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Enhancing quality improvement in healthcare through Kaizen principles for continuous improvement. Learn how to introduce Kaizen into healthcare, utilizing the Model for Improvement and PDSA cycles, with a focus on person-centered care planning and sustainable change.
Putting kaizen into practice: Evolution or Revolution? Lou Bean. BA (Open), BA (Hons), MA, MSc, FRSPH Clinical Audit and Effectiveness Manager
Enhancing our approach to quality improvement • Why do we need to change? • How do we change ? • What do we need to do to ensure that change is sustained ?
The Berwick Report August 2013:Improving the safety of patients in England `Improvement requires a system of support: the NHS needs a considered, resourced, and driven agenda of capability building in order to deliver continuous improvement’
What is kaizen? • Japanese word means `Good Change’ • Philosophy of continuous improvement • Emphasis on ineffective systems rather than ineffective people • Scientific method of experiments/testing • Operates in an open culture • `Humanizes the workplace’
Kaizen in practice The Toyota production system All line personnel are expected to stop their moving production line in case of any abnormality and, along with their supervisor, suggest an improvement to resolve the abnormality. This would be a kaizen (good change).
Model for ImprovementByDr Robert LloydInstitute for Healthcare Improvement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCYghxtioIY
Model for Improvement • What are we trying to accomplish (Aim) • How will we know a change is an improvement (Measurement using data) • What change can we make that will result in improvement (PDSA)
Plan, Do, Study ActByDr Robert LloydInstitute for Healthcare Improvement http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-ceS9Ta820&feature=youtu.be
Plan, Do, Study, Act • Start Small (control variations) • If test doesn’t work abandon it, move on to next test • Many PDSA cycles may be required before sustained improvement is obtained
Example: Person Centered Care Planning • Aim: To evidence the principles of Person Centered Care Planning (PCCP) have been implemented by end of November 2013 • Measure used: Monthly service user surveys • Changes implemented and tested using PDSA cycles to improve practice: • Template for care planning sessions • Raising staff awareness • Check lists for staff and service users
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