
YOUR ESSENTIAL DETOX GUIDE Cleanse your body from the inside and supercharge your health
Take a minute to rate your health. Mark on a scale of 1-10 your energy, mental clarity, physical symptoms and emotional wellbeing. If you are not feeling in top health then detox, cleansing or fasting may be perfect for you. Cleansing and detoxing your body is a vital step on obtaining optimal health. Detoxification is a process that occurs naturally in the body throughout the day. By supporting the body with nutrition and lifestyle alterations, such as a fasting, you can help to enhance these natural detoxification pathways and enable your body to get rid of toxins more efficiently. THIS HANDY ESSENTIAL DETOX GUIDE WILL EXPLAIN HOW YOU CAN MAKE EFFECTIVE CHANGES TO ENHANCE NATURAL DETOXIFICATION AND SUPERCHARGE YOUR HEALTH. THE GUIDE COVERS: Toxin exposure – sources of toxins that accumulate and cause havoc in the body Fasting to kick start cleansing – what it involves, why it has so many benefits and different methods Enhancing detox – positive steps to take alongside a change in diet to give maximum benefits Possible side effects of detox – effects of toxin release, common symptoms and why they occur Prepare and plan to cleanse – handy hints and practical tips on preparing to cleanse and which foods to include and which to minimise Top tips to stay on track – 8 easy steps to keep your toxins low and enhance long term cleansing
DETOXIFICATION, CLEANSING & FASTING Toxins are everywhere and some of them are unavoidable or certainly very hard to avoid. Air pollutants and pollution in our water is hard to completely avoid but some toxins we can avoid or certainly minimise. The toxins we can avoid fall mainly into 3 categories of what we eat, what we drink and what we put on our body in terms of personal care products. There are other toxins that can be found in carpets, furniture, paint but for most of us we do not come into contact with these products very often. DETOXIFICATION Detoxification is the natural process that the body is trying to do at all times naturally. The key organs of detoxification are the liver, kidneys and urinary tract, the skin, the lungs and lymphatic system. In a modern world our bodies can become overwhelmed with toxins and if we ‘put in’ more toxins than we can ‘get out’ then our bodies start to become overwhelmed. Physical signs we are toxic include being over-weight, having skin problems, feeling tired, moody or lethargic. We can make a choice to abstain from toxins and even enhance the detoxification process with some clever strategies so read on to learn more. CLEANSING Cleansing your body can be done in a number of ways. Once can be more or less aggressive in one’s approach. A gentler form of cleansing could involve eating only organic, plant-based foods maybe with a small amount of high quality, organic meat. More powerful or aggressive forms of cleansing can be fasting and there are lots of types of fasting that you can apply. Whatever your approach the key is longevity. FASTING Fasting is the choice to abstain from food for a period of time. There are many types of fasting that we explore. Fasting is a more powerful way to enhance and speed up your detox processes. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
THE KEY ORGANS OF DETOXIFICATION The Skin One of the largest organs in the body, it is estimated that it covers 20 square metres. The body uses the skin to eliminate wastes in sweat. Strong smelling sweat can indicate a high level of toxins. The Lymphatic System This is part of the circulatory system and has immune functions. There are many lymphatic vessels and glands throughout the body and they filter out unwanted wastes, toxins and foreign organisms like bacteria before returning them to the circulation to be eliminated by other organs. The Lungs The lungs are responsible not only for the intake of oxygen but also for exhaling the waste gas carbon dioxide. During times of irritation and infection the lungs may allow excretion of other wastes carried in the blood from the liver. The Digestive Tract Toxins and wastes are deposited in bile by the liver. Bile is stored in the gall bladder and is released into the intestines where it travels down the digestive tract to the colon. The colon is responsible for absorbing any useful compounds and water from the stool and the remainder is eliminated during a bowel movement. The Liver This is main detoxification organ and is responsible for the manufacture of several enzymes and detoxification pathways designed to breakdown and enhance elimination of toxins and wastes. Once blood flows through the liver and toxins and wastes have been dealt with they are sent for elimination through the bowel or the kidney. The Kidneys & Urinary Tract The kidneys contain many tiny structures that filter out wastes and toxins from blood and these are transported to the bladder ready for elimination. The kidneys are vital for elimination and if they are unable to filter out toxins effectively it can seriously affect health. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
