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ECHO and ISO. ECHO Technical Interchange Meeting April 30 & May 1, 2013. Background. Metadata Evolution for NASA Data Systems (MENDS) Study was published in January 2011 What drove MENDS? ISO 19115 was being considered for Decadal Survey Missions

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  1. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013

  2. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 ECHO and ISO ECHO Technical Interchange Meeting April 30 & May 1, 2013

  3. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Background

  4. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 • Metadata Evolution for NASA Data Systems (MENDS) Study was published in January 2011 • What drove MENDS? • ISO 19115 was being considered for Decadal Survey Missions • FGDC was looking to transition its standard to 19115 • ECHO and GCMD were both already looking to implement support • What did MENDS recommend? Why ISO? http://www.flickr.com/photos/40995569@N05/3852289899/

  5. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013

  6. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 ”…the adoption of ISO 19115 will enable a more cost-effective and thorough means to achieve integration across various data systems that generate, deliver and archive NASA’s Earth Science data products."

  7. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Current State

  8. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 ECHO’s Multi-Format Metadata ECHO 10 Atom JSON CSV ISO 19115

  9. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Indexing Incoming Data Query Index Format Indexer Format Indexer Format Indexers Core Fields and Searchable Terms Original Format XML http://www.flickr.com/photos/clipartkid/4661531436/ XML Repository

  10. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Retrieving Multi-format Metadata Format Indexer Format Indexer Format Translators Original Format XML XML Repository Converting from Format Y to Format X Request for Data in Format X http://www.flickr.com/photos/clipartkid/4661531436/

  11. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 ECHO to NASA ISO Work Continues! ECHO10 NASA ISO xslt Thanks Ted!

  12. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Next Steps

  13. SAGE III ISS – 2014 Launch Soil Moisture Active Passive – November 2014 launch ICESat-2 – July 2016 Launch Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Upcoming Missions, Disparate Formats

  14. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Which Translations Should we Support? Format Indexer Format Indexer Format Translators Original Format XML XML Repository Converting from Format Y to Format X Request for Data in Format X http://www.flickr.com/photos/clipartkid/4661531436/

  15. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Complete Graphs 7 Formats http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Complete_graph_K7.svg 42 Translations

  16. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Yikes

  17. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Less Scary Alternatives 7 Formats 12 Translations

  18. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 So What’s The Plan? “NASA” ISO ICESat-2 ISO ECHO10 SMAP ISO

  19. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 So What’s The Plan? SMAP ISO NASA ISO ECHO10

  20. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 We still need to finalize the strategy, it’s just a paper now This is still a work in progress There are still lots of translations to discuss NSIDC SMAP data will be tested during BMGT integration testing Looking Forward

  21. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 How will this affect me? http://www.flickr.com/photos/chalkbass/5157918012/

  22. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Data Providers It probably won’t. Current mechanisms will continue to work Current formats will continue to work

  23. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Clients Developers and End-Users It depends. Current mechanisms will continue to work Current formats will continue to work (json, csv, atom) New flexibility Reverb will allow direct download of ISO 19115 in a variety of formats Developers can choose a format most suited to their purposes

  24. Raytheon EED Program | ECHO Technical Interchange 2013 Questions?

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