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Sanctuary Vacation Rentals Inc., the premier vacation home rental agency on the Monterey Peninsula, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and is inviting the news media to an invitation-only ribbon-cutting ceremony April 5 at Sanctuary’s Monterey office.
Monterey-Based Sanctuary Vacation RentalsInc. Celebrates its 10th Year in Business, Announces its Four Charity Partners Sanctuary Vacation Rentals Inc., the premier vacation home rental agency on the Monterey Peninsula, is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year and is inviting the news media to an invitation-only ribbon-cutting ceremony April 5 at Sanctuary’s Montereyoffice. Monterey, CA, March 17, 2018 — Sanctuary Vacation Rentals Inc., the premier vacation home rental agencyontheMonterey Peninsula, iscelebratingits10thanniversarythisyearand isinvitingthenews mediatoaninvitation-onlyribbon-cuttingceremony April5at Sanctuary’sMontereyoffice. Theeventwillbeheldfrom5-7p.m.Thursday,April5,withtheMontereyPeninsulaChamber of Commerce and Carmel Chamber Commerce, at Sanctuary’s office at 888 Munras Avenue inMonterey. The ribbon-cutting is invite-only and will kick off Sanctuary’s 10-year anniversary campaign. Sanctuary will also announce its four charity partners, including Animal Friends Rescue Project (AFRP), The Fund for Homeless Women, Dorothy’s Kitchen and The Food Bank for MontereyCounty. Animal Friends RescueProject FromApril5toDecember31,SanctuaryVacationRentalswilldonate$5perpet-friendlyrentalupto $2,500 to AFRP. Gracee is a 6-month-old shelter puppy that owners Annee and David adopted from AFRP after she was found wandering the streets of Salinas in pretty bad condition. She was given a tremendous amount of attention, love and care from her foster parent family and their five dogs, so muchsothatshehasnofearof anyoneoranydogand wagshertailateveryoneshemeets.Graceehas been proclaimed the Sanctuary ambassador of goodwill and joy because everyone she touches is left feeling better.animalfriendsrescue.com The Fund for HomelessWomen Sanctuarywillbe supportingTheCommunityFoundationforMontereyCounty’sTheFundforHomeless Women by donating blankets, towels, linens and more on an ongoing basis. The company will work to ensure that Homeless Women are given as many supplies as possible from vacation rentals. The Fund supports programsandservices forhomeless womenontheMonterey Peninsula.Initsinitialyears,the Fund supported both emergency assistance (e.g., temporary motel lodging, transportation expenses, laundry, etc.) and innovative ideas that expanded temporary and permanent housing options and case management services.cfmco.org. Dorothy’sPlace Sanctuary Vacation Rentals will be supporting Dorothy’s Place by bringing food and supplies fromeach rentalweeklytoDorothy’sPlaceinSalinastohelpfeedthoseinneed.
Dorothy's Place Hospitality Center in Chinatown, run by Franciscan Workers of Junipero Serra, includes Dorothy’s Kitchen, a Drop-In Center, Women Alive! Emergency Shelter for street women in Salinas, and acommunityofformerlybrokenandabandonedlivesnowlivingtogetherinmutualsupportinHouseof Peace transitional livingprogram. dorothysplace.org Food Bank for MontereyCounty Sanctuarywillbe donatingfoodthroughouttheyeartotheFoodBankforMontereyCountyand encouragingtheir guestsand clientstodonateaswell.OnDecember 5,therewillbe afooddrive fundraiser for the Food Bank. Details to come. As the largest and most comprehensive provider of emergency supplemental food and a key proponent of anti-hunger and healthy eating education and advocacy inMontereyCounty, theFoodBankfeedsmorethan100,000residentsofMontereyCounty each year. http://www.foodbankformontereycounty.org. Inadditiontotheaboveactions,theentireteamatSanctuary VacationRentalswill bedonatingtheir time and talents toeach charity. Founded in 2008 by Annee Martin, Sanctuary Vacation Rentals boasts a team of 20 professionals and represents almost 100 homes across the Monterey Peninsula, including Carmel-by-the-Sea, Carmel proper, Carmel Highlands, Big Sur, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove, Monterey, Marina, Seaside, Carmel