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Record of Student Development. Nipissing University, Brantford Campus Co-Curricular Transcript. Purpose. Provides official recognition of extra-curricular involvement and achievements Encourages involvement Recognizes learning outside the classroom
Record of Student Development Nipissing University, Brantford Campus Co-Curricular Transcript
Purpose • Provides official recognition of extra-curricular involvement and achievements • Encourages involvement • Recognizes learning outside the classroom • Independently records & validates experiences
What it Records • Nipissing University activities outside an established curriculum • Nipissing University activities and volunteer opportunities participated in while registered as a Nipissing Student (Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer) *must meet specific criteria • May record Nipissing paid positions that meet the specific criteria • Non-academic awards (i.e., merit based bursaries, leadership awards, program-based recognitions, etc)
-Items must meet the following criteria in order to be included on the Record of Student Development: • Activity provides meaningful learning experiences • 2) Activity is extra-curricular in nature and is not required for academic credit • 3) Activity is verified by a designated Supervisor (could be a staff member, faculty or administration) Criteria
-3 specific categories -Foundational: -method or actions taken by the student to be introduced to a program/organization/position -might involve training, extra-curricular lectures, guest speakers or workshops and/or membership in a student, university or community organization -passive presence -SAC, NUSA, Year 1 Workshop Series, SCWI and Literacy Day Categories
-Experiential: -practical / experiential aspect of the extra-curricular activity -experience of learning through doing and where the student will apply their foundational knowledge -defined role or commonly held duties or expectations -may be a paid position -Alternative Service Learning, peer Mentorship (Mentor and Novice), International Placement, Executive of a club, research assistant, iTeach Bridging Program, Strong Start Categories continued…
-Leadership: -recognition of how the student, either through their position or personal leadership, transformed themselves, the university and/or the community through creative, responsible and decisive action -usually represents activities in which the student has a great amount of freedom and responsibility -may include a role that involves teaching or researching. -Dr. David Suzuki Lesson Plan initiative, Diversity workshop presentations, President of clubs, meetings with Board of Governors, curriculum development and research, GO Conference Categories continued…
Awards provided by Nipissing University • Dave Marshall Leadership Award, Trussler Award, Nipissing Brantford awards • At this time, the record does not recognize any awards that are presented by community organizations Awards
If a student is interested in obtaining a Record of Student Development, they need to register with Transition Programs Department of Nipissing University • The student is responsible for providing all information about the activities they have been involved in • Activities should be added to the record within the academic year they were completed (*Exception: retro-active activities) • Important Note: Requests to add retro-active activities must be submitted by June 30, 2011. Requests after this date will not be accepted. • Verification of this information will be conducted by Transition Programs staff in co-ordination with Nipissing University’s Brantford Campus Recording
Registration is required! • Register On-Line: http://nipissingu.ca/transition/recordregis.asp • Note: only those who register will receive a Record • No deadline to register Registration
Adding activities to your record Registered? -Now you need to submit a “Student Verification Form” Upon registration you can submit individual activities on-line. The “Student Verification Form” will also be available on the Nipissing Brantford website… stay tuned!
Each entry must be verified by a recognized Supervisor (you indicate this person on the submission form). Consider Faculty or Staff involved. • Examples: • NUSA/SAC: Kelly • Alternative Placements/SCWI/Mentorship: Deanne • Awards, Course initiatives: Maria/faculty • Various Workshops: workshop presenter • Transition Programs will contact the Supervisor for verification Verification
For activities where a large cohort of teacher candidates are participating, we will submit and verify participation on your behalf by providing a group listing (e.g., Mentors, iTeach Bridging Program) • Individual activities (e.g., workshop participation, volunteer opportunities) must be submitted by the student • The Supervisor will determine which category an activity fits under • Moving forward, the category that an activity fits under will be included in the advertisement for the activity or event Verification Continued
Requesting your Record • Contact Transition Programs at 705.474.3450, ext: 4241 or e-mail tranprog@nipissingu.ca. • On average, a record takes 1 month to be processed • All students who have registered with Transition Programs will receive one copy of their Record at Convocation • For additional copies, you can request a copy of your record by e-mailing Transition Programs: tranprog@nipissingu.ca. Each copy is $5.00. • Payment Options: same as methods of payment for iTeach fee (e.g., cheque made payable to Nipissing University or on-line banking)