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Making Sentences

Making Sentences. July 22, 2013. Hello! we are in the National Taiwan University, and the popsicle is so delicious and inexpensive! by:kaikai Hello! We are eating popsicle in the NTU. It is delicious but inexpensive! .

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Making Sentences

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  1. Making Sentences July 22, 2013

  2. Hello! we are in the National Taiwan University, and the popsicle is so delicious and inexpensive! by:kaikai Hello! We are eating popsicle in the NTU. It is delicious but inexpensive!

  3. 打氣區. 再出發前我們必須確認腳踏車是否充飽氣 It’s the Pump Area. Prior to departure, we must re-confirm whether the charged gas bikes. by:kaikai 2 It’s the pump area. We have to inflate the tires before riding on our way.

  4. 這新店溪是非常美麗且寧靜的.我們沿著河岸看盡了新店溪的風光 The Xindian river is so beautiful and peaceful. We along the river and see everything landscape on the side of Xindian river. by:kaikai2 The view along the Xindian Creek is beautiful and peaceful. We riding our bikes drinking in the beauty of landscape.

  5. 我們很小心翼翼的確認腳踏車的每個環節.以確保行車安全 We are very carefully confirm bike’s every aspect. To ensure biking safety. by:kaikai2 We are checking every part of the bicycle to be sure of biking safety.

  6. This picture was taking before we was ready to dparture. It is the bicycle that accompany untill today 這是我們出發前拍的照片 這就是一直陪伴我的那部車 by余晟光2 This picture was taken before we are departing. And it is the bike that will accompany me in the trip today.

  7. 這是自來水園區 他負責提供我們乾淨的水喝 This is the Taipei Water Park . It is charge of offering clean water for us to drink. by yu-z (2) Here is the Taipei Water Park. It is responsible for offering clean supply water for residents to drink.

  8. 大家抵達目的地了並且休息一下 everyone arrived at the goal and taking a rest for a while. by yu-z When arriving at the destination—the Xindian Wetland, we parked our bikes and took a rest for a while.

  9. This is the introduction of sunshine birdage The new taipei city wants to reach the goal of “Tamsui Manhattan" 這是陽光橋的介紹 而新北市政府希望達到淡水曼哈頓的理想 by余晟光2 Read the introduction of Sunshine Bridge. New Taipei City hopes to reach the goal– Tamsui is Manhatten-like.

  10. 我們在旅途中享受著每一刻時光.面向著陽光我們感到很熱血. We are enjoy every moment in our trip! When we face the sunshine we fell we are warm-hearted. by:kaikai2 We enjoy every moment of our trip. Facing the sunshine, we find ourselves warm-hearted and passionate for the hug of nature.

  11. 充滿綠色植物的濕地.這裡蘊含了很多的小生命 The wetland is full of plants.It breed a lot of small life. by:kaikai 2 The wetland is filled with green plants. It breeds a lot of tiny creatures.

  12. We are listening to the directions by Yu. He wasthe people who helps us very much. 余俊逸正在和我們講解路程 他是一路上幫我們很多的人.by余晟光2 We are listening to today’s schedule introduced by Yu. It is Yu that helps us a lot all the way.

  13. 我們在確定行車前的道路資訊.看著我們認真的神情十分令人動容 We are checking the information of road before we go biking . Look at our serious expression , it’s let everyone fell moving. by:kaikai 2 We discussed and reconfirmed the route before starting off. See everyone’s facial expression, and you might be moved by our serious and sincere attitude.

  14. 我們在為彼此加油! 希望旅程一切順利! We are fighting with each other! Hope everything goes smoothly in our trip. by:kaikai 2 We refuel together and hope everything goes smoothly during the trip tiday.

  15. 我們到了情人公園.並試著去敲響幸福的鐘 We got on the Lover Park and try to knock the blessed bell. by:kaikai 2 After arriving at the Lover Park, each of us tried ringing the blessing bell.

  16. It is the place wthat helps our bicycle can be bring up thenewtaipeibirdage our trip was starting in this place 這裡就是可以將腳踏車帶上新北大橋的地方 我們的 旅程就是從這裡開始的 It is the starting point where we drag our bikes up to New Taipei Bridge and setting out the bike trip to Woogu.

