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Explore the significance of economic censuses and various country practices discovered through the UNSD survey, emphasizing the integrated approach to compiling economic statistics. Follow the detailed results and conclusions presented at the Regional Workshop in Pretoria, South Africa. Stay informed about the diverse methods used by countries in conducting economic censuses and the challenges they face. Access the survey results and UNSD work program insights for better understanding.
Economic censuses and their role in compilation of economic statisticsResults of the UNSD survey on country practices in conduct of economic census Regional Workshop for African Countries on Compilation of Basic Economic Statistics Pretoria, South Africa 23-26 July 2007
Background information • Integrated approach to compilation of basic economic statistics • Decision of the 37th session of the Statistical Commission • UNSD survey on Economic Census • Organization • Questionnaire
UNSD survey on Economic Census • Purpose • To identify countries’ general policies with regard to the economic censuses • To identify other approaches to compilation of basic economic statistics used by countries • Results • Presented as a background document for the 38th session of the Statistical Commission • Individual country replies as well as the aggregated tables posted at the UNSD website http://unstats.un.org/unsd/economic_stat/Economic_Census/Economic_Census.htm
Main conclusions • Economic census as an important approach to compilation of basic economic statistics • Practices regarding the organization of economic census vary significantly among countries and show a lack of unified approach • Economic census is conducted as an economy-wide census • Economic census is conducted for individual economic sectors/activities only • Two definitions of economic census are being in use • Broad definition - implies a complete enumeration of all economic units in a very large part of the economy • Narrow definition - refers to a complete enumeration of only a “take all” strata in an economy-wide surveys • Need of clarification and harmonization of terminology
Percentage of countries using economic census and having plans to conduct economic census in the future
Main conclusions (cont.) • Periodicity • International statistical standards recommend economic censuses to be conducted at regular intervals of 5 years • New tendency – yearly censuses • Scope • Excluded - agricultural units, general government units and economic activities/units specifically determined by countries
Main conclusions (cont.) • Coverage • All units irrespective of their size in terms of number of persons employed or turnover • Units above certain threshold • Comparing with other regions, countries in Africa tend to apply more often a threshold • Units below the threshold are covered through sample surveys, administrative data sources and other approaches • General obstacle – coverage of small units
Other approaches to compilation of basic economic statistics • Availability of a good business register • Register based survey information • Combination of annual and more frequent surveys with information from administrative data sources
Percentage of countries using other approaches for compilation of basic economic statistics
Selected survey results • Response rate • Overall response rate – 54.3% • Response rate of African Countries – 31.5% • Response rate of participating countries – 66.7% • Percentage of countries conducting economic census • Overall – 34.2% • Developing countries – 49.2% • African countries – 35.3%
Selected survey results (cont.) • Percentage of countries having plans to conduct economic census • Overall – 48.2% • Developing countries – 66.7% • African countries – 76.5% • Percentage of countries applying a threshold in economic census • Overall – 46.2% • Developing countries – 45.2% • African countries – 83.3%
UNSD work programme on economic census • UNSD is working towards identification and promotion of good practices in economic censusin order to assist countries • Preparation of a technical report on national practices in economic census, focusing on needs and experience of developing countries in Africa • Handbook on good practices in economic census • Technical assistance