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Calcium deposits on the skin, also called as ‘calcinosis’,<br>Calcium lumps can affect a particular area of the skin, but in a few cases the deposits can get diffused across the skin.<br>http://www.geekloveshealth.com/causes-and-how-to-get-rid-of-calcium-deposits-on-face/<br>
GeekLovesHealth.com HOME Causes and How To Get Rid Of Calcium Deposits On Face Search Categories By razorguy4578 | July 20, 1 Comment Select Category 2015 Calcium deposits on the skin, also called as ‘calcinosis’, is basically a disorder Recent Posts which happen because of calcium lumps getting accumulated under the skin. More likely the calcium deposits are going to get be observed on the face, but How to Prepare the Right Vaginal Douche at Home other parts of the skin can be a?ected too. Tissue damage is the prime reason for this condition, and due to the same calcium is more going to get deposited even in areas where calcium is not present. Bumps On Hairline Symptoms: Causes And How To Get Rid Of It? open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
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November 2014 September 2014 Calcium lumps can a?ect a particular area of the skin, but in a few cases the July 2014 deposits can get di?used across the skin. There are major four forms of calcium deposits, which are as follows: May 2014 April 2014 Dystrophic Calcinosis: It is the most common form where calcium gets deposited under the skin. This condition is concerned with more than March 2014 normal level of calcium present in blood. February 2014 Metastatic Calcinosis: In this form, calcium deposit start from a speci?c January 2014 localized area and reaches to the other sites too. The primary site becomes the main reason for this condition. December 2013 Idiopathic Calcinosis: There is no major reason for calcium getting October 2013 deposited under the skin. Iatrogenic Calcinosis: In this case, calcium deposits can get deposited on September 2013 the face particularly near any wound stitch, a cut, or even surgery. August 2013 July 2013 Causes Of Calcium Deposits On Face May 2013 open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
May 2013 April 2013 October 2012 August 2012 May 2012 March 2012 October 2011 October 2010 Tags When the kidney is not able to eliminate the calcium or phosphate present in addictionsaerobicsanxiety bipolar disorderbreast cancercancerCervical Lordosisdealing with anxietydealing with depressiondealing with stress depresseddepression DiarrheaEchinaceaemotional disorders emotionsexercisefever Get Rid Of Mosquito Bitesginsenghealthy eating healthy livinghow do I know if i am pregnantillnessLip InfectionLoss of cervical lordosismeditation excess within the mainstream blood in the body, it can cause calcinosis. This can cause deposition of calcium on the face. However there are many other factors which can result in calcium deposits on the face. A major contributing reason of calcinosis is over stimulated thyroid glands. Also parathyroid glands which control the metabolism of calcium can cause increased blood level, and thus deposition under the skin. Paget disease which is a common disease of bone can lead to calcium deposition on skin. Tumor or injury on the face can cause calcinosis. In rare cases, even acne can be the reason for calcium deposition. Higher chances of calcium deposition can be attributed to an increased intake of vitamin D. open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
cervical lordosismeditation mental healthMosquito Bitesnausea pregnancy pregnancy signs pregnancy symptoms sadnessstaying ?tstresssuicidesuicide preventiontreating a cold with natural remediesvegetablesvitamin c vomitingwomen's healthyogazinc Autoimmune disease such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma can also be the reason for this condition. How To Get Rid Of Calcium Deposits On Face: Home Remedies One must identify the prime reasons that lead to calcium depositions on the face in order to know the correct treatment. Nonetheless, there are a lot of home remedies that can be used to bring the condition under control. Apply ice on the site where calcium has been deposited as it can diminish the in?ammation and lessen the risk of deposits. Drink 8-10 glasses of water every day as water can eliminate excess calcium ?owing the body. Also, it makes the kidney function well. The symptoms associated with calcinosis can be brought under control by using homeopathic drug called as Calcarea Phos. You can consume it once in a week; though it is best to take advice of a physician before consuming it. Also, one should restrict the consumption of Vitamin D. It would be best to intake calcium naturally. In case the calcium deposits are accompanied with pain, then surgical removal can be needed. However, recurrence of calcinosis is possible in such a case. open in browser PRO version pdfcrowd.com Are you a developer? Try out the HTML to PDF API
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