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The Road to World War II

The Road to World War II. The Road to World War II. - The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to give up much of its land to its neighbors - Stalin was the new leader of the USSR (Russia). He led a fascist state, where millions of his political enemies were killed

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The Road to World War II

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  1. The Road to World War II

  2. The Road to World War II - The Treaty of Versailles required Germany to give up much of its land to its neighbors - Stalin was the new leader of the USSR (Russia). He led a fascist state, where millions of his political enemies were killed - The Italian King made Mussolini prime minister of Italy in order to prevent a potential civil war. Mussolini also persecuted his political enemies

  3. The Road to World War II - Hitler rose to the leadership of the National Socialist Workers’ Party - He believed that ‘pure’ Germans – “Aryans” - were a master race who were entitled to domination of the world - Hitler’s ideal Aryan German had blonde hair and blue eyes - Hitler believed that the Aryan race needed space to grow

  4. The Road to World War II - Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 - He created the Third Reich, which was a totalitarian, fascist German state - Hitler used extreme racism to unite the German people – particularly against Jews and gypsies - These different groups gradually had their rights as citizens removed and were increasingly persecuted by authorities and the general public

  5. The Road to World War II - Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) happened in November 1938- Word spread of a Jewish Communist who had assaulted a German. German’s went berserk, destroying Jewish stores and houses and attacking innocent Jewish citizens - Over 100 Jews were killed that night

  6. The Road to World War II - Japan was ruled by Emperor Hirohito, who was considered to be a living god - Even so, the Japanese military was very independent and extremely nationalistic - Japan was becoming overcrowded and resources were running out. They invaded China in order to establish colonies on the mainland

  7. The Road to World War II - The United Nations condemned the invasion, but did not take action. Japan quit the United Nations and, in 1940, signed a pact with Germany and Italy, joining the Axis forces - Meanwhile, Hitler was rebuilding his armed forces in contravention of the Treaty of Versailles - Germany annexed Austria, marching armies across the border. This was called the Anschlaus

  8. The Road to World War II - Hitler believed that the Sudetenland belonged to Germany. It was given to Czechoslovakia after WWI. - Emboldened by his annexing of Austria, Hitler invaded and reclaimed the land - Britain and France were not eager to fight another war. Neville Chamberlain, PM of Britain, met with Hitler and came to the agreement that Germany could have the Sudetenland if they promised not to claim any more land.

  9. The Road to World War II - Germany soon ignored the appeasement and invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia - Germany and Russia signed a non-aggression pact, agreeing not to go to war with each other - This pact contained secret agreements, mainly related to the dividing up of conquered European lands if war were to break out - On September 1st, 1939, the Germans invaded Poland using Blitzkrieg (Lightening War) tactics - On September 3rd, Britain and France both declared war on Germany

  10. The Road to World War II On September 9th, 1939, Canada’s parliament voted almost unanimously to declare war on Germany. WLMK vowed immediately that there would be no conscription...

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