TOXIN EXPOSURE Toxins are literally all around us. We breathe them in, we eat them, we slap them on our skin and we even make toxins during normal day to day bodily functions. Common sources of toxins include: Dioxins and mercury in certain types of fish BPA in canned foods and water bottles PAHs when grilling red meat at high temperatures (enough to form smoke) BHA and BHT in processed foods Sodium Nitrite/Nitrate in processed meats like ham and salami Pesticides and fertilisers FOOD Phthalates in nail polish, perfume, shampoo, soaps and deodorant Parabens in make-up, hair products, body washes and moisturisers Fluoride in toothpaste COSMETICS Heavy metals such as lead in old lead pipes, mercury in certain types of fish and dental amalgams, aluminium in cookware, cadmium from fertilisers and cigarettes Chlorine in swimming pools PCBs in tap water and soil which contaminates food ENVIRONMENT The more toxins you are exposed to the more your body accumulates these, this increases the workload of your liver and other organs that are involved in excretion. The effect of toxins can vary and can range from skin rashes and headaches to disruption of hormones and many have been shown to increase the risk of cancer1. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
FASTING TO KICK START CLEANSING One of the ways detoxification can be enhanced is through fasting, a fast is essentially a period of time where food is restricted. More and more scientific research is showing fasting has significant health benefits. Fasting has been shown to: Improve blood sugar balance and response to insulin Encourage mobilising and burning of fat from stores in the body - leading to weight loss Control appetite Balance the natural good bacteria in the gut Allow the gut to cleanse and strengthen gut lining Stimulate a process called autophagy which is where cells self-cleanse and remove damaged and dangerous particles which means the body can get to work repairing any cell damage Reduce inflammation Benefit heart health by reducing blood pressure, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Levels of the healthy HDL cholesterol also improve Improve memory and learning capacity Help to protect nerve cells Improve mood Reduce anxiety Increase ability to deal with stress Give better mental clarity Increase alertness2, 3 What happens to toxins during a fast? During a fast the body begins to break down fat cells and use them for energy, toxins are stored within fat cells and so they are released. In addition to this the process of autophagy is stimulated, this is a self-cleansing for cells and also allows for toxins to be dealt with. There is a clear link between fasting and enhanced detoxification and it may explain why people who fast regularly have better overall health, maintain a healthy body weight and age better. Adopting fasting in order to detox is going to increase the release of toxins, which is what you want, however if you have a heavy toxic burden, or have never detoxed before, you may need to take it at a slower pace. The type of fast will dictate how quickly toxins may be released, before embarking upon your new fasting journey it is important to ensure you choose the right type for your situation. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
WHICH TYPE OF FAST IS BEST? There are many types, and these range from a water only fast through to intermittent fasting where foods are eaten in a specific time frame. Fasting isn’t always suitable for everyone and should not be done by children, teenagers, pregnant and breastfeeding women and people who are underweight or have an eating disorder. If you have a medical condition such as diabetes, or are on medication for a condition, like blood pressure medication, or if you are under chronic stress we would recommend additional supervision and support. Water fasting is the hardest of all and involves only water and no food for a period of 24 hours to several days. This one is not recommended unless you are under supervision or are an experienced faster. Alternate day fasting is where food is eaten one day, and the following day is a water fast and so on. Intermitent fasting these are fasts completed in a particular pattern, such as an alternate day fast or a 2 day fast. Other types of intermittent fasts include time restricted fasts. Time restricted fast also called time restricted eating (TRE) allow for a period during the day without food, typically somewhere between 12 to 16 hours and food is eaten in the remaining hours, much like the 16:8 fast. These kinds of fasts can be easier to incorporate into your daily lifestyle and can be useful in the long term alongside other methods of cleansing, such as periodic juice cleanses, to give long term benefits. JUICING TO ENHANCE CLEANSING AND DETOX Juice Cleansing supports the body with fresh, nutrient rich and balanced juices throughout the day which give the liver that extra support it needs. A juice cleanse can last between 2 to 5 days and can be useful if you have a juicer at home, have no medical conditions, do not use any medication and if you have completed a detox before. Light fruit and vegetable cleanse is a mixture of juices, smoothies and soups. It is all liquid which allows for better digestion and absorption but does include some fibre. This form of cleansing can be useful if more fibre is required to support bowel health or if you are under a lot of stress or suffer with fatigue. As with a full juice cleanse, this one can last for 2-5 days. A combination of approaches to start with can be less daunting, a full juice cleanse can be done at a retreat whereby full support from qualified and experienced practitioners can guide you on the most appropriate detox for your individual situation. The added advantage is that other supportive therapies and practices are also available, further enhancing the detox. To find out which fast is best for you book in for a complimentary consultation: www.amchara360.com/complimentary-consultation WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
