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CAROLYN A. MILLER HIGH SCHOOL. Carolyn A. Miller High School. Monrovia, Liberia. Construction Project US$250,000. Engineering and Architectural Design by: Smartz-pro Engineering and management consultant firm based in the United States and Liberia
CAROLYN A. MILLER HIGH SCHOOL Carolyn A. Miller High School Monrovia, Liberia Construction Project US$250,000 Engineering and Architectural Design by: • Smartz-pro Engineering and management consultant firm • based in the United States and Liberia Joseph Morris Kalapele : Project conception and Engineering Design Abraham Bah, Professional Engineer: Structural Analysis and Engineering Code Verification www.smartzpro.com
Executive Summary Following the tragic shooting incident at Sandy Hook Elementary school in New Town, Connecticut-USA, 20 Liberian elementary students visited the U.S embassy in December 2012 to pay a special tribute to the 20 elementary school children who were brutally killed. They presented 20 roses and 20 sympathy cards to the U.S Ambassador in Monrovia. Each student read out the name of one victim in a very quiet hall filled with journalists, as the ambassador and other embassy staff watched emotionally. Teachers, students and friends of this school come from the Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana. The life experience and struggle in the camp has become a common heritage that bonds the students, teachers, parents and friends alike. A review of this incredible refugee journey and the discovery of a completely dilapidated school serving as home to these wonderful children along with their faithful teachers prompted the conception of this project.
Background During the brutal civil war in Liberia that began in 1989, many people fled to neighboring countries to survive. The Buduburam refugee camp in Ghana became home to many refugees. The alarming shortages of food, materials and services in camps promoted innovation among refugees. Karrus Hayes headed a team of volunteers who focus on running a food kitchen for children. The food kitchen soon grew into an elementary school. The commitment from volunteers attracted support from friends around the world. Karen King, a 5th grade teacher from New Town, in Connecticut, USA, was helpful in raising money to repatriate families of this refugee school community back to Liberia. They settled in the capital Monrovia and re-established the school that has become a valuable symbol of their 10 years struggle in exile. The absence of support from the United Nations or the Liberian government has increased pressure and financial burden on the few faithful friends who continued to support the school from abroad.
Problematic The rising financial burden to cover salaries, rent and basic school supplies has been a serious challenge to both teachers and sponsors abroad. Another concern is the unsanitary and dilapidated nature of the current school building in Monrovia. Objective The objective of this construction project is to provide a modern school building for students and staff with adequate facilities that attracts students for revenue generation to promote sustainability and keep the community vibrant.
Strategy The school has been designed to accommodate at least 500 students. 30% or 150 students will be given scholarship to cover tuition while 70% or 350 students will pay regular tuition per semester. This tuition will be determined based on average tuition cost for most schools in the Monrovia school district. This revenue over time is expected to cover staff salaries, running cost and maintenance fees for the upkeep of the school. With a relative affordable or low tuition cost, the school is expected to maintain its enrollment each year to generate the required revenue to meet all its needs to maintain sustainability. This will promote a vibrant community through job creation and competitive salary for staff. More importantly, it will make quality education accessible and affordable to many children in this post war country.
Revenues • The average tuition in Monrovia according to the school manager is between $10 to $1,350 for grade 1 to 12. Students pay separate fees for registration. • To promote affordability and equal access to education, 150 students will get tuition waiver through scholarships base on income and poverty level. However, these students will pay the regular registration fees of $5.00 for semester. • 350 students (70%) will pay an average yearly tuition of $200 ($100 per semester) plus $5 registration fees totaling $36,750 for each semester. • 150 students will get tuition waiver based on income level. These 150 students will pay $5.00 for registration each semester totaling $750 • The expected total revenue per semester will be US$ 37,500
Expenditures Current Reality • The average ratio of students to teachers in the country ranges from 40 to 50 for 1 teacher. • The salary range of teachers is from $55 to $300 per month. The salary of genitors ranges from $50 to $100 per month and Security makes between $50 to $150 monthly. • There is no electricity currently in the country. Maintenance fees and running cost for the generator for the entire school must be considered. • Instructional materials are in shortages in schools around the country. Allocating budget for materials will not only make the school marketable but help teachers to be productive and efficient. • Testing materials will be included separately to ensure the credibility of test scores • Taxes- Generally, school and churches pay little or no taxes to government. For conservative purposes, 10% of revenue will beset aside for taxes and other unforeseen obligations to government . • Risk- With uncertainty that comes as a price for over 2 decades of civil war, a risk factor is determined considering the highest risk-free rate or baseline risk factor of 3%. A risk factor above 3 % will covered the project. Projection for 1 semester (4months) • With 500 students, a total of 15 teachers will be recruited, plus 1 Physical Education teacher and 1 Music teacher. Considering an average monthly salary of $200, a semester of 4 months will cost $13,600. 1 school principal at $500 and 2 assistants at $150 per month will cost additional $3,200. The total projected salary is US$16,800.00. • 2 Security officers for day and night shifts at $100 equals $800. • 2 genitors at $50 equals $400 • General supplies at $500 monthly brings a total to $2,000. Another $1,200 will be set aside for testing, bringing general supplies total to $3,200 per semester. • General Maintenance and running cost of the generator is $200 and $500 respectively for every month. • Taxes: 10% of our total revenue or $3,750 has been set aside from our generated profit. • Risk- Using 3% as the highest risk-free or baseline risk factor, we will increase the risk factor by 100% for conservative purpose. Our risk factor for this project is set at 6% or $2,250.
