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Life Cycle Costing . Life Cycle CostingWhy?How do we count costs?What costs do we count?What data do we useHow do we compile it?. Embodied carbon. Embodied carbonWhat are we going to count?What data is available?How do we compile it?How can we transform the data to count it in the same way as costs?.
1. From Counting Cost to Counting CarbonLife Cycle Costing and Life Cycle embodied carbon J MARTIN
Executive Director, BCIS
3 March 2011
2. Life Cycle Costing Life Cycle Costing
How do we count costs?
What costs do we count?
What data do we use
How do we compile it?
3. Embodied carbon Embodied carbon
What are we going to count?
What data is available?
How do we compile it?
How can we transform the data to count it in the same way as costs?
4. definition of life cycle costing Life cycle cost: ‘the cost of an asset, or its parts throughout its life cycle, while fulfilling the performance requirements’ (ISO 15686-5)
Life cycle costing: ‘methodology for systematic economic evaluation of life cycle costs over a period of analysis as defined in the agreed scope’ (ISO 15686-5)
5. definition of life cycle costing Life cycle costing is therefore
an economic evaluation method
that accounts for all relevant costs
over the investor’s time horizon
adjusting for the time value of money where appropriate
6. why do we need LCC? A dog is for life and not just for Christmas
7. why do we need LCC? A building is for life not just for the opening ceremony
8. LCC rules for calculation
9. Rules of measurement
10. Capital benchmark costsBuildings Primary schools
11. Capital benchmark costsElements
12. Capital costsDesigned elements (composite rates), unit rates and resource costs
13. LCC benchmark data
14. LCC benchmark data
15. LCC Benchmark data Primary school – Costs-in-use.
(NPV 30 years, 3.5% discount rate, !Q2011 UK mean.)
16. Life Expectancy of Building Components
17. LCC plan calculations
18. Embodied carbon Embodied carbon
Why do we want to count it?
19. HM Government Innovation & Growth TeamFinal report
20. CO2e increases in importance with falls in in-use energy
21. Reductions in in-use emissions
22. Definitions of embodied carbon What do we need to count?
Some definitions
Embodied carbon
23. embodied carbonRICS research definition Embodied carbon - Carbon dioxide emissions that are generated from the formation of buildings, their refurbishment, and subsequent maintenance
RICS Research report Redefining Zero:
Carbon Profiling as a solution to whole life carbon emission measurement in buildings
N.B. Standards do not generally use the terms Embodied Carbon (or Embodied Energy). They refer to a Climate Change environmental impact category or indicator/parameter, or Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions per functional unit, or a product’s Carbon Footprint or Profile
24. carbon footprint or profile a “Carbon Footprint or Carbon Profile (is) equal to the overall amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (e.g. methane, laughing gas, etc.) associated with a product along its supply-chain, use and end-of-life recovery and disposal….quantified using indicators such as the Global Warming Potential (GWP).
CARBON FOOTPRINT - what it is and how to measure it, European Commission: Joint Research Centre: Institute for Environment and Sustainability
25. another definition Embodied carbon – the sum of fuel related carbon emissions (i.e. embodied energy which is combusted – but not the feedstock energy which is retained within the material) and process related carbon emissions (i.e. non-fuel related emissions which may arise, for example, from chemical reactions). This can measured from cradle-to-gate, cradle-to-site, or from cradle-to-grave. The ICE data is cradle-to-gate.”
The Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE V2.0)as published by University of Bath and BSRIAin a BSRIA Guide, January 2011
26. Embodied carbon definition
Embodied carbon
Carbon equivalent of other greenhouse gas emissions
= Kg CO2e
27. Embodied carbon How do we want to count it?
Some standards
Embodied carbon
28. Relevant standardsEN ISO 14040/44 and PAS 2050 PAS 2050:2008: Specification for the assessment of the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services is a general carbon footprinting standard, not specific to buildings, but clearly written, supported by DEFRA guidance on emission factors and widely used.
