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Classroom Management . Art Classroom. The single most important aspect of teaching is classroom management. You can't successfully teach your students if you are not in control. Successful teachers are Not working hard at discipline Relaxed Emotionally warm. In the classroom….
Classroom Management Art Classroom
The single most important aspect of teaching is classroom management. You can't successfully teach your students if you are not in control. • Successful teachers are • Not working hard at discipline • Relaxed • Emotionally warm
In the classroom…. • One of the most important responsibilities of a teacher is to help students acquire the skills and knowledge to reach their goals. Some basic concepts apply to all learning situations. • Students learn best in an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance. • Students need to have clear goals. • Each student has different abilities. The same learning method will not be equally successful with all. • Students must be actively involved in the learning activities. • Self-evaluation is the most meaningful kind of evaluation.
Lanlois and Zales (1992) identified eight proven methods of effective teaching. They say a good teacher has: • High expectations of student achievement • Course methods and routines that are clear to the teacher and student • Varied and appropriate teaching method and materials • A supportive, cooperative atmosphere • Enthusiasm, energy, caring, and maintenance of a nonthreatening atmosphere • A manifest belief that their subject is important • Relates instruction to student interests • Content expertise
When a classroom is out of control…. • If you aren't reaching every one of your students, they can become bored, disinterested and restless. Every student has their own learning style and an area where they excel. If you are reaching these students by using a variety of methods, they are motivated and less likely to cause trouble. • Another reason for discipline issues is that you may be dealing with students with many personal problems. Talk with the student or refer them to a counselor in your school • Students do not understand what they are supposed to do. Ask students to recite the expectations you have presented to make sure there is understanding.
Another reason can be organization. The supplies and materials might not be out for easy access. Organize your classroom so students can independently find supplies. • The students need to have routines. Without established routines a classroom can be chaotic. • The teacher’s presentation might not have been organized and the students are confused. • Students do not know how to proceed with development of their idea. Make sure resources are available to the student to help with problem solving. • Another reason can be the work of art you assigned. Is it challenging? Is it interesting? Is it a concept they can connect to?
The teacher is spending too much time at her/his desk. Students feel that they do not have to stay on task. It is important for the teacher to work the crowd. • Some students do not work well together. Move students to another area. Tell them they will work better in another place. • Build a classroom of mutual respect. Acknowledge their concerns with respect no matter how trivial they seem and in turn they will respect you as their teacher. • Remove students from the classroom if all else fails. Remember, if a student is a detriment to other students • learning, maybe that student should be removed. Your school should have a policy as to this.
Classroom Routines/Rules • When you come in to the classroom, please take out your current work of art and begin working • Keep your backpack off the table so all students have room to work • Arrive on time • Attendance is mandatory • Policies for tardiness and unexcused absences • If you are late, please sign in and respond to the questions on the clipboard at the front of the room. Take your seat quickly. • If you are absent, please see me on your first day back. It is your responsibility to come to me to discuss missed work and deadlines. • Refer to school policy for missed work deadlines. • No food or drinks in class.
Dress according to our school’s dress code. • You may listen to music when I am not talking. Only one earphone in the ear. • Be respectful of materials and supplies in the classroom. When something is gone, it may not be replaced. • Establish pass out and return of supplies (accountability) • Handle your artwork carefully and be respectful of other students’ artwork. • When I announce that it is to time to clean up, please do so quickly. If your area is clean and supplies put away, help another student. • Please remain in your seat after clean-up until the bell rings. • Listen for instructions at the end of class. • Always turn in your class work and homework on time. Please talk to me if there are problems. Always complete the self evaluation form when handing in work.
Establish procedures for giving out assignment sheets • Establish procedures for handing in artwork • Establish procedures for grade reporting • Establish procedures for using Blackboard • When we are using special supplies, I will post a clean-up schedule of duties. • Check Blackboard on a regular basis. You are responsible for all information posted on BB. • All assignments will be posted on Blackboard as well as you will receive a printed copy in class. • Keep track of paperwork, artwork, and sketchbook in class. • Late policy for home work and class work is…… • Seating chart • Any other routines?
