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CHILDREN? “THE SMELL OF CHILDREN IS THE SMELL OF PARADISE” CHILDREN? WHO ARE THEY?Children are God’s greatest blessing to parents,they play a very significant role in their parents’ life. Even if the child is abnormal, disabled or anything. Each and every child has his/her own rights for instance: - RIGHTS OF EDUCATION - RIGHTS OF SHELTER - RIGHTS OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH
RIGHTS OF EDUCATION “THE BEST GIFT FROM A FATHER TO HIS CHILD IS EDUCATION AND UPBRINGING”HADITH OF AL-TIRMIDHI ON THE AUTHORITY OF SA’AD IBN AL-’AS Millions of children have no access to education, work long hours under hazardous conditions, are forced to serve as soldiers in armed conflict, or languish in institutions or detention centers where they endure inhumane conditions and assaults on their dignity. Young and immature, they are often easily exploited. In many cases, they are abused by the very individuals responsible for their care. We are working to help protect children around the world, so they can grow into adults.
RIGHTS OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH Children have the right to participate in communities and have programes and services for themselves. This includes children's involvement in libraries and community programs, youth voice activities, and involving children as decision-makers Before Islam had spread in Arabia, people over there had incomplete knowledgeespecially on how to treat their children. We can see this from the fact how daughterswere considered a shame to the family they were born into, hence, they use to be buried aliveor treated as slaves whereas sons on the other hand were considered as a source of prideto the family as they would eventually become the future breadwinners of the family. Prophet (S.A.W) has emphasized a number of times upon the upbringing of children whether it be a girl or boy. Abdullah ibnAbbas (RaziallahAnho) reports that the Prophet (Sal AllahoAleheWasallam) said "Whoever becomes the father of a girl, he should neither hurt her nor treat her with contempt nor show preference over her to his sons in kindness and affection. (Both boys and girls should be treated alike.) Allah will grant him Paradise in return for this.”
RIGHTS OF SHELTER Children have the right to be well provided (materially). A Hadith says, “It is better for parents to leave their children well provided (financially) than to leave them in poverty”. This means that parents should not spend all that they have on their own comforts and luxuries but must make provisions for children’s welfare after the parents die. They are eligible to be spent on in kindness with neither extravagance nor stint. Spending on one’s children manifests deep gratitude to Allah for the wealth, which the Creator has conferred on to the father. Children have many psychological needs also. Small children need to be loved, caressed, kissed and hugged. The Prophet loved children greatly. He would allow his grandsons Hassan and Hussain (RA) to ride his shoulders even during his prayers. In streets he would offer ‘salaam’ to children, play and cut jokes with them. Sometimes he would even kiss small children in the street.