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Section I. Etiquette. Responsibility to Self. Click Once.

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  1. Section I Etiquette Responsibility to Self Click Once

  2. Whoever you are and wherever you are, to all you meet, you are a representative of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity. Regardless of what 40,000 other Brothers have built with love and integrity for more than 150 years, the individual Sigma Phi based upon your actions and behavior. Hopefully, your manners and social conduct will allow people to appreciate Alpha Sigma Phi Brothers as men of character, integrity, wisdom, honesty, and have a true sense of caring for their fellow human beings. Click Once Alpha Sigma Phi expects your conduct to reflect that of a gentleman. Your standards should be such as to bring credit to good manners are not things to be put on like a coat and tie and only for special occasions and then tossed away when the event has passed. On the contrary, a gentleman knows and applies appropriate manners regardless of the situation, whether in a social or business setting. Click Once

  3. Entertaining Alumni and Other Guests The interactions and experiences that alumni and guests have with the Brotherhood of Alpha Sigma Phi directly reflects upon the quality of you chapter and of each of its members. You cannot attract quality men or demonstrate that you are a successful Brotherhood without a genuine atmosphere of honest hospitality and friendliness. Every successful chapter has learned this lesson and is diligent in passing it from one generation of gentleman to the other – it’s a tradition! Click Once As an Alpha Sig, you will interact with a great variety of individuals who are guests of the Brotherhood. Parents and siblings, campus officials, community leaders, neighbors, impressionable and all should be treated with respect. It is a matter of good practice to make guests feel that you are pleased to meet and want to interact with them. Click Once

  4. How an Alpha Sig Treats His Guests The Better Man Accountability – Keeping commitments, including paying your financial obligations on time, is essential. Be responsible for your own actions. No excuses. Attitude – You should always keep a positive mental attitude, for it has an effect on others, and usually leads to positive achievements. Appearance.Be aware that how you look affects how you feel, and how others feel about you. To look sharp reflects pride; not to, reflects a lack of it. • Promptly and pleasantly welcomes guests and introduces himself • If among the first to greet a guest, asks if he can be of any assistance • If a guest arrives near mealtime, asks them to join him • Introduces guests at the beginning of a chapter meeting and thanks them at the end for attending • Makes guests feel important by showing a genuine interest in them • Gives the guest an appropriate farewell when leaving • Stands and greets older guests when they enter a meeting or room Click Once Click Once

  5. Of course, in the area of etiquette there is often confusion. The dos and don’ts of social behavior we learned as children do not necessarily hold up in today’s business environment. The business world that our parents knew was predominantly a homogenous, Euro-centric, male environment where everyone innately understood the code of conduct. Click Once Today, the business arena is very different. The civil rights movement, the mass entry of women into the work place in the ’70s, the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the globalization of the economy have all been factors in this change. To successfully navigate the hazardous waters of the business arena of today and communicate successfully with all the diverse elements in the environment, mastering business etiquette has become an imperative. Click Once The most important difference between business and social etiquette is that social etiquette is based on chivalry, on the concept that a lady should be treated with utmost respect and protected; whereas, business etiquette is based more on hierarchy and power. Click Once

  6. So how does that affect behavior? First of all, gender was not an issue in the office 30 or 40 years ago and gender-distinctive behavior has little place in business etiquette today. Women are no longer considered ancillary to men. Men and women are now treated as peers. You still hold the door open for a woman, but only if you would hold it open for a man in the same situation. Doors are routinely held for superiors, clients, peers who are following close on your heels, and for anyone unable to pen the door, regardless of gender. Click Once A woman will have difficulty being perceived as a competent professional if she acts or is treated according to chivalry. Likewise, a man who treats a female client or colleague in an obviously chivalrous manner may be perceived as condescending and may even create hostility. Click Once Those peers with disabilities must also be treated with the same respect accorded any professional. Employing a bit of common sense will usually provide you with the appropriate behavior. Otherwise, ask. People with disabilities would prefer to be asked for guidance rather than deal with embarrassed evasion from those who are uncomfortable by the disability. In that regard, the new Golden Rule for everyone is: to treat others as they themselves would like to be treated. Click Once

  7. Personality.Show Cheerfulness, pleasantness, courtesy, friendliness, enthusiasm, and a sense of humor: Be honest and tactful. Show appreciation and give thanks for any favor or courtesy. Apologize when you fall short of your obligations, and do favors when there is an opportunity to do so. Punctuality.To be on time is to keep a promise; to be late is to break one. Punctuality is part of integrity. If conditions prevent you from being on time, call the waiting party and explain the reason. Sportsmanship:Follow the rules of sportsmanship graciously. Do not be impolite, crude, or impatient. Win without boasting; lose without excuses. Interacting with Women Socially Although many of the traditional rules of etiquette have changed over the years regarding how men interact with women in the workplace, there are still several important ways for a gentleman to show respect in a social or dating situation. When a woman enters a room for the first time, for example, it is still considered courteous for men to stand to greet her. At the dinner table, a woman is usually shown to her chair before any men take their seats. And, it is still entering or leaving a room or car. A simple “rule” to follow in the social world is: treat every woman as you would your mother, sister, or significant other. Click Once Click Once

  8. Table Manners People who have good table manners are able to keep the mechanics of eating an incidental part of the dinner, giving their attention and energy for free and natural conversation. Men who do not know how to eat properly, find eating in public an embarrassing, painful process for themselves and their guests. In that regard, it is very important to try to be as natural and as at ease as possible. Click Once Table Manner Tips • Keep your napkin folded in half on your lap throughout the meal. • Place the knife and fork on the edge of the plate while eating an in the center of the plate when finished. Once a utensil is lifted from the table surface, it should not be laid to rest on the table again. • Food is served from the left and passed to your right. Pass salt & pepper together. • Chew food slowly and thoroughly with your mouth closed. Avoid talking with food in your mouth. Men who do not know how to eat properly, find eating in public an embarrassing, painful process for themselves and their guests. Click Once Click Once

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