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What is an LMIA Work Permit

Are you interested in working in Canada but not sure what an LMIA work permit is? This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about the LMIA work permit, from its definition to the application proces

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What is an LMIA Work Permit

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  2. WHATISANLMIA WORKPERMIT? AnLMIAworkpermitisadocumentthat allows foreign workers to work in Canada.ItisapartoftheLabourMarket Impact Assessment process which assesses the impact of hiring a foreign workerontheCanadianlabormarket.

  3. HEREARESOMEKEYPOINTSTOUNDERSTANDABOUT THELMIAWORKPERMIT: AnLMIAisrequiredformostforeignworkerswhowantto workinCanada. TherearesomeexemptionstotheLMIArequirement,such as NAFTA professionals, intra-company transferees, and certaintypesofresearchersandacademics. ToobtainanLMIAworkpermit,theemployermustfirst apply for an LMIA from Employment and Social DevelopmentCanada(ESDC). OncetheLMIAisapproved,theforeignworkercanapplyfor aworkpermit. TheLMIAworkpermitistypicallyvalidforthedurationof thejobofferorcontract,uptoamaximumoftwoyears.

  4. ToReadMoreInBrief! Checkoutourofficialwebsite toknowmoreabout- WhatisanLMIAWorkPermit? WhataretherequirementsforanLMIAworkpermit? HowtoapplyforanLMIAworkpermit? If you are considering applying for an LMIA work permit or any other Canadian immigration program, it is always a good idea to seek the guidance of an experienced immigration consultant. AtJET IMMIGRATION, we have a team of knowledgeable and experienced consultants who can guide you through the application process and ensure that your applicationhasthebestchanceofsuccess.Contactustoday to book a consultation and take the first step toward your Canadiandream.

  5. THANKYOUFOR READING WEBSITE www.jetimmigration.ca/ PHONENUMBER +1-905-595-2255 EMAILADDRESS visa@jetimmigration.ca

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