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Pick Your Side !. Debate. Pick Your Side !. Set-Up. Instructions. Debate. Questions. For or against ?. Interdit?. For or against ?. A teenager found guilty of a crime should always go to prison. What the law says ….
PickYourSide! Debate
Pick Your Side! Set-Up Instructions Debate Questions
For or against? Interdit?
For or against? A teenager foundguilty of a crime shouldalways go to prison.
What the lawsays… The legal system treats teenagers differentlyfromadults. Teenagers don’tautomatically go before a judge and they are rarely sent to prison.
For or against? It shouldbe possible to give the death penalty to teenagers guilty of veryserious crimes.
What the lawsays… The death penalty wasabolished in 1976 in Canada and ithadn’t been usedsince 1962. Before 1976, a teenager couldbegiventhe death penalty.
For or against? It shouldbelessserious to threatensomeone on the Internet than to threatensomeone in person.
What the lawsays… Whether a threatis made on the Internet or in person, it’s a crime and the samepenalties apply.
For or against? Checking and fightsare part of hockey. You shouldn’tbepunishedby the legal system if you hit anotherplayer.
In Canada, the courts have heldthat certain blowscanbetolerated in sports whenthey are within the rules of the game. However, a hockey playerwhointentionally injures anotherplayerthrough a dangerousactcanbechargedwith a crime called “assault”. What the lawsays…
For or against? A minor (personunder 18) should not beallowed to date an adult (18 and over).
What the lawsays… Datingsomeoneolderis not illegal in and of itself, but there are rules in the Criminal Code about sexualtouching, and theserulesvaryaccording to a person’sage.
For or against? School personnel shouldbe able to search a student’slocker at any time.
What the lawsays… Schoolpersonnel, such as teachers and principals, cansearch a locker if theybelievethat a schoolrule or the law has been or isbeingbroken. Theycan’tsearchlockerswithout a good reason.
For or against? The parent of a 16 year-oldwho has quitschoolshould stop supportingthischildfinancially.
What the lawsays… According to the law, parents must providetheirchildrenwithwhattheyneed to live.
For or against? Parents shouldbe able to use physical force to discipline theirchildren (spanking, grabbing an arm, etc.)
What the lawsays… The Criminal Code saysthat parents can use physicalpunishment on theirchildrenonly if itisreasonable. However, this right has been significantlyrestrictedby Canadian courts.
For or against? When a child or teenager’s parents separate, the child or teenager should have completefreedom to choosewhichparent to live with.
What the lawsays… Childrencannotmakethisdecisionalone. A judge or the parents decidewhowill the childwill live with. They must take the child’swishesintoaccount as much as possible.
For or against? A teenager should have the right to getmarried.
What the lawsays… No one canmarrybeforeage 16. Teenagers who are 16 or 17 canmarry, but only if the parents give permission.
For or against? Teenagers shouldn’tbeallowedto have plastic surgery.
What the lawsays… Parents must givetheir consent if a childunderage 18 wants plastic surgery.
For or against? You shouldbe able to work for a companybeforeage16.
What the lawsays… There is no minimum age for starting to work, but childrenunder 14 must have their parents’ written consent to get a job.
For or against? People shouldn’tbepunished for whattheysay on the Internet becausewe live in a free country.
What the lawsays… The right to freedom of expression can’tbeused to hurtothers.
For or against? People shouldbe able to post photos on Facebook withouthaving to askeveryone in the photo for their permission.
What the lawsays… Without the consent of the person in the photo, youcannotpublish a photo thatotherscouldrecognize in a newspaper, magazine, advertisement or public place. The only exception isfor photos of public interest.
For or against? People whodon’tliketheirnamesshouldbe able to change them.
What the lawsays… Evenwhen people underage 18 have a seriousreason for not likingtheirnames, theycannot change them on theirown. Their parents have to do it for them.
For or against? No one should drink even a smallamount of alcoholwhiledriving a car.
What the lawsays… Drivers with a learner’s or probationary licence and drivers uner 21 cannot have anyalcohol in theirblood.
For or against? A teenager shouldbe able to get a creditcard.
What the lawsays… Teenagers cangetcreditcards. However, creditcardcompaniescan impose conditions. For example, theycanrequire a parent to sign.
For or against? You should have the rights of an adultbeforeage 18.
What the lawsays… In Quebec, a personbecomes an adultin the eyes of the lawat 18. This iscalled the “age of majority”. But sometimesyou have to beevenolder to exercise certain rights.
For or against? Teenagers should have the right to rent an apartment at anyage.
What the lawsays… People under 18 cansign an apartmentlease, but landlords can impose conditions. For example, theycanrequire a parent to co-sign the lease.
For or against? All citizensshould have be able to get the services of a lawyer for free.
What the lawsays… A lawyer’s services normally come at a cost. However, people with low incomes can sometimes can get free legal services or services at minimal cost in certain fields of the law.
Conclusion The end! Questions? Resources
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