  17. 我們努力的把車牽上斜坡.因為我們要延著這腳踏車的便橋到達橋的另一端 We are strive to led bikes on the slope in order to get on the bridge. Because we need to get along the bike bridge to the other side of the bridge. by:kaikai2 We work hard to drag our bikes up the slope, since we need to reach the other end of the bridge.

  18. When we are leading my bicycle,I was looking the small corner of the Wugu . this is on the new taipei city. 這個風景是當我們簽腳踏車時看到的 這是在新北大橋上 by余晟光2 Overlooking the view in the distance from Taipei New Bridge, we found Wugu was under our feet. The photo is taken in New Taipei Bridge.

  19. we smile like an angel Look at everyone’s smiling. It seems that we are angels.

  20. 經過了許多次的腳踏車旅程我們的騎車技術一次一次的進步.我們很快樂的活在每一個當下並去從中學習 Went through many times of biking practice , our cycling skill improve in every time. We enjoy every moment in the biking trip and learning lots of things from it. by:kaikai 2 Our biking skills have been improving after so many times of biking on the way. We enjoy every moment in the biking trip and also learn a lot from it.

  21. It’s our power and love! The photo shows our passion for nature and ability to self-fulfillment.

  22. The landscape is so beautiful The bridge commands a fine distant view in Wugu.

  23. 看著遠方.我們心中充滿對未來的熱情.以後的回憶將很不一樣 Look at the faraway,our heart is full of passion to the future. The memory will different and delightful. by:kaikai 2 Gazing at the distant place, we are filled with passion for the future. I believe it will become a different and unique memory when we think of it someday.

  24. 有好多招潮蟹啊There are so many Fiddler crabs ~~ By 魚 There are a large number of fiddler crabs in Wugu Wetland. Every move they are making seems cute.

  25. 這個古老的領事館還是站在街角 等待著一位沒有回來的顧客 The old consulate was still standing in the corner it is waiting for a missing customer.by余晟光 The consulate building still stands in the corner. It seems to be waiting for a missing client.

  26. 這是牛津大學 他被普遍認為是世界上最古老的大學 This is the Oxford University . It is generally recognized as the oldest university in the world. by Here is Taiwan Oxford University. And England Oxford is generally recognized as the oldest university in the world.

  27. 我們看著淡水河休息.這名為金色河岸的天堂 We look at the Danshuei river and take a break. The paradise is called Gold River. by:kaikai 2 We take a break, gazing at the distant view along Tamsui River, a paradise which is also called Gold River.

  28. the clogs bigger than us! Unbelievable! The clogs are bigger than us.

  29. 從這山坡我們眺望這壯觀的風景 我們都對這景象影像很深刻 From the hill we looked out over the spectacular sight . We were impressiver with the view. by yu-z (2) From the hill we overlook the spectacular sight. We are impressed with the wonderful scenery.

  30. I was so tired . By 魚 I felt so tired and lay down on the lap of Kai for a nap.

  31. we are good friend like brothers:) Our friendship is deep and strong. We are good friends, just like siblings.

  32. 這有個斜坡,我們快速地俯衝而下。 有個戴鴨舌帽的女孩似乎受到很大的驚嚇 There is a slope ,and we swoop down fast. It seems that the girl wearing a cap is extremely shocked . by yu-z (2) Looking at the slope in front, we soon swooped down fast. It seems that the girl wearing a cap is extremely shocked but rather excited.

  33. 我正在重一個模糊的樓梯走下來 我認為那是一個恐怖的事 I am walking up a filmy stair I think this is very terror BY余晟光 2 I am walking down dim old stairs. I think of it as a terrible experience.

  34. 我們巧遇了角色扮演 而她非常熱情地與我們拍張照 We ran into a cosplay .And she is extremely passionate to be taken a pic with us. by yu-z(2) We came across a cosplayer. She was extremely passionate to be taken a photo by us.

  35. 我們用心記錄大自然的每個角落,把握每個學習的機會 We record the corner of nature,holding every opportunity to study.By柔 We record every corner of nature with care, and grasp every opportunity of exploring and studying it.

