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2000/2001 Household Budget Survey (HBS)

2000/2001 Household Budget Survey (HBS). Conducted by The National Bureau of Statistics. Sample Design. 22,178 Households were covered in 2000/01 Around 1,000 Households in each region The Survey provides Regional Estimates 4,823 Households were covered in 1991/92

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2000/2001 Household Budget Survey (HBS)

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  1. 2000/2001 Household Budget Survey (HBS) Conducted by The National Bureau of Statistics

  2. Sample Design • 22,178 Households were covered in 2000/01 • Around 1,000 Households in each region • The Survey provides Regional Estimates • 4,823 Households were covered in 1991/92 • It provides National Estimates • Both surveys provide rural/urban/DSM

  3. Information Collected • Household Members’ Education, Economic Activities and Health Status • Household Expenditure, Consumption and Income • Ownership of Consumer Goods and Assets • Housing Structure and Building Materials, and • Household Access to Services and Facilities

  4. Analysis: General Issues • In framework of poverty monitoring & policy: Tanzania development Vision 2025, National Poverty Eradication Strategy and the PRSP, • Analysis guided by the Research and Analysis TWG and stakeholder consultations • Provides a baseline for the future • Describes trends in 1990s, comparing with HBS 1991/92

  5. RESULTS The Tanzanian Household

  6. Percentage of Households Headed by Women by Area

  7. Percentage of Households Living in Dwellings Made of Modern Materials

  8. Household Amenities • Fall in Average Distance to Some Key Services (Markets, Public Transport, Shops) • Increase in Ownership of a Number of Consumer Goods • 10% of Hhs are Connected to Electricity National Grid • This Increased in Urban Areas Only

  9. Percentage of Households with Mains Electricity

  10. Education

  11. Percentage of Adults with Some Education, by Sex and Area, 2000/01

  12. Percentage of Children Aged 7-13 in School, 1991/92 and 2000/01

  13. There are Many Over Aged Children in Primary School • They are Often Below the Class they Should be in for Their Age • Enrolment in Secondary Education is Low, 5% of 14 – 17 year olds are in Forms 1-IV

  14. Health

  15. Percent of People Ill or Injured in the Last Four Weeks

  16. Source of Consultation

  17. Client (User) Satisfaction • Clients reported most dissatisfaction with Govt. Providers • Long waiting times • Lack of Drugs • High Cost of Modern private care • Ineffectiveness of Treatment for Traditional Healers

  18. Drinking Water

  19. Source of Drinking Water

  20. Economic Activities

  21. Economic Activity of Adults

  22. About 89% of Rural Hhs owned Land for Agriculture or Grazing, As was in 1991/92 • The Degree of Agriculture Mechanisation among Rural Hhs is Low – 11% Own a Plough, only 0.2% have a Tractor

  23. Household Consumption

  24. Expenditure Recorded over One Month • The survey recorded everything that the interviewed households consumed over one month • It included food and other items that have been purchased, and food grown by the Hh and consumed during the month • It excluded household expenditure that was not for consumption, e.g., purchasing inputs for a farm worked by the household

  25. Trends in Household Consumption Expenditure per Person • Average Consumption is highest in Dar es Salaam and lowest in Rural Areas (TShs. 21,949 compared to 8,538) • After adjusting for inflation, Hh consumption rose by around 17% • The largest rise was in DSM

  26. Percentage Share of Consumption by type of Item Consumed

  27. Income Poverty and Inequality

  28. Overview of Poverty Analysis Data Non- Cons. Total Exp. House- hold Not Poor Cons. Cons. AE Poverty Line Poor AE = Adult Equivalent

  29. Poverty Lines – TShs for 28 days per Adult Equivalent

  30. Percentage of the Population below the Basic Needs Poverty Line, 1991/92 and 2000/01

  31. Because of population growth, there was an increase in the number of individuals living in poverty (11.4 mill in 2000/01 compared to 9.5 mill in 1991/92) • A small increase in inequality occurred

  32. Percentage of Poor Individuals, by Education of Household Head, 1991/92 and 2000/01

  33. Percentage of Population below the Basic Needs Poverty Line

  34. Reported Income

  35. A Diversity of Sources • The sale of Agricultural products was the main source of Cash Income for 62% of Hhs, compared with 67% in 1991/92 • Food Crops remain the most important single source • The importance of cash crops has fallen. They provide the main cash source for only 17% of Hhs • Agriculture provides slightly over half of total household Income, 60% in rural areas.

  36. Mean Monthly Income per Earner by Gender and Educational Level (‘000 TShs)

  37. Conclusions

  38. Income poverty is high and many social indicators are poor • There are large differences in the indicators between different groups • The largest gap is between urban and rural populations – the rural population is much poorer

  39. Regional differences are more variable; some are consistently disadvantaged e.g Lindi, Singida • Differences between men and women are smaller than the geographical differences • Women have lower incomes than men and less education, but girls have higher primary school enrolment

  40. Many measures of welfare show modest improvements during the 1990s • The economy diversified and household consumption has increased • The proportion who are poor has fallen slightly, although the absolute numbers has risen. • But there have been increases in inequality – particularly between urban and rural areas

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