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No Fault Found, Retest-OK, Cannot Duplicate or Fault Not Found? – Towards a standardised Taxonomy. 5 th November 2012. Dr Samir Khan Dr Paul Philips Mr Chris Hockley Prof Ian Jennions. Agenda. Overview of the NFF problem Cause and impact of NFF
No Fault Found, Retest-OK, Cannot Duplicate or Fault Not Found? – Towards a standardised Taxonomy 5th November 2012 Dr Samir Khan Dr Paul Philips Mr Chris Hockley Prof Ian Jennions
Agenda • Overview of the NFF problem • Cause and impact of NFF • Tackling NFF • The Multitude of Terms • Impact of inconsistent terminology • Maintenance culture • Concluding Remarks
The NFF problem System Diagnostic success Fault Modern view Strategy Classical view No fault Diagnostic failure something’s wrong here? No fault
The NFF problem NFF Definition • Removals of equipment from service for reasons that cannot be verified by the maintenance process (shop or elsewhere). (Source ARINC Report 672 (2008) Guidelines for the reduction of No Fault Found (NFF). Avionics Maintenance Conference, Aeronautical Radio Inc)
The NFF problem To Achieve Diagnostic Success? • Implies identification of the root cause. • That enables the correct maintenance activity to be performed. • It suggests a closed-loop system that can relate the symptom to the fault to the correct maintenance solution.
The NFF problem Some NFF history 1993, BA concern at cost of removals where - nothing found wrong - same fault re-occurred 13.8% of all unscheduled removals = NFF Cost £17.6M per year 80.4% of all NFF were avionics 26.6% of all avionics removals were NFF BA Presentation ERA Conference 1996 BA estimate costs at £20M per year Blishke WR & Murphy (2003) pub -John Wiley & Sons 1996, Boeing state 40% rate of incorrect parts removal from the airframe R Knotts MPhil Thesis Exeter Avionics constitutes 75% of NFF occurrences in aerospace Aviation Week, Feb 9 2007
Common Stages of NFF AC; Avionics 74%, pneumatic 19% In aerospace 50% of LRU are classified NFF frequency Satellite industry - 50% increase Stage 1 consequence Surveys in electronic equipment – NFF 19->53% F16 radar – 67% 85% of all operational faults in aircraft electronics User/operators Train control system 50% of faults Stage 2 Contractors AMC 2004 voted NFF ‘the most imp issue’ manufacturers Some NFF events seem to be independent of life cycle stage
Common Stages of NFF Results from Past Experiences and Studies NFF costs can be generated through the following activities: • Removals for the wrong reasons • Workshops failing to find and then repair the reported fault • Inability to simulate the conditions in which the fault occurred Cost of removals due to No-Fault-Found can be huge where: • Nothing has been found at fault • The same fault re-occurs in the next or a subsequent mission, risking safety and/or mission success
Reasons for NFF • Not enough emphasis on diagnostics training • Pressure on quantity in workshops not quality • No emphasis on history of components • No tracking of “rogue units” intermittent Loose conn./ corrosion Reliability issues complexity integration Causes of NFF Designer team System design Poor understanding BIT Poor maintenance complexity Organisational setup Maintenance team BIT Management team
Why is Tackling NFF difficult? • The solutions to NFF problems may not be possible because: • Organizational culture • Procedures and rules • Technical inefficiencies • Workforce behaviour Inconsistent fault reporting Insufficient time available for maintenance Design related hard/software def. Poor on board maint. system NFF Insufficient training of line and shop personnel Inadequate design for testability Performance measure Poor test coverage
Technical Causes of NFF • Undefined or limited performance measures • BIT levels set too low • BITE ability to detect a fault • BITE inability to apply reliable fault diagnostics • Lack of information on operating environment • Inability to reproduce operating environment during test or diagnosis • Intermittent failure caused by stress not replicated on test • Inadequate design suitable for robust testing for all faults • Inadequate fault models and fault trees for determining root causes • Lack of understanding of interactions between different integrated systems and software • Reluctance to adopt new technologies (health monitoring) due to the need to alter system designs or because the data handling /decision making infrastructures are not available
Organisational • Time pressures on maintenance operations • Organisational cultures with no cross-functionality, employee empowerment and encouragement to identify root causes • Inadequate training or lack of training tools • No commitment to sharing information and knowledge between designers, manufacturers, service providers and operators • Solutions likely to be disruptive to normal working practices= reluctance to change
Behavioural and Procedural • Discrepancies and faults in test procedures • Incorrect fault reporting • Wrong processes applied • Incomplete documentation • Lack of communication between maintenance personnel and other experts.
