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TIPTOP ERP Training. Repetitive Production Actual Cost Accounting. 1. Training Agenda. Cost Accounting Module Architecture. Cost Accounting Module Feature. Cost Accounting Module Process Flow Chart A. Basic Data Setting Flow Chart
TIPTOP ERP Training Repetitive Production Actual Cost Accounting 1
Training Agenda • Cost Accounting Module Architecture • Cost Accounting Module Feature • Cost Accounting Module Process Flow Chart • A. Basic Data Setting Flow Chart • B. Direct Labor and Overhead Cost Collection Setting Flow Chart • C. Cost Accounting Opening Flow Chart • D. Direct Labor and Overhead Cost Collection Flow Chart • E. Cost Accounting Calculation Flow Chart 2
Cost Accounting Related ERP Module Inventory Module Production Module BOM Module Cost Accounting Module Sales Module Purchasing Module A/P Module G/L Module A/R Module 3
Cost Accounting Module Basic Architecture (1) Actual Cost (2) Periodic Average Cost (3) Work in Process Calculation (1) Direct Material + (2) Direct Labor + (3) Production Overhead 4
A B C Production Cost Calculation Logic Month End WIP Remaining% ActualCost Input AF/G Issue(Rework) F/G A WIP Summary Calculate [Allocate/ Stock-in] (1)Raw Mat. Issue (B / C) (2)Labor (3)Production OverHead F/G A Stock-in 5
A/P Raw Material@ Labor@ Overhead@ Finish Work Stock-in Average Unit Cost Month End Inventory Cost Misc Stock-in Input Sales Cost (Sales Return) Production RawMaterial Issue Adjustment (Physical Counting) MISC Issue Inventory(Production/Material) Cost Calculation Logic PurchaseStock-in(Return) Production Stock-in Misc Stock-in Beginning Inventory 6
A (F/G) B C (Mat.) (Mat.) ProductionCost Calculation Logic Mat Cost(B,C) Beginning WIP Cost Month End WIP Cost (According Actual Mat. Issue) WIP Output(A) (Production Stock in) (According Production Qty) (According Production Qty) Direct Labor Cost Production Overhead Cost 7
Cost Document Type Setting Inventory-Costing Classification(axci010) • 1.Stock in-Purchase stock in/return, Production Stock-in,MISC Stock in • 2.Sales-Sales (D/N)/Sales Return • 3.Issue-Production Issue/Return, • MISC Issue • 4.Transfer-W/H Transfer • 5.Adjustment-Physical Counting 8
Cost Level Code (in Item Master) F/G[ 0 ] Roll Up Calculation from 99Level(Raw Mat.) Semi-F/G[ 1 ] Semi-F/G[ 1 ]….. 9 Raw Material[99]
Cost Factor Analysis Production Cost D/L O/H Electricity Bill Salary Overtime Bonus Depreciation Rent 10
Cost Collection and Allocation Cost Collection Cost Center A Overhead Cost Center B Cost Center C Allocation Method By Production Qty*Coefficient =Monthly Actual Stock in Qty* Coefficient 11
Cost Collection & Allocation Product1 Product2 Product3 Product4 Product Cost Product Cost Allocation Cost Collection Pool Cost Collection Pool1 Cost Collection Pool2 Cost Collection Pool3 Cost Aggregate Cost Center1 Cost Center2 Cost Center3 Cost Center4 Cost Center5 Cost Center6 Cost Collection Unit Cost Collection G/L CoA of Labor& Expense Chart of Account1 Chart of Account2 Chart of Account3 Chart of Account4 Chart of Account5 12
Production Finish Work Percentage[Remaining WIP Setting] Raw Mat. Input $3000 Labor Input $2000 Overhead Input $1000 Labor F/W %=40% Overhead F/W% =50% Finish Work Stock in 600 Ton WIP 400Ton Stock in Cost =>Mat=3000*(600/1000) D/L =2000*(600/760) O/H=1000*(600/800) WIP Cost =>Mat.=3000*(400/1000) D/L =2000*(160/760) O/H =1000*(200/800) 13
