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Comparison of Trade Acts: 2002 vs. 2009 TAA Program

Understand the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program, its evolution through the Trade Acts of 2002 and 2009, eligibility criteria, benefits, and regulations. Explore key components, group eligibility, funding, training programs, and additional resources. Learn about the Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) and access related websites for more information and support.

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Comparison of Trade Acts: 2002 vs. 2009 TAA Program

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  1. Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act Comparison of Trade Act of 2002 and the Trade Act of 2009

  2. What is the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program? The TAA program is federally funded and provides training and reemployment services to trade-affected workers who have lost their jobs as a result of foreign competition.

  3. Purpose of TAA Program The TAA program is designed to provide workers the means to attain competitive and marketable skills for today’s work environment.

  4. Historic Background • The Trade Act of 1974 provided trade adjustment assistance for dislocated workers affected by the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Mexico and Canada. There have been numerous amendments since the original enactment. • The Trade Act of 2002 repealed NAFTA/TAA, expanded eligibility to workers affected by trade from additional countries, and provided for additional benefits to trade-affected workers. • The Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act (TGAAA) of 2009, effective May 18, 2009, expands coverage to workers in the service sector and public agencies which may be affected by foreign competition from any country. It also provides additional benefits for workers.

  5. TAA Governing Law &Regulations • Trade Act of 1974, as amended • Code of Federal Regulations – 20 CFR 617 • Operating Instructions for Implementation of the Trade Act of 1974 Enacted by the Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009 (Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) No. 22-08)

  6. Group Eligibility

  7. Group Eligibility (cont’d)

  8. USDOL Determinations

  9. USDOL Determinations (cont’d)

  10. USDOL Determinations (cont’d)

  11. Information to Workers

  12. Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA) Qualifying Requirements

  13. Trade Readjustment Allowances Qualifying Requirements (cont’d)

  14. Trade Readjustment Allowances Qualifying Requirements (cont’d)

  15. Trade Readjustment Allowances Weekly Amounts

  16. Trade Readjustment Allowances Limitations

  17. Trade Readjustment Allowances Limitations (cont’d)

  18. Trade Readjustment Allowances Limitations (cont’d)

  19. Application of State Laws

  20. Service Delivery Systemand WIA Wrap Around Services

  21. Service Delivery System and WIA Wrap Around Services (cont’d)

  22. Service Delivery System and WIA Wrap Around Services (cont’d)

  23. Service Delivery System and WIA Wrap Around Services (cont’d)

  24. Funding

  25. Funding (cont’d)

  26. Funding (cont’d)

  27. Training Programs

  28. Training Programs (cont’d)

  29. Training Programs (cont’d)

  30. Training Programs (cont’d)

  31. Training Programs (cont’d)

  32. Job Search Allowances

  33. Relocation Allowances

  34. Collection and Publication of Data

  35. Agreement and Data Collection

  36. Agreement and Data Collection

  37. Overpayment

  38. ATAA versus RTAA

  39. ATAA versus RTAA (cont’d)

  40. ATAA versus RTAA (cont’d)

  41. ATAA versus RTAA (cont’d)

  42. Program Administration

  43. Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)

  44. Health Coverage Tax Credit (cont’d)

  45. TAA Related Websites United States Department of Labor – Employment & Training Administration - http://www.doleta.gov/tradeact/(Guidance for the 2009 Amendment can be found in TEGL No. 22-08.) Florida Department of Economic Opportunity - http://www.floridajobs.org/workforce/TAA_home.html Internal Revenue Service – HCTC Site http://www.irs.gov/individuals/article/0,,id=109915,00.html Florida Apprenticeship Program http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/apprenticeship/benefits.asp

  46. Contact Information Mershal Noble – State TAA Coordinator (850) 921-3317 – Phone (850) 921-3826 – Fax E-mail Address: mershal.noble@deo.myflorida.com

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