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Get Even More Out of Your Oracle Database with Managed Services

Want to learn more about the benefits of Oracle database managed services and how they can help your business? Contact us to speak to a member of our team. <br>For more information visit: https://www.smactworks.com/solutions/database-management.html<br>

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Get Even More Out of Your Oracle Database with Managed Services

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  1. Get Even More Out of Your Oracle Database with Managed Services Technology has come a long way in the past few years. Many businesses now rely heavily on IT services to support their processes. Therefore, it is not surprising that companies now have large databases of information at the core of their operations. Security and accessibility to these databases are vital for the functioning of these businesses. With increasing demands on IT systems by businesses, many businesses are opting to migrate their databases to cloud environments. SMACT Works offers such companies the opportunity to outsource the management of their cloud-based services to a team of experienced and skilled professionals. Our Oracle database managed servicesprovide businesses with access to a team that will manage and administer their cloud-based database. Allow your team to focus on your core objectives With increased dependence on IT services, in-house IT teams are overwhelmed by the increasing workload. They are unable to meet the increased demand for additional responsibilities. Our Oracle database managed servicesare designed to take the workload off your in-house IT team, or other staff that may be in charge of IT functions in your company. With our team supporting your business, your employees can focus on their primary tasks. Your core business processes will not suffer, and your team will be more productive. Access and the expertise you need When you hire an in-house database administrator, you will be limited by their experience, skills, and knowledge. They may only be able to tackle some challenges that face your company. They may also be unable to identify new opportunities you can leverage for the benefit of your business. With our Oracle database managed services, you will benefit from a team of certified, skilled, and experienced database administrators. Their varied experiences, skills, and knowledge ensure that we can provide our clients with a solution to their problems. Keep costs low Hiring an experienced database administrator isn’t cheap. Various other expenses come with having a full-time hire, including taxes and benefits your business will have to pay. This is not a cost-effective solution, especially for companies that want to leverage the power of cloud computing while on a tight budget. Our Oracle database managed servicesare a cost-effective solution for ensuring the security and reliability of your database. We give you access to a team of experts with years of experience and varied skills. However, you will only pay for the services you need. You can scale back or add to the services we

  2. provide based on your needs and budget. You can opt out when our services are no longer needed without the hustle of letting a full-time employee go. Want to learn more about the benefits of Oracle database managed servicesand how they can help your business? Contact us to speak to a member of our team. For more information visit: https://www.smactworks.com/solutions/database-management.html

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