Tests should be certified by the supplier Management policy; Coherent teams Diagnostic tests should be added before commissioning Transfer of information Mitigation of NFF Modelling of intermittent faults; e.g. Detect probability of fault Design methodology eg. Include in-built health monitoring Recognise fault alarms Address root cause of BIT deficiencies Design of fault tolerant systems; add redundancy
The Problem • Within this field there are several identified problems: • A lack of common understanding on what constitutes the phenomena resulting in Diagnostic Failure • Wide concept and lack of commonality in processes – • Several existing standards deal with aspects of the phenomena but may be overly specific • Existing standards are incomplete and fail to fully define the problem in a way which has been accepted by industry. • A lack of interaction between the aspects, processes, activities and stakeholders who suffer the impacts
A Multitude of Terms • Missing published academic literature • Early calls made into testability attributes of electronic equipment, • specifically to mitigate NFF – but this has not yet been achieved across • all test/maintenance levels. • Cultural impacts • Copernicus Technology Ltd survey Q1) How can a true gauge of the problem be investigated if there is no standardised term used in the maintenance history? Q2) Are all of these terms accurate – do they actually describe the same event, or are there subtle differences which need to be recognised?
Do we need standards? • Adopting standards help industries (and research) overcome technical barriers by promoting organisational success through better workflow paradigms and maintenance strategies • Most of the existing descriptions of these phenomena do not provide any consideration for where exactly do these diagnostic failures occur within the maintenance process “No Fault Found is a reported failure that cannot be confirmed, recognised or localised during diagnosis and therefore cannot be repaired” (Roke, 2009) “The inability to replicate field failure during repair shop test/diagnosis” (Kirkland, 2011) “Removals of equipment from service for reasons that cannot be verified by the maintenance process (shop or elsewhere)” (ARINC Report 672, 2008) “A failure that may have occurred but cannot be verified, or replicated at will, or attributed to a specific root cause, failure site, or failure mode” (Qi et al, 2008).
Maintenance culture Is a single term enough? • The majority of definitions lead to believe that a failure during operation (such as an intermittent fault) is the actual ‘No Fault Found’ event, and hence leads to the majority of academic literature to classify NFF into three distinct categories: • intermittent failures, • integration faults • Built In Test Equipment (BITE) failures However, such a practice may be incorrect as there are primarily the root causes which begin a sequence of events through various levels of maintenance, which blend with other factors such as organisational/ behavioural/cultural and technical abilities to result in the final outcome of NFF(drivers towards diagnostic failure).
Maintenance culture Root causes Chassis (LRU) Influencing factors that lead to a diagnostic failure Cables sources Lack of communication Test procedures Leads to a maintenance action Test coverage drivers Poor design False alarm Connectors Design defects Components Location of the fault faults BIT Wrong process Intermittency Incorrect reporting integration Insufficient training Operator error
Maintenance culture 1) There is no evidence of faults during testing so the unit can be certified as serviceable as there probably never was a fault 2) There has been no evidence of faults during testing but the test coverage may be inadequate so it is best to replace the unit just to be on the safe side 3) Repeating NFF issue > not a single event but a sequence 4) Fault Not Found instead of No Fault Found? “A reported fault for which the root cause cannot be found – in other words a diagnostic failure” (Cockram and Huby, 2009)
Concluding Remarks Research Scope • Lack of standards with different terms describing largely the same problem • Human Factors is one of the core driver towards diagnostic failure • To identify procedural, process and behavioural issues that need to be changed, learning from best practice in each industry. • To devise strategies, methodologies and system design rulesto mitigate the occurrence of intermittent failure mechanisms and to demonstrate their effectiveness in reducing the likelihood of NFF occurrences. • To develop a multi-disciplinary approach at the System level for the effective analysis of the root causes of NFF in order to assist design activity across domains.
Concluding Remarks Key Challenges • Providing solutions which do not have a negative impact on current operations – i.e. increased downtime means reduced availability • Specific training • Development and adoption of appropriate Standards • Diagnostic procedures which encourages identification of root causes • Cultural changes • Working with design to identify the necessary improvements to mitigate NFF Through-life Contact info Samir: Samir.khan@cranfield.ac.uk Paul: p.phillips@cranfield.ac.uk