ENHANCING DETOX The body eliminates toxins through the skin, lymphatic system, bowel, urine and in breath. TO ENHANCE ELIMINATION AND SUPPORT YOUR DETOX: COLONIC IRRIGATION IRRIGATION COFFEE ENEMA WATER HOT SAUNA Helps by cleansing the bowel and can dislodge wastes on the gut lining and Helps by cleansing the bowel and can dislodge wastes on the gut lining and speed up the elimination of toxins. toxins. This is the main component in our blood and cells and a good intake is vital when detoxing, it flushes toxins out through the kidneys in urine and prevents toxins being reabsorbed in the bowel. Similar to colonic irrigation, a specific type of coffee is used to speed up bowel movements and therefore elimination. It also stimulates liver function so can support important detox pathways. This encourages toxins to be excreted in sweat. Be careful not to dehydrate and drink extra water if you are using a sauna. sauna. and therefore elimination. It also stimulates liver function so can support important detox pathways. detox pathways. INFRARED SAUNA TONGUE SCRAPING MANUAL LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE DRAINAGE This type of sauna uses an infrared radiant heater which reaches deeper into the tissues than heat from a traditional sauna. This results in more toxins being released and excreted via sweat. Another advantage of far infrared saunas is that less external heat is generated making them easier to tolerate. SKIN BRUSHING BRUSHING MASSAGE MASSAGE During a detox impurities may build up on the tongue and it may become coated in impurities, bacteria and yeasts Using a tongue scraper in the morning, and as and when needed, can remove the coating. An experienced practitioner can perform gentle, rhythmic movements on the skin in order to kick-start lymphatic flow and drainage. A full body massage, like manual lymphatic drainage, can be useful during a detox. It enhances blood flow and circulation and is most useful on day 2 or 3 of the detox. This can be helpful alongside colonic irrigation. practitioner can Using a long- handled brush with natural bristles the skin is brushed in a circular motion from the tips of fingers or toes towards the heart. This helps the lymphatic system to flow and to move toxins for excretion. manual lymphatic drainage, can be sauna. This results handled brush with natural bristles the skin is brushed in a being released and excreted via sweat. Another advantage detox. It enhances the skin in order circulation and is most useful on day 2 or 3 of the detox. This can be helpful alongside colonic saunas is that less towards the heart. lymphatic system to generated making WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS OF A DETOX As toxins are released there may be some possible side effects. These will vary from person to person and depends on toxicity levels and the method of detox – a gentler detox may give fewer symptoms and they may be more common in first time detoxers. In a way the symptoms are a good thing, they show that the detox is working. Many people liken detox symptoms to having a hangover. WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN? Headache – particularly if you have been reliant on caffeinated drinks or sugar prior to the detox or if you do not drink enough water. Fatigue – partly due to a reduction in calories, a change in fuel source for cells and also because you are asking the body to work harder to eliminate toxins. Nausea – as circulating toxins rise. Skin spots, oily skin, irritations and boils – a sign that the body is eliminating wastes through the skin. Bowel disruption such as gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhoea – this can be due to changes in the types of foods eaten, alterations to the natural balance of bacteria and is an indication that toxins are being moved along for excretion. Mood swings and irritability – it is not just physical signs that occur and removing processed foods that stimulate feel good neurotransmitters can mean that there is a temporary imbalance leading to a change in feelings or emotional state. Old feelings or past trauma may surface, and you may feel like crying. Cravings – the body can become reliant on processed foods, sugar and caffeine and when these are removed cravings occur. The cravings can be very powerful and are often the reason why detoxes are abandoned. The cravings do subside as you progress further into the detox. Cold or flu-like symptoms – when you have a virus the body calls on the immune system to evict it, part of this process involves inflammation. The release of toxins has the same effect and is why you may feel like you are coming down with something when you start a detox. Body odour, smelly sweat and bad breath – all signs the body is eliminating wastes. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