Agree on Classroom Rules at the Beginning of the Year • Taking time out for this simple step can prevent a lot of misery in the long term. • Experienced educators suggest engaging students actively in the process of determining a set of class rules. • Taking this preventative measure creates a positive climate from the start.
Be Consistent About Expectations This can be the biggest challenge for individuals to address, but it's important to keep in mind that school staff should work together as much as possible to foster consistency in expectations, and discipline methods, throughout the school and in the classroom. Reinforce Appropriate Behavior • Students will calm down and pay attention if • you make note of appropriate behavior
Maintain Student Dignity • When corrections are necessary, experts suggest handling situations quietly and calmly. Don't make a big deal in front of the whole class. • “"An approach to discipline that is respectful of human rights and maintains student dignity leads to a school that is inherently safe," says former teacher Sally Lee, coauthor of "Teachers Talk" and executive director of the New York City organization Teachers Unite. "A school in which students and teachers don't feel safe creates a fearful environment. And where there is a fearful environment, there are low expectations for discipline."
Be Neutral, Not Accusatory When problems arise, don't ask, for example, "“Why did you take Sally's pencil?" This approach often provokes defensive comebacks such as, "She was mean to me." Instead, ask what happened, opening the way for students to tell their story. Follow up with questions such as "How do you think that made Sally feel?"
What would you do? Scenarios
After reading the following scenarios consider the following steps in how to work out the situation: The Situation- What exactly is going on? -Understand the Situation-What might be some underlying causes of the situation that you need to think about? -Are there resources within your school that might be of help? If so - what questions should you ask -Are there other resources that might be helpful? A Solution – as a teacher, you will often try to address problems by preventing them. That said, things happen in classrooms that cannot be anticipated beforehand and you will have to make decisions about how to address the situation. -Decide whether your action is proactive (action aimed at preventing the problem) or reactive (action occurs after situation develops). -Decide what grade level you will “solve” this problem for. -Describe what you will do. -Describe how you anticipate your action(s) will affect the situation. Solution Consequences- Before you act to address a classroom situation, you have to anticipate possible consequences of your actions. -How will your action be perceived by your students? -How will your action affect the learning climate in your classroom? -What might your students learn from your action? (Positive and Negative) -How will your students' parents react to their children’s account of your action? -How will your administrator(s) react to your action?
Scenario #1: What would you do? The year has gotten off to a great start except for one thing. In my Studio Art and Design 1 class, I have a student who seems too eager to please, and blurts out answers to questions whenever I try to have a teacher-led discussion or critique.
Scenario #2: What would you do? I think that it is important to assign some homework each week. I want the students to draw at home. Some of these assignments relate to what we are doing in class and sometimes they are in preparation for the next assignment. Unfortunately, I have several students that just aren’t doing the homework.
Scenario #3: What would you do? I teach computer graphics. When straightening up the computer lab area at the end of the day, I noticed some eye-catching graphics on one of the computer screens, and used the history function on the computer’s internet browser to confirm that the computer has been used to visit inappropriate websites.
Scenario #4: What would you do? My students are engaged and seem to enjoy my class. Unfortunately, even when I remember to have students clean up at the end of each period, I still seem to have to clean up the art room for at least a half hour at the end of each day.
Scenario #5: What would you do? In my Sculpture 1 class the students are hand building with clay. I pass out the tools at the beginning of each class. The students are out the door when the bell rings and I have not received back the same amount of tools I originally passed out. I cannot afford to keep losing the tools.
Scenario #6: What would you do? In my Studio Art and Design Class 1 many students are asking for my help. I need roller skates to get to all of the questions quickly!!! It seems that so many of their questions are the same. I feel badly that I am making the students wait for my answer.
Resources http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/links/toolbox/discipline.html http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/links/toolbox/assessment.html http://www.princetonol.com/groups/iad/links/toolbox/practice.html http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog/4h/4-h0259l.pdf