It cites:
29. Relevant StandardsCEN TC/350 CEN/TC 350 was created in 2005 in response to the standardisation mandate (M/350, 29 March 2004). from DG ENTR of the European Commission directing CEN to: “provide a method for the voluntary delivery of environmental information that supports the construction of sustainable works including new and existing buildings.“
CEN TC350 is to provide a harmonised, horizontal (i.e. applicable to all products/building types) approach to the measurement of embodied and operational environmental impacts of construction products and whole buildings across their entire lifecycle.
TC350 standards include economic performance and social performance of buildings with reporting on many sustainability parameters
30. Relevant standardsCEN/TC 350
31. Relevant standardskey TC/350 standards
32. Relevant standards
TC350 rules for product declarations will come into force in 2013
33. Counting Carbon At what point in the construction process can we count it?
Counting at the boundaries
34. Low Carbon Construction Innovation & Growth Team Final Report Autumn 2010 (29 November)
35. TC350 boundaries*blue is cradle-to-gate
36. Stages Cradle: The cradle is defined as being the earth, i.e material deposits within the ground.
Cradle-to-gate: Encompasses all input and output flows (as applicable from system boundaries) between the confines of the cradle up to the factory gate of the final processing operation.
Cradle-to-site: Cradle-to gate plus delivery to the site of use (installation site).
The Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE V2.0)as published by University of Bath and BSRIAin a BSRIA Guide, January 2011
37. stages Cradle-to-end of construction: Cradle-to gate plus delivery to the site of use, plus construction and assembly on site.
Cradle-to-grave: Cradle-to gate, plus transport to site, installation, maintenance, refurbishment, demolition & waste treatment and disposal,
(and under TC 350 some post life activities)
38. Carbon data What data is available?
39. Carbon data Where UK price databases quote CO2e figures they are probably based on values from The Inventory of Carbon and Energy published by University of Bath, supplemented by other government and EU values, values from commercial databases, and published Environmental Product Declarations
The Bath ICE values are informed estimates base on published studies from around the world.
It is not possible to calculate cradle-to-gate CO2e values without detailed knowledge of manufacturers’ process inputs and outputs.The Bath ICE embodied carbon values are often derived from such embodied energy studies.
The Bath data is generally Cradle-to-gate CO2e values.
Other data bases are available
40. Carbon data
41. Bath ICE v 2.0 scatter graph Scatter graph showing embodied energy values collected together with their dates
42. Using ‘Bath’ ICE v2.0 data
43. Carbon counting So what we can count as a starting point is:
Cradle to gate values in Kg CO2e
44. Carbon counting
To use this data you need to measure the weight of the different materials in a building.
i.e. you need a whole new set of rules of measurement and procedures
45. Carbon counting However:
BCIS, RICS and individual practices are converting the raw data to provide Kg CO2e figures for resources, components, measured units and measured composites.
This will allow the embodied carbon to be estimated from the same measurement and procedures as costs
Over time this will produce benchmark data at the building level
Further more:
Within a few years European legislation will require data to be provided by product manufacturers
46. Carbon counting To add approximate cradle-to-gate CO2e values to a price databases using Bath ICE values, you must have:
Material compositions of priced products and their packaging
Weights of constituent parts (and what material density and fuel mix values were applied in deriving CO2 and CO2e values from energy values)
Average percentages of recycled materials
The calculations are simple, if you have the data
But there are lots of them and not a lot of data
47. Carbon counting Example
48. Carbon countingBricks
49. Carbon countingBlocks
50. Carbon countingWall ties
51. Carbon countingBrick skin of hollow wall
52. Carbon countingBlock skin of hollow wall
53. Carbon countingcavity wall
54. TC350 boundaries*blue is cradle-to-gate
55. Where the CO2e goes
56. Carbon counting Beyond cradle-to-gate, the calculations require site or ‘scenario’ specific information: e.g.- Where is the site?- Where will the materials/products be sourced, and stored?- How will the building to be constructed, maintained, used, demolished and any waste recycled or treated?
57. Carbon counting Just a start
But we should be able to estimate total cradle-to-gate Kg CO2e value for a building and for its life cycle using existing measurement and pricing rules and estimating processes.
58. From Counting Cost to Counting CarbonLife Cycle Costing and Life Cycle embodied carbon J MARTIN
Executive Director, BCIS
3 March 2011