FIRST RULE OF FASTING BE PREPARED! Having the correct support around you whilst you are detoxing is vital for a successful detox. Support can come in 4 main forms Environment If you are planning on doing a detox at home then your environment needs to be organised as possible to support you. A quiet, conducive supportive environment where doing your fast is prioritised. If you were organising a party at home who well would you have your home organised? The same goes for your detox, ensure your home environment is planned to support you. Resources Make sure you have all of your pre-bought juices or ingredients to make your juices and your juicer prepared as well as your supplements, enema kits and anything else you have in mind. Mental Resource Sometimes a detox can be tough particularly if it’s a relatively new adventure for you. You may get detox side-effects or you may have an overwhelming desire to stop fasting and give in to a food craving. For any of these possible outcomes and more it’s important to plan your mental state and resource. One great tool is HeartMath which is an app to enable mindfulness. Mindfulness generally is to be applauded. Applying some meditative principles during your fast not only helps you through but will also create a level of depth and enjoyment to your fast and it will encourage you to do them more often, External Support Book a massage or two, go for yoga, have a supportive friend on stand-by or finally you can employ a practitioner professional to remotely support you with your detox at home. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
GENERAL FOOD TIPS Try to opt for organic produce - it’s GM free with no artificial fertilisers. Only 4 pesticides can be used in organic farming. Organic foods tend to be lower in hormones and antibiotic residues and therefore organic food contributes less toxins. Orientate your food to contain lots of plant-based foods, particularly vegetables, seeds and nuts. Fruits are normally good too though often they contain high levels of fructose and some people find they react to them. Typically blueberries and other berries can be excellent fruits. Try to minimise grain and dairy, most people’s physiology will benefit from a a more Palaeolithic diet. Lots of plant-based foods with a modicum of organic or wild meat. For most people grains can be quite hard to digest and dairy products can be mucus forming in our systems particularly milk and cheese. Oily fish are fabulous for most of us so try and get a portion or two a week of sardines or mackerel. If you are a meat eater then organic meat and preferably wild meat such as venison, pheasant and other game meat tends to be the healthiest meat option. Honour your food choices, if sometimes you want a sweet item or bread or dairy then permit yourself but permit yourself mindfully with no guilt or shame just a positive choice to enjoy something. We are surrounded by things we can eat or drink that can taste stimulating and can be socially enjoyable too such as alcohol. Allowing yourself permission is vital for long-term change for good. DID YOU KNOW? Different foods have different impact on different people. Our DNA and genetic profile might mean that some foods are more or less impactful on you along with some specific health supplements. Click today to find out more: www.amchara360.com WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD
HOW WE CAN SUPPORT YOU 360 HEALTH PROGRAMME: Our 360 Health programme is designed to support you to long-term, optimal health. We aim to empower you to increase your longevity and quality of life, reduce the risk of chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s and also to reduce your risk of heart attacks. To achieve this, we focus on 3 areas vital for your health: your hormone health, your genetics and your digestive tract. Book in a complimentary consultation to see if this is the right option for you: www.amchara360.com/complimentary-consultation RESIDENTIAL HEALTH RETREATS: Your Amchara retreat experience will be designed with your personal health needs and goals in mind. You will be immersed in a supportive and nurturing environment that enables you to switch off, relax and kickstart your health journey. To learn more about your retreat experience, fill out an enquiry form on our website and a member of the team will be in touch. www.amchara.com/enquiries DETOX AT HOME PACKAGE: We have a number of ways we can remotely support you with expert advice, tailored supplements and personal 1-2-1 coaching. Email change@amchara.com to find out more. CONTACT AMCHARA HEALTH: T: 01823 213 111 E: change@amchara.com W: amchara.com/enquiries STUNNING VENUES EDUCATIONAL TALKS JUICES & SUPPLEMENTS facebook.com/AmcharaHealth twitter.com/amcharahealth instagram.com/amcharahealth ADVANCED TESTING TAILORED NUTRITION RELAX & RECHARGE This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. REFERENCES 1. Schug, T. T., Janesick, A., Blumberg, B., & Heindel, J. J. (2011). Endocrine disrupting chemicals and disease susceptibility. The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology, 127(3-5), 204-215. 2. Mattson, M. P., Longo, V. D., & Harvie, M. (2017). Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes. Ageing research reviews, 39, 46-58. 3. Harvie, M. N., Pegington, M., Mattson, M. P., Frystyk, J., Dillon, B., Evans, G., ... & Son, T. G. (2011). The effects of intermittent or continuous energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic disease risk markers: a randomized trial in young overweight women. International journal of obesity, 35(5), 714. WWW.AMCHARA.COM CHANGE FOR GOOD