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School Apportionment Hot Topics. April 25, 2014. Topics For Discussion. SHB 6552 – Funding Implications Other Funding Increases SHB 2207 – Federal Forest Revenues LAP Prior Year Poverty Percentage K-1 High Poverty Compliance Addendum to 2013-14 Accounting Manual
School Apportionment Hot Topics April 25, 2014 2014 Annual Conference
Topics For Discussion • SHB 6552 – Funding Implications • Other Funding Increases • SHB 2207 – Federal Forest Revenues • LAP Prior Year Poverty Percentage • K-1 High Poverty Compliance • Addendum to 2013-14 Accounting Manual • Community Eligibility Status • Academic Acceleration 2014 Annual Conference
SAFS Session Recap 2014 Annual Conference
SHB 6652 – Improving Student Success • Increases funding in the 2014-15 school year as follows: Lab Science Class Size Enhancement, MSOC Enhancement for Grades 9-12, Increased Prototypical High School Guidance Counselor Allocation. • Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) students benefit from these funding increases through the running start rate. 2014 Annual Conference
SHB 6552 – Lab Science Class Size • Provides an enhanced class size of 19.98. • Students generating additional teachers equals all grades 9-12 enrollment, including Vocational and Skill Center enrollment. • Multiply the student enrollment by 0.08333. • Enhancement calculation is as follows: (Enrollment * ((1/19.98)-(1/28.74))*(1 + 0.2)) 2014 Annual Conference
SHB 6552 – MSOC Grades 9-12 • Students enrolled in grades 9-12 including CTE and Skill Center students generate an additional $164.25 in MSOC. • This additional funding is provided through the general education allocation, and does not increase Vocational minimum expenditures or Skill Center allocations. 2014 Annual Conference
SHB 6552 – Guidance Counselors • Increases the allocation of guidance counselors per prototypical high school from 2.009 to 2.539. • Increases the other CIS per 1,000 funding ratio for Vocational programs from 2.02 to 2.72 and for Skill Centers from 2.36 to 3.06. 2014 Annual Conference
SHB 6652 – Funding Details 2014 Annual Conference
General Education MSOC Increase 2014 Annual Conference
Vocational and Skill Center MSOC Increase 2014 Annual Conference
Impact on Running Start Rates • ALE enrollment generates a per student allocation based on the regular running start rate, even if the ALE enrollment is in a vocational or skill center program. 2014 Annual Conference
SHB 2207 – Federal Forest Revenue • Allows school districts with prior year CEDARS poverty percentage of 57% or more to keep their federal forest allocations up to a maximum of $70,000. • Under current law, all federal forest revenue is deducted from general apportionment payments. • On April 10, Washington State was notified as to the total amount of federal forest to be received. 2014 Annual Conference
Poverty Data for LAP Funding • Section 513 of Supplemental Budget: “Starting with the allocation for the 2014-15 school year, the prior year’s October headcount enrollment for free and reduced priced lunch shall be as reported in the comprehensive education data and research system.” 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 High Poverty Compliance 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 High Poverty Class Size “For grades K through 1 the superintendent shall, at a minimum, allocate funding to high poverty schools for the 2014-15 school year based on an average class size of 24.10 full-time equivalent students per teacher. The superintendent shall provide funding for a class size reduction in grades K through 1 to the extent of, and proportionate to, the school’s demonstrated actual average class size up to a class size of 20.3 full-time equivalent students per teacher.” 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 High Poverty Compliance • Rules hearing was held on March 25 to consider the original proposed WAC language. • Changes were made prior to this initial rules hearing which eliminate planning time from the compliance calculation. • A CR-102 was submitted, thereby requesting a new rules hearing on the language without the planning time portion of the calculation. • New rules hearing date: May 7, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 High Poverty Compliance • Measured at each individual school independent of other eligible schools within the district. • Performed three times throughout the school year: January, March, and June. • Districts will be funded based on their budgeted K-1 high poverty class size as represented in the F-203 from September to January. • The resulting weighted average funded class size from the most recent compliance calculation will be used for funding January through August. 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 HP Compliance – Enrollment • October 1 CEDARS enrollment inclusive of changes through January, March, and June. • All ALE students will be excluded for the enrollment calculation. • Students coded in CEDARS as First grade or K1 will be considered a 1.0 FTE. • K2 students in CEDARS will be considered a 0.5 FTE. 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 HP Compliance – Teachers • S-275 data with changes made through January, March, and June will be considered. • Teachers coded to programs 01 and 79 in grade grouping K and 1 with following duty roots will be considered: • Duty root 31: Elementary Teacher • Duty root 33: Other Teacher • Duty root 52: Substitute Teacher • Duty root 63: Contractor Teacher • Because we are not reducing teacher units by planning time in the compliance calculations, only teachers are considered. No specialists. Do not double count. 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 HP Compliance – Teachers • Program 21 teachers in the previously mentioned programs and duty roots will be multiplied by the districts annual percentage of students in special education used in the 3121 revenue calculations will be considered. • Program 02 teachers will not be considered. 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 HP Class Size • A demonstrated class size will be calculated for each school by taking the calculated enrollment divided by the calculated teachers as defined previously. • The funded class size will equal the demonstrated class size with a maximum of 24.1 and a minimum of 20.3. 2014 Annual Conference
K-1 HP Weighted Average Class Size • For each individual school building, enrollment will be multiplied by the funded class size. • The result of that calculation for each individual school will be summed and divided by the total calculated enrollment at all K-1 high poverty eligible schools within the district. • The resulting weighted average funded class size will be that basis of K-1 high poverty calculations in the apportionment system. 2014 Annual Conference
Other Topics 2014 Annual Conference
Addendum to 2013-14 Accounting Manual • OSPI has issued an addendum to the 2013-14 Accounting Manual to address issues related to GASB Statement 63 – Fiduciary Fund Accounting and Deposit Arrangements with ESDs. • These changes and more will be discussed at School Financial Services Update. 2014 Annual Conference
Community Eligiblity Status • Allows school districts to determine free and reduced priced lunch percentages based on direct certifications, not individual applications and income verification. • This option starts for the 2014-15 school year. • OSPI is working to determine the impact of the option for community eligibility on various poverty based funding streams. • It is estimated that Community Eligibility Status would most benefit approximately 200 schools in the state. 2014 Annual Conference
Academic Acceleration • RCW 28A.320.196 • Created the academic acceleration incentive program. • Funds are available to school districts through two avenues: • Competitive Grants • iGrants package 661: Application window late spring 2014. • Eligible districts must have an approved Academic Acceleration board policy. • Incentive Awards • Districts receive an incentive award for each student who earned dual high school and college credit for courses offered by the district’s high schools during the previous school year. Running start does not count. 2014 Annual Conference
Questions? T.J. Kelly Director – SAFS 360-725-6301 Thomas.Kelly@k12.wa.us 2014 Annual Conference