Net Profit Projection per Semester • After such a great work with being very conservative with all figures, a projection of profit over a period of 10 semesters or 5 years is shown on the graph. • At approximately 5th semester, the school will have generated a profit equivalent to the running cost of the school. • This projection is taking into account little or no considerable rate of depreciation with in the first 5 years of using the building. Maintenance cost will cover minor renovations. • If taxes and risk factor are overcome, the profit for that period will increase in favor of the project. • All factors have been considered to ensure that the project succeed under the most challenging conditions.
Project Rationale General • With high level of corruption in the country, teachers are the least paid and students get poor quality education. Many students begin bribing teachers for grades as early as 2nd grade. The success of this project will provide competitive salaries for staff and promote accountability, there by reducing chances for corruption. The project has been designed to give 150 students below poverty a chance to free education, and also make tuition affordable for 350 students at a relative lowest tuition in the district. • The teachers of this school are like no other. Their commitment since the school creation in exile has been outstanding. Providing a competitive salary at this point will ensure a stable life for their families. This project rewards their long time service to citizens as volunteers. Their unwavering spirit to see this school succeed will be a great asset for any administration to uphold ethics and achieve quality for the students who are the future leaders of this war ravaged country. • The school building, systems and quality education will attract students regularly to pay tuition and fees for the sustainability of the school revenue. Specific Outcomes • Affordable education • Clean and sanitary environment • Safe and secured school environment • Job creation • Competitive salary • Reward for the army of volunteer teachers who have been teaching on mega wages for over 10 years. • Sustainable and vibrant school and community
Project Management His Vision • The Carolyn A. Miller School was established with the aim of providing free and quality education to the vulnerable, the unaccompanied, the War affected and the unfortunate refugee kids and to help take them from the street to give them education that will brighten their future. • Karrus Hayes is founder and Executive Director of Carolyn A. Miller school. His dedication and success under striving conditions while in exile, has attracted many international media including Global Post, CNN and NBC News. In 2007 the school documentary won UNICEF international AWARD in Japan. In addition to these success stories, Karrus Hayes recently graduated with a Bachelor degree in Business Management and Sociology from the Cuttington University in Liberia. The top private university in the country. • Karrus Hayes’ genuine commitment to see his dream of educating and changing Liberian society is an asset that will propel this project to success. • He created the school in the refugee camp with a $50 loan and generated over $10,000 to construct 9 classrooms, library, computer lab, 6 latrines and 3 offices while in exile as a refugee. • In Liberia, he reestablished the school and has been able to maintain success stories including the graduation of students who successfully passed the standardized West African Examinations. • The hard work and dedication of Karrus Hayes to the Carolyn A. Miller School has been outstanding. Giving him this final opportunity to run a modern school in the city where he grew up struggling and selling on the streets to survive, will reward Liberia with one of the best and successful model school. • This project is the final step to provide a life time opportunity for many young Liberians, and to restore the services and donations from friends around the world as an important part of Liberia’s history and future. What began in exile will become a model that will transform education systems in the country forever. Karrus Hayes Founder and CEO, Carolyn A. Miller School
Construction specifics. • Land- Two (2) acres of land will be purchased at $20,000 for the new school site. The current project sits on approximately 20,000 Sq.ft which is less than one half of 1 acre. The other half plus the remaining one acre will be used for outdoor sporting activities and future expansion to satisfy growing need. • Design – The design first take into consideration land scarcity. Making one story safe approximately 8,000sq ft. of land and give the school a modern architectural look. The design employed all necessary techniques of a green building. The long hallways, windows and building orientation will promote less energy usage and maximize natural daylight and ventilation for classrooms, offices library and computer lab. The building runs along the East-West axis to minimize the walls in direct contact with the sun. The walls of the restrooms will absorb majority of the heat. • Ramp- 2 Handicap ramps are placed at opposite end on the building. With many young handicaps created by the civil war, the school will provide equal access for all. • Library- The Library and computer lab are located on the East wing. These rooms are often busy after regular school hours at which time the sun will give way to the natural cooling breeze. • Restrooms: The restrooms have been designed to adequately provide service to over 500 students and more than 40 staff. The design and quantity per person strictly adhere to international standard. • Assembly Hall- The 2 classrooms on the West wing are divided temporarily. The divider will be remove to allow assemblies. An assembly hall is also projected in the extension phase of the project.
