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Financial engineering and related instruments scheme. Operational Programme for Economic Growth 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2, Objective 3: Improve Access to Financing Sources of SMEs, total up to EUR 335 m. Holding Funds, up to EUR 268 m. Guarantee Fund , up to EUR 37 m. Grant for Compen
Financial engineering and related instruments scheme Operational Programme for Economic Growth 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2, Objective 3: Improve Access to Financing Sources of SMEs, total up to EUR 335 m Holding Funds, up to EUR268 m Guarantee Fund, up to EUR37 m Grant for Compen sation of Interest, up to EUR 30 m JEREMIE Holding Fund, managed by EIF, up to EUR210 m* INVEGA Holding Fund, managed by INVEGA, up to EUR58 m 2 Risk Capital Funds EUR 28 m Business Angels Fund I EUR8 m Seed and Venture Capital Funds EUR17 m Funded Risk Sharing Product (FRSP)EUR80 m First Loss Portfolio Guarantees (FLPG) EUR 12 m Portfolio Guarantees for Leasing EUR 4 m Small credits – Stage 2, EUR27 m Open Credit Fund, EUR 29 m Fund managers: BaltCap & LitCapital Asset Management Fund manager:MES Invest/ Strata Fund manager:Practica Capital 3 banks selected 2 banks selected Due diligence process 4 banks selected 6 banks selected Managed by INVEGA Managed by INVEGA *to be reduced to EUR 170m