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Explore fur history, techniques, and creativity at the leading course in Finland. Talented designers share their experiences shaping unique fur creations. Witness the beauty of fur in fashion design.
The story of the veryfirst DISCOVERING FUR – THE NATURAL FABRIC –course The very first DISCOVERING FUR – THE NATURAL FABRIC -course was carried out successfully October 2011 in Finland. The first week included introduction to the fur material and fur history as well as study visits to the local companies. The participants visited two fur farms, dressing company Panfur2000 and AhlskogLeather tannery in Ostrobothnia area. During the second week participants got hands-on experiences about the fur and possibility to apply learning into own creation. The course was led by professor Basil Kardasis (Royal College of Art, London) and teacher Lis-Mari Jansson. Students were invited to apply for a stipendium which covered the cost of tuition. At the very first DISCOVERING FUR –THE NATURAL FABRIC –course two talented students, Michael Olive and Thao Ta got the stipendiums donated by the finnish fur farmers. Next DISCOVERING FUR –coursewillbearrangedfrom 5th to 14th June 2012. Registration is open at www.cou.fi/futurefurstudio. Pleasereadmore and meet the participants on the followingpages.
Jean-Louis Baquet, Teacher, Belgium • Jean-Louis Baquet is a fashion consult for mensand womens wear and a teacher on fashion design at Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer in Brussels. The training covered the discovery of fur work in two essentials aspects: Creativity and ways of conceptual creating in the ways that allows to exploit the beautiful material through original and personal attention. The technique to use the extraordinary potential of the fur with a lot of wealth and respect. The team organized international meeting for stimulating creativity. The co-ordination of the training was done with great professionalism and each participant left with some very interesting discoveries, useful and practical, ready to be integrated into the industry professional. –Jean-Louis - • Model: Sofia Pohjanen VOLTE FACE
Silvia Cabalzar, Designer, Switzerland Zurich, Milan, London aremilestones for Silvia Cabalzar, couturier, stylist and master in fashion design. Sheconceives and craftsexclusivecollections with theirownunmistakable chic under the ”Cabalzar” label. Hercompany ELEGANTIA is based in Switzerland. ELEGANTIA tailors an exclusive, limitedquantity of eachstyle. Theyareofferedprimarily at the selectgroup of establishment around the world. www.elegantia.ch • Model: Sofia Pohjanen It was a wonderful experience and I could gain a lot of knowledge while working with this beautiful material. On all these very interesting visits at these companies and farmers I could see a lot to make me more understand the whole process. – Silvia - FURRY CARESS
Marita Huurinainen, Designer, Finland MaritaHuurinainen has a Master’s degree from the Design department in Helsinki University of Art and Design. She works as an industrial designer for various companies (e.g. Marimekko). She also produces her own avant-gardist collections and designs unique evening garments for individual customers. She has been awarded with various international and national design prizes (e.g. the Baltic Fashion Award, Ornamo Design Prize.) www.maritadesign.com Huurinainen is constantly trying out all possible solutions in different design fields in terms of materials and techniques. Shape is the most important part of Huurinainen’s work. In an imaginative way she conducts different experiments with materials ranging from veneer and horsehair to crystals and moss. Fur is one of her favourite natural materials. The aim of using fur is to find new and different solutions, so that the warmth, sensation and aesthetic characteristics of the material will be highlighted. Huurinainen is interested in the possibilities of using natural fur, and she has registered a trademark - WFF-Wild Finnish Fur - for this product group. The DISCOVERING FUR course was very rewarding and interesting, and worked as an inspirational forum where the team spirit and atmosphere was very good. – Marita - Model: Sofia Pohjanen FIRE
Ann-CharlottHästö, Architect, Finland I am an architect with a Master’s degree in architecture and with a membership in the Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA). I am working with both exterior and interior design. I have also been working with design tasks among other things as an interior designer of yachts at Nautor’s Swan. I like to participate in multidisciplinary projects where I can refine and develop my knowledge about different products, and learn how to "think out of the box". This workshop contained a lot of know-how and skills/expertise about the fur material. It was an honour to take part of Professor Basil Kardasis´ professional guidance and teaching. The atmosphere during the course was very familiar. It created a sense of community and closeness, which gave strength for creativity and innovation during the process. - Ann-Charlott - We live Model: Sofia Pohjanen in the World whenwe Loveit MESH R. Tagore
Michael Olive, FashionDesign student, UK I was lucky enough to be selected to receive a scholarship to join the course. This was donated by the fur farmers and without this there is no way I would have entered this amazing world of fur. I started with no knowledge of fur whatsoever but by the time we finished, all of my questions on how to work with this material to the ethics behind it had been answered. The course was made very personal to me and made sure I developed my own work as far as I could. This added with the visits to the fur farms and tanneries made this an unmissable experience. By the time I was back in England I had already searched for places to use fur machines to be able to use fur within my last year of university. Model: Sofia Pohjanen Ilook forward to exploring fur throughout my career and hope that some day I will be able to introduce more people into this community. – Mike - SLICE AND DART
Thao Ta, Fashion Design student, Vietnam I am a graduate from Fashion Accessories design at Coventry University, and I have worked with fur but with a very limited knowledge of this amazing material and that was the reason I applied for the course. It was the honour that I was chosen to receive the scholarship for the first DISCOVERING FUR course and I was very impressed with all the activities. Coming to this course, I was asked not to make a product but to use the existing techniques and modernize it by using a new innovative method. It was strange for me as I was always asked to make shoes and accessories but I was up for the challenge! By the end of the workshop, each of the participants gave a short presentation of our progression throughout the time. I discovered that fur has its own life and motion which I could not fully control but to understand it. By drawing fur, I observed its movement and then transferred the drawings into fur piece with a combination of Tyvek, a modern material. • Model: Sofia Pohjanen I was amazed with the result and it was a beginning of my development! –Thao Ta - FUTY
Philippe Van Mollekot, Teacher, Belgium I am Philippe Van Mollekot, 37 years old. I’ve been working in the world of fashion for more than 20 years in different companies. I initially started in the patternmaking department, then moved to the production quality control in various countries, before becoming quality manager. I was then promoted to manager of the technical department for the women and men’s vintage collections. Currently, I’m specializing in the development of knitwear collection for the whole family (BELLEROSE).At the same time, I am also a professor at the Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer in Brussels in patternmaking. New experience... New challenge... New discovery ... Wonderful experience... Unforgettable course, memorable exchanges, a great team, led by a master in this field, BASIL ... It's a great experience to be lived in order to advance in the field of fur. It allows to evolve in an unusual and instructive way. It is a subtle blend of technical, creative and "genius" for a result that I never thought possible before starting ... Thank you for those rare moments that make our lives so interesting. – Philippe - Model: Sofia Pohjanen FURCANCAN
DISCOVERING FUR –THE NATURAL FABRIC -course developedby FutureFURstudio-project • Hope to seeyou in Pietarsaari! Central OstrobothniaUniversity of Applied Sciences Department of Fur Design Koulukatu 25-27, 68600 Pietarsaari, FINLAND Tel. +358 50 336 8746 E-mail: pia.blomstrom(at)cou.fi www.cou.fi/futurefurstudio