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Introduction to Effective Army Communications

Introduction to Effective Army Communications. Communication. Army Leader Actions. INFLUENCING. COMMUNICATING DECISION MAKING MOTIVATING. OPERATING. IMPROVING. The Communication Process. Communication is a system of transmitting messages using multiple components.

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Introduction to Effective Army Communications

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  1. Introduction to Effective Army Communications


  3. The Communication Process Communication is a system of transmitting messages using multiple components. It is generally used to convey thoughts, feelings and/or ideas.

  4. The Communication Process Communication is affected by the context or setting as well as the communicator’s own personal attributes.

  5. What is happening during the Communication process? RECEIVER SENDER • Meaning • What I am thinking in my mind – i.e. my intention? • Meaning • How I apply my personal attributes to the words in my mind? • Decode • How I interpret the words and/or symbols? • Encoding • How I translate the message into words and/or symbols? • Perceive • How I receive the context? • Transmit • How I send the message (i.e. channel)?

  6. The Communication Process N O I S E

  7. Internal Barriers: Lack of listening Uninteresting Unimportant Distraction – because receiver has begun to respond. Semantic Barriers: Language barriers External Barriers Environmental distractions Visual distractions Communication Barriers Barriers to effective communication:

  8. Clear Coherent Convincing Complete Concise Correct Credible Controlled Effective Communication Communication is most effective when it is … AND when the RECEIVER … LISTENS AND UNDERSTANDS

  9. Communication Steps for Effective Communication • Focus your Message • Magnify the Listener’s Attention • Penetrate Barriers • LISTEN…ACTIVELY

  10. Step 1: Focus Your Message Focus your Message: • Plan before you speak • Clarify your intent/goal • Inform, persuade, direct, decide … • Be specific • Be courteous and objective

  11. Unfocused Message I need it soon. Why are you always late? You need to improve your productivity. Focused Message I need it by 2 p.m. today. I noticed you came to work 15 minutes late everyday this week. I expect you to complete all assigned tasks by the end of the day today. Step 1: Focus Your Message

  12. Step 2: Magnify the Listener’s Attention Magnify the Listener’s Attention: • Create interest • Convey importance • Ask for listeners attention

  13. Step 3: Penetrate Barriers Penetrate Barriers: • Limit distractions • Add visualization • Use analogies • Ask for feedback • Revise – restate as needed

  14. Step 4: LISTEN…Actively L I S T E N…Actively: • RECEIVE – concentrate on what is being said (verbally and non-verbally) • PERCEIVE – paraphrase your understanding • DECODE – analyze and explore the situation to gain further understanding • RESPOND - Last – not first! Plan before you speak!

  15. Written Communication Step 1: Focus Your Message: BOTTOM LINE UP FRONT

  16. Written Communication Step 2: Magnify the Listener’s Attention • Follow solid composition principles • Structure information logically • Temper your tone

  17. Written Communication Step 3: Penetrate Barriers • Follow Composition principles • Use Active Voice • Structure Content Logically • Use Positive Tone • Avoid Long Sentences • Use Correct Grammar • Use Simple Language • Check Spelling! • Be Specific, Use Concrete Terms • Use Conversational Style

  18. Written Communication Step 4: LISTEN…Actively • Have someone review your reports or other written documents and provide feedback. • Proofread your work. • Ask for feedback from your audience.

  19. Summary • Focus your message • Magnify the listener’s attention 3. Penetrate barriers 4. LISTEN - actively In all your ROTC courses and activities:

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