Carolyn A. Miller High School • 14 Classrooms • 500 students. • Student Center • Cafeteria • Library • Computer Lab • 28 restrooms for students • 12 staff restrooms • Main Office Welcome Center with high ceiling • Principal office • Handicap Ramp • Mini Assembly Hall
Carolyn A. Miller High School Total Cost : US$ 250,000
Carolyn E. Miller High School Right Side and Back View of the building
Carolyn A. Miller High School Main Office is located in the front lobby. It is a welcome center design to give parents students and visitors a warmth welcome as they enter the school. The Ceiling has been raised to provide cool environment under the hot sun. Glass windows will provide adequate lighting and ventilation. Principal Office: is located immediately overseeing the lobby. A space has been allocated in front of the principal’s office as a waiting room for visitors.
Welcome Center of Main Office The main office or welcome center will provide space and comfort for visitors and parents. They will be directed to the lower or upper section of the school.
Carolyn A. Miller High School Computer Lab Library
Computer Lab 1,000 Sq. ft Computer lab that accommodates 40 computers
Library 1,000 Sq. ft Library that accommodates 40 students
Carolyn E. Miller High School Kitchen and Cafeteria The design allow students to sit around the kitchen and take order through an opening. Student s can also choose to sit in the hallway or socialize in the terrace that leads to the student center. The sale of food will be restricted to this cafeteria in order to control scattered trash around the school compound. Kitchen
Student Center 1,548 Sq. ft Space available in front of the cafeteria, directly under the principal’s office and facing the main office. Student center with games and living space to promote social skills and develop student leadership. The center connects to the ground floor hallway and the cafeteria Terrace.
Restrooms Students-Girls Students-Boys Storage Staff-Female Staff-Male 14 restrooms for students and 6 restrooms for staff available on each floor. A total of 40 rest rooms for the entire project. These are universal codes.
Carolyn E. Miller High School Top View
Carolyn A. Miller High School Front View
The Engineers • Abraham Bah and Joseph Morris Kalapele are co-founders of Smartzpro Engineering and Construction Management firm. They are both products of an intensive and rigorous civil engineering program at one of Africa’s oldest University, the University of Conakry in Guinea, West Africa. As English speaking refugees in a former French colony, both men worked very hard with support from the United Nations scholarship to complete 5 years of Civil Engineering program. After completion in 2000, they chose to return to refugee camps, building refugee schools and developing Guinean infrastructures. • In 2012, Abraham received engineering highest license of P.E (Professional Engineer) after working with GAI consultants in Florida, USA for over 7 years. He has completed several structural designs and currently serves as a senior inspector for road network and major Bridge construction. By the end of 2013, Abraham will complete his masters degree in civil engineering with concentration in project design at the University of Florida. By 2013, his colleague, JoeMorris Kalapele will complete his masters Degree in Civil Engineering Technology with concentration in sustainable buildings and Environmental Engineering. • The technical experience from the work in Guinea, West Africa, has prepared these 2 young executives to understand the challenges facing construction projects in West Africa. In addition, the knowledge in modern Engineering technology acquired abroad, and the priceless ethics endorsement that Mr. Bah enjoys as a P.E while working in the United States, will steer Smartz Pro to providing quality ,reliable and affordable services using smart engineering of the future. • Joe and Abraham are currently presidents of the Liberian Community in Connecticut and Florida respectively. Like Karrus, both men were once refugees, and have received outstanding recognition from many quarters including the President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for their integrity and dedication to the development of Liberia. • Joe was inspired by the commitment and dedication of Karen King to New Sight Eye Center in Liberia. When he was asked by Karen to visit the school and work with the staff to develop plans that will make the school sustainable, he saw an opportunity to acknowledge Karen’s Support to his native country. • Smartzpro has provided technical support and develop this project at no cost. Sanrtzpro will be available for future consultation to ensure that the construction project meets the standard and specifications . Joseph Morris Kalapele COO, Smartzpro Engineering Abraham Bah, P.E CEO, Smartzpro Engineering Abraham Bah and President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf The President of Liberia H.E Ellen Johnson Sirleaf congratulated Joseph Morris Kalapele along with other important U.S philanthropic and Medical Doctors who are providing sustainable help for the country. He’s promoting LCAC scholarship for 20 students at the University of Liberia.
Friends of Carolyn A. Miller School • KpazawalaBallayan foundation, USA • Ten Days Mission which comprised of (22) American volunteers led by Ms. Cori Stern • Unite for sight • Karen King • Late Mary Ann Snieckus • And many more….
Ms. Carolyn A. Miller • Ms. Carolyn A. Miller an American, who lived in Liberia for over 24 years and sponsored so many Liberian kids including Mr. Karrus Hayes. • Her work and dedication helped many Liberian Children to dream of a fair chance to education.
Conclusion The children never stop hoping • This project will make great impact on the lives of students, teachers and the community. • The work and contributions of dedicated sponsors over the years will be restored as a pride image of Liberia’s future. • The country will see a model school that promotes transparency, accountability and leadership. • Affordable education • Clean and sanitary environment • Safe and secured school environment • Job creation • Competitive salary • Reward for the army of volunteer teachers who have been teaching on mega wages for over 10 years. • Sustainable and vibrant school and community