Valley and the Highway 68 corridor near the airportand Laguna Seca. Sanctuary’s roster of homes includes everything from cozy two-bedroom cottages in Carmel andPacific Grovetolargerfour-tosix-bedroomhomes thatcanaccommodate upto12people andluxurious PebbleBeachhomeswithoceanviews.Manyofthehomes are withinwalkingdistancetothe area’s beaches, restaurants, shopping and touristattractions. Sanctuary homes all invoke a sense of peace and harmony, allowing guests to relax, revitalize theirlives, reconnect with one another, and above all, have fun. Sanctuary’s goal is to provide guests with a sanctuary from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Its vision is to inspire and nurture the hearts and souls of guests with the beauty and magic of the Monterey Peninsula while staying in one of its vacationhomes. “Whatdrivesme inthisbusinessismy loveforpeopleandwantingto givethemthebestexperience theycanhavewhenthey’rehere,”saysMartin.“We’realltravelers andwe’veallbeenstrangersatone point.Ijustwantpeopletofeelwelcomewhentheycomehere.” Sanctuary Vacation Rentalsstartedjustafterthehousingmarketcrashin 2008,whichforcedMartinand her husband David, an architect, to rent out their own home. Martinwas amazed at how many people
wantedtocometotheMonterey Peninsula.Shewassoonabletohelp manyoftheirfriendswhofound themselves in a similarsituation. Before long, she had half a dozen homes, all through word of mouth. She quickly found outshe found joyandacreativeoutletforhertalentsinstagingandmaintaininghomesforvacationrentals. Her goal was to offer a warm and welcoming environment in each Sanctuary rental, with small welcoming touches such as fresh flowers and a bottle of Monterey County wine. All the homes are fully equippedandfurnishedwitheverythingavisitor may need. Infact, guestsneednotbringanythingwith them but theirsuitcases. Or asMartinlikestosay,“Weprovidealltheamenitiesandservices ofa5-starresortwithallthe comforts ofhome.” Martin says that a lot of Sanctuary’s success is owed to itsFlorida-based CFO Ben Edwards. “Ben is one of the most respected leaders and consultants in the industry, president of the VRMA (Vacation RentalManagement Association)thepastthreeyears,”saysMartin.“Ireallyconsiderhimas responsible for my success as my own efforts. He keeps Sanctuary on the leading edge of marketing, technology and keeps us financially solvent. I am so blessed to havehim.” Martin has also become a strong advocate for the vacation rental industry, which has recently come underfirefromlocalcommunitieshopingtocurtailthegrowingpractice.Sheisnowoneoftheleading voicesforthevacationhomerentalindustry,somethingshe believesshewas“calledtodo.” She believes that neighborhoods can be protected with fair and reasonable regulation as opposed to bans and that more good comes from them than bad. She believes that vacation rentals provide affordableoptionsforfamiliesthatwouldnototherwisechooseto stayinhotelsand thatthey are good fortheoverallbusinesscommunity.Shebelieves thatthereareplentyofvisitorsthatwanttocome and stay on the Monterey Peninsula. It is her hope that hotels, inns and B&Bs can find a way to work together with the vacation rental companies and encourage visitors to visit Monterey as opposed to another city or coastaltown. Shelovestonetworkand referbusinessestoherguests,and thatincludes thehotelsand innsandB&Bs. Vacationrentalhomes arenotalwaysthebestoptionforguestsandmanypeopledopreferthehotelor bed and breakfast experience. She believes being able to meet the needs of the traveler should be the highestpriorityandwecanallworktogethertoprovidethis. Thebottomline isthesatisfactionshederivesfrommakingpeoplehappy.
“Whatdrivesme inthisbusinessismy loveforpeopleandwantingtogivethemthebestexperience they can have when they’re here,” she says. “We’re all travelers and we’ve all been strangers at one point.Ijustwantpeopletofeelwelcomewhentheycome here.” Sanctuary Vacation Rentals 888 Munras Ave., Suite100 Monterey, CA93940 Phone: (831)233-6340 Toll-Free: (800)614-6706 https://www.sanctuaryvacationrentals.com Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 https://www.sanctuaryvacationrentals.com