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IIUM. IRKHS. Diploma in Islamic Revealed Knowledge. IIUM. IRKHS. Fiqh. DIRK. IIUM. Department of General Studies. IRKHS. الدكتـور حكـمة الله بـابو صاحـب. Dr. Hikmatullah Babu Sahib B.A., M.A. (Peshawar) Ph.D. (Edinburgh) Post. Doc. Fellow (Yale). Department of General Studies
IIUM IRKHS Diploma in Islamic Revealed Knowledge
IIUM Department of General Studies IRKHS الدكتـور حكـمة الله بـابو صاحـب Dr. Hikmatullah Babu Sahib B.A., M.A. (Peshawar) Ph.D. (Edinburgh) Post. Doc. Fellow (Yale) Department of General Studies IRK, IIUM 03-2056 5584 (Office) E-mail Contact: hikmatullah@iiu.edu.my hikmatullah@hotmail.com hikmatullahsahib@yahoo.com Lecturer DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Assignment Topic • Why Madhhab? • Is the Door of Ijtihad Closed? Date of Submission: 2 weeks after the last lecture. DIRK
IRKHS T H I N K I N G A L O U D Who Who Where What Where Fiqh When How When Why IIUM Why Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Purpose of Creation Why man is created by Allah? Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Purpose of Creation Allah says in the Noble Qur’an: وما خلقت الجن والإنس إلا ليعبدون Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Purpose of Creation What Allah has done for us? • Create • Nourish • Sustain • Guide Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Purpose of Creation إنا خلقنا الإنسان من نطفة أمشاج نبتليه فجعلناه سميعا بصيرا (76:2) خلق الإنسان علمه البيان (55:3) فقد جاءكم بينة من ربكم وهدى ورحمة (6:157) Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Purpose of Creation ولقد خلقناكم ثم صورناكم (7:11) ورزق ربك خير وأبقى (20:131) وكفى بربك هاديا ونصيرا (25:31) Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Purpose of Creation Hadith خلق الله آدم علي صورته خلق الله يحيى بن زكريا في بطن أمه مؤمنا وخلق فرعون في بطن أمه كافرا Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Man’s Need for Law Why man needs a Law? • To guide man in his multifarious activities • To prevent him from committing crimes against • his self, family, society, nation and the world • To protect the interests of oneself and others • To understand and respect the rights and • obligations Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Divine Law vs. Man-made Law Divine Law Man-Made Law Source Allah Man Knowledge Immediate Mediate Status Perpetual Temporary Nature Sacred Non-Sacred Lecture 1 DIRK
Introductory Remarks I Divine Law vs. Man-made Law Divine Law Man-Made Law Extent Universal Particular Prevent aggression Role Guide / Enlighten Manner Uniform Differ Lecture 1 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Literally defined as: المذهب والطريقة المستقيمة ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ( وشرعة الماء أي مورد الماء الذي يقصد للشرب ) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lecture 1
IIUM IRKHS Technically defined as: (ما شرع الله لعباده من الدين الأحكام المختلفة) These rules (الأحكام) were called asشريعة because of its straightness and its resemblance to water spot as there in it life for the soul and intellect just as there is life for the body from the water spot. Lecture 1 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS The course towards the water spot A B water C D Lecture 1 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS The course towards the water spot A B Qur’an Sunnah C D Lecture 1 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Specialities of Shari‘ah • Divine Origin • The shara‘i reward and punishment are • both this worldly and the hereafter • Universal and everlasting • All embracive Lecture 1 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Law & Order in Jahiliyyah Lecture 2 Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS • Religious Beliefs • Economic System • Political System • Social System • Ethical System Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Religious Beliefs Beliefs • Feared of the Hereafter • Praised forefathers at the conclusion • of pilgrimage • Acknowledged the Messengership • of earlier Prophets • Performed Hajj • Respected the Holy months Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Ibn Hisham says: “ the beginning of stone worship among the sons of Isma‘il was when Makkah became too small for them and they wanted more room in the country. Everyone who left the town took with him a stone from the Sacred area to do honour to it. When they settled they set it up and walked around it as they went around the Ka‘bah. This led them to worship what stones they pleased and those which made impression on them. Thus as generation passed they forgot their primitive faith and adopted another religion for that of Ibrahim and Isma‘il. ” Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Economic System • tied to tribal loyalty & hierarchy • labor despised • slavery common • transactions based on traditions & customs • no distinction between self-acquired & • inherited properties • absolute power of disposal for owner • tribal-based economic specialization Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Political System Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Social System Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Ethical System Lecture 2 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS The Shara‘i Principles Lecture 3 Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Selection based on retention and abrogation Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Islam Shari‘ah Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Fiqh Shari‘ah Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Shari‘ah Fiqh Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Shari‘ah = Fiqh ? Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS فمال هؤلآء القوم لا يكادون يفقهون حديثا [What has come to these people that they have failed to understand (even) a single fact] (4:78) Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS لهم قلوب لا يفقهون بها [They have hearts wherewith they understand not] (7:179) Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Aspects of beliefs, ethics and narrations about past nations Rules which the Mujtahid fails in which there are the Rules of Allah Rules which the Mujtahid succeeds in which there are the Rules of Allah Fiqh Shari‘ah Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Literally: معرفة النفس مالها وما عليها (عملا) [Person’s knowledge of his rights and obligations (with respect to his acts)] Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS • This definition includes three things: • Knowledge of the tenets of faith ( ‘ilm al-Kalam ) • Knowledge of ethics and mysticism ( Tasawwuf ) • Knowledge pertaining to acts ( Fiqh ) Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Technically: العلم بالأحكام الشرعية العملية المكتسبة من أدلتها التفصيلية [The knowledge of the legal rules pertaining to conduct, that have been derived from their specific evidences]. Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS الشرعية أحكام العملية المكتسبة العلم أدلتها التفصيلية Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Shari‘ah (Belief) عقائد (Action) عمل (Tasawwuf) إحسان (‘Ilm al-Kalam) إيمان (Islah al-Zahir) إسلام تهذيب الأخلاق (عبادات) تدبيرالمنزل (معاملات) سياسة المدن (معاملات) Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Values connected with belief (الأحكام الإعتقادية) [علم الكلام] Values connected with the sayings and actions of man in respect of his relation with others (الأحكام العملية) [علم الفقه] Values connected with ethics (الأحكام الأخلاقية) [علم الأخلاق ظ التصوف] المعاملات aim: to regulate relations between individuals Shara‘i Values العبادات aim: to regulate an individual’s relations with his Lord Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS المعاملات Transactions Private International Law Civil Law Family Law International Law Procedural Law Financial Law Constitutional Law Criminal Law Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Man’s relation with himself Man’s relation with his fellow Man Man’s relation with God Man’s relation with society Man’s relation with the universe Shari‘ah Covers Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS حكم (Value) literally means: إسناد أمر إلى آخر إيجابا أو سلبا [Predicating a thing to another either affirmatively or negatively] Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS حكم (Value) literally means: وضع الشيء فى موضعه [to place a thing in its proper place] Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Technically defined as: عبارة عن حكم الله تعالى المتعـلق بأفعال المكلفين [an expression about the rule of Allah, the self-elevated, which is connected to the actions of the mukallafs (those on whom the obligation is effected)] Lecture 3 DIRK
IIUM IRKHS Technically defined as: خطاب الله تعالى المتعـلق بأفعال المكلفين بالإقتضاء أو التخيير أو الوضع [a communication from Allah, the self-elevated, which is connected to the acts of the mukallafs through a demand or option or through a declaration]. Lecture 3 DIRK