Production Cost Movement Mart/Labor/Overhead Amt 1000 Mart/Labor/Overhead Amt 1200 Mart/Labor/Overhead Amt 600 Quarry Stock-in Qty 100 Amt 1000 @ 10 Movement Qty 80 Amt 800 Raw Mill Stock-in Qty 100 Amt 2000 @ 20 Movement Qty 90 Amt 1800 Kiln Stock-in Qty 80 Amt 2400 @ 30 Mart/Labor/Overhead Amt 1400 Mart/Labor/Overhead Amt 700 Movement Qty 60 Amt 1800 Cement Mill Stock-in Qty 80 Amt 3200 @ 40 Movement Qty 70 Amt 2800 Packing Stock-in Qty 70 Amt 3500 @ 50 14
Cost Accounting Calculation Manufacture System Monthly Closing Parameter of Costing Accounting (axcs010) Cost Article (axci030) Calculate Low Level Code (abmp603) Allocation of Cost Articles for Cost Center (axci040) Cost Accounting Document Type (axci010) EoM Labor Hour Statistics & Allocation – Product (axcp312) Calculate Cost Level (axcp270) Allocation Coefficient of Cost Articles (axci050) Name of Cost Level (axci020) Monthly Labor/Overhead (axct310) Maintain Cost Level (axcp012) Cost Articles By Product Type (axci060) Opening Balance of Inventory Cost (axct001) MISC Transaction Unit Price Entry (axct500) Cross-Checking before Costing (axcr360) Stock-in Cost Adjustment (axct002) Inventory & WIP Costing (axcp500) Opening Balance of WIP Cost - Item (axci402) Transfer Unit Price (axct501) WIP Product Cost Adjustment (axct402) Cross-Checking after Costing (axcr370) Unit Price in Borrowing Note for the Trade (axct305) Cost Accounting Report & Query 15
System Parameter Setting asms120 Doc Costing Type axci010 Name of Cost Level - axci020 Calculate Cost Level - axcp270 Maintain Cost Level -axcp012 Cost Accounting Parameter (axcs010) Basic Data Setting Flow Chart 16
Direct Labor and Overhead Cost Collection Setting Flow Chart Cost Article axci030 Allocation of Cost Articles for Cost Center axci040 Allocation Coefficient of Cost Articles axci050 Cost Articles By Product Type axci060 17
Cost Accounting Opening Flow Chart Opening Balance of Inventory Cost axct001 Opening Balance of WIP Cost - Item axci402 Opening Balance of Inventory Cost Difference Report axcr030 Cost Opening Balance & Stock Comparisonaxcr190 18
Cost Accounting Opening 1.Inventory Cost[7/1 ERP Go Live] [a.Inventroy Cost Opening] MISC Stock-in[aimt302 / aimt312] **Entry Date 6/30 Inventory Opening Done 1.Cost Accounting Closing [asms112] Closing Date:6/30 2.Monthly Inventory Calculation[aimp620] Calculation Duration:6/1~6/30 Inventory Monthly Closing Inventory Monthly Report (Checking) Inventory Monthly Report[aimr610] Calculation Duration:6/1~6/30 19
[b.Cost Accounting Inventory Opening] Cost Accounting Inventory Opening[axct001] **Month:June Cost Accounting Inventory Opening Entry Inventory Qty Checking With Cost Accounting Inventory Qty Checking With Cost Accounting[axcr190] Checking with Legacy System (Qty/Amt) New ERP System Cost Accounting Inventory Qty/Amt Checking With Legacy system [axcr190] 20
Direct Labor and Overhead Cost Collection Flow Chart G/L Labor/Overhead Voucher Posting EoM Labor Hour Statistics & Allocation - Product (axcp312) Monthly Labor/Overhead (axct310) 21
Cost Accounting Calculation Flow Chart (Part I) Monthly Closing Accumulate Transactions in Locations of Items per Period aimp620 Calculate Low Level Code abmp603 Calculate Cost Level axcp270 22
Cost Accounting Calculation Flow Chart (Part II) Unit Price in Borrowing Note for the Trade axct305 Transfer Unit Price axct501 MISC Transaction Unit Price axct500 Product Completion Percentage axct080 23
Cost Accounting Calculation Flow Chart (Part III) Cross-Checking before Costing axcr360 Inventory & WIP Costing axcp500 Inventory Cost axct100 Master Item WIP Cost axct400 Component WIP Cost axct410 Report Checking 24
Q & A 25