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ENG 2225

ENG 2225. Middeljans (Mamet, Oleanna ). Oxford English Dictionary Online. Guides to research. Dictionaries of literary terms. Encyclopedias of literary theory. Concordances. ( su:concordances OR ti:concordance ). Dictionaries and encyclopedias. Dictionaries and encyclopedias.

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ENG 2225

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ENG 2225 Middeljans (Mamet, Oleanna)

  2. Oxford English Dictionary Online

  3. Guides to research

  4. Dictionaries of literary terms

  5. Encyclopedias of literary theory

  6. Concordances (su:concordances OR ti:concordance)

  7. Dictionaries and encyclopedias

  8. Dictionaries and encyclopedias (su:dictionaries OR ti:dictionary) (su:encyclopedias OR ti:encyclop?dia)

  9. Anthologies of criticism edited su:mamet

  10. Recent trends in scholarship

  11. Bibliographies (Non-serial) (su:bibliography OR ti:bibliogra*)

  12. Bibliographies (Serial)

  13. BOOKS AND MORE: WorldCat (InterLibrary Loan (ILL)) Public libraries (SPL, KCLS, etc.) PSAIL (NWU, PLU) OCA (Summit borrowing, adopted borrowing) SPU USE THE CATALOG


  15. The structure of a record

  16. Catalog (Advanced Search)

  17. Catalog (Expert Search)

  18. Securing books (Catalog)

  19. BREAK

  20. Periodical index (MLAIB)

  21. Periodical index (ABELL)

  22. Periodical Index (ABELL)

  23. Periodical index (ABELL)

  24. ABELL, but not the MLAIB!

  25. Periodical index (IBTD)

  26. Periodical index (IBTD)

  27. Periodical index (IBTD)

  28. IBTD, but not the MLAIB!

  29. Periodical index (IBTD)

  30. IBTD, but not the MLAIB!

  31. Securing articles (MLAIB)

  32. Catalog, but not the MLAIB!

  33. Catalog, but not the MLAIB!

  34. There’s more • Tables of contents • Indices • “Links”

  35. Discussion: Broadening your search

  36. Search structure (synonym OR synonym OR synonym OR synonym . . .) AND (synonym OR synonym OR synonym OR synonym . . .) AND (synonym OR synonym OR synonym OR synonym . . .) AND (synonym OR synonym OR synonym OR synonym . . .) • Field codes • Phrases • Wildcards • Truncation • Clustering

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