  36. 意外遇見一群同樣喜愛自然的小學生與我們一起聆聽老師的講解 We meet a group of student, who like nature, join us and listen to Professer Pan by chance.by柔 We happen to meet a group of elementary school students, who like nature too, joining us and listening to Professor Pan.

  37. 一個名為愛心池的池塘,提供許多生物棲息. A pond called love pond provide habitat for many creatures.By柔 The pond called Love Pond provides a safe and comfortable habitation for many tiny creatures.

  38. 躲在葉片後的小祕密.等待破蛹的時刻. There is a secret behind the leaf.Waiting for the moment of broken chrysalis.By柔 Do you know the secret in the back of the leaf? It is a time for chrysalis to wait for their birth—breaking moment.

  39. 我們抬起頭觀察各式各樣的植物 雖然頸很痠,但是它值得 We lift up our head to observe a variety of plants. Our necks were sore,yet it’s also worthy. by yu-z (2) We lift up our heads to observe a variety of plants. Raising our necks all the time is a bit sore, yet it’s also worth it.

  40. 你分辨得出來哪些植物是可食用的嗎? Can you identify out which plants are able to be eat?By柔 Can you recognize/ tell which of the plants is or are eatable?

  41. 這是一生中難得的機會來觀察這種植物 因此我們近距離地凝視著它. It’s a once in a lifetime chance to observe this plant.. For this reason,we gazed at it in a short distance. by yu-z (2) It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance to observe this plant. Therefore, we stooped and gazed closely at it in a short distance.

  42. 猜猜!是哪種夜行性動物居住在這呢? 是的,正是" 蝙蝠"哦! Guess! Which nocturnal animal lived there? Right, it’s " BAT". by yu-z (2) Guess it! Which kind of nocturnal animals are living there? You’re right! It’s BAT.

  43. 可愛的蝙蝠屋~代表著志工們對大自然的愛心 How cute a bat house is.It symbolized the volunteers’ love of nature.By柔 How cute the bat house is! It symbolizes the volunteers’ love of nature.

  44. 發揮創意,想辦法解決外來種的侵害 Using your originality.Figure out a way to resolve invasive species against.By柔 Find out a solution to the problem of invasive species destroying our environment. Just show your creativity and originality like this—to color the shells of snails and make a wind bell.

  45. 這是我們要去的地方的地圖 想好要去那個點了嗎? This is the map which records the place where we are going to explore. Do you have a idea about which point to enjoy? by余晟光2 This is the map which labels the places we are going to explore. Do you have a better idea about which routes to take and which locations to stop by?

  46. This is the most Intensive moment in the history,the contestant Han is threwing the best ball in his contestant life. 這是史上最緊張的時候了,韓 選手將丟出他選手生涯最好的一顆球! by 余晟光2 Now it’s the most exciting moment in history. The contestant Han is throwing the best ball in his professional career.

  47. 他們非常專心在找尋青蛙的下落 他們可以找到嗎? They are very concenttrate to looking for the trace of the frog. Can they find it? by 余晟光2 They concentrated to looking for the foot trace of the frog. Did they find it?

  48. They was capering a vulnerable crab. it was Squatting in the sand. 他們在戲弄一隻脆弱的螃蟹 而它蹲在沙中 by余晟光2 They are playing the fool with a weak tiny crab, which stands still in the sand.

  49. 由於我們擁有i-pad mini,我們才能學到比我們原本預期還要多的東西 它實在是個’方便、現代的工具 Thanks to we have i-pad min,we can study more than we expected before. It’s truly a expedient. and modern implement nowadays. by yu-z (2) Thanks to iPad mini, we learn much more than we expected. It’s truly a convenient modern tool for learners.

  50. 根據天氣預報,我們正考慮是否需要提早返程 所有人都擔心晚點會有雷陣雨 According to the wheatherforecast,We were considering whether we need to go home in advance or not. All of us worried that there would be a thunderstorm later. by yu-z (2) The data shows there are sudden showers at any time, so we are discussing if we need go home early. All of us are worried about the thunderstorm late in the afternoon.

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