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BUSINESS BENCHMARK. UNIT 5 CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPS. COMPANY OR CUSTOMER PRIORITY?. After sales services Loyalty Information about future needs Information about product updates Cost savings Personalised treatment. LIST. What can a company do to build customer relationships ?.

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  2. COMPANY OR CUSTOMER PRIORITY? • Aftersalesservices • Loyalty • Information about future needs • Information aboutproductupdates • Costsavings • Personalised treatment

  3. LIST • What can a company do tobuildcustomerrelationships?

  4. LIST • What are possiblelimitations in company and customerrelationships?

  5. DISCUSS • The truthisthatnotallcustomers are equallyvaluabletoyour company. The well-known 80-20 ruleof business saysthat 20% ofyourcustomerswill account for 80% ofyoursales- or even more in some industries.

  6. DISCUSS • Onestudyindicatesthatit’s fiveto ten times more expensivetogain a newcustomerthanitistoretainanexistingone. Otherstudies show thatincreasingcustomerretentionby just 1% can produce an 8% increase in profitability.

  7. DISCUSS Itisoftensaid: “the customerisalways right” Howtrueisthis? Givereasons

  8. DISCUSS • When do youthink computer databases are better at predictingcustomers’ comments and needs, and whenisthisbetterdonebysales staff on the ground?

  9. DISCUSS • What information do youthinkitisacceptableforcompaniestokeep on theirdatabases and what information isnotacceptable?

  10. BoardofDirectors Meeting • How can CustomerRelationship Management make the company more competitive? • Decide upon a strategy • Presentyourplan

  11. Customer service Thinkof a timewhenyouweretreatedbadlyasa customer. Thinkof a timeyoureceivedexcellentcustomer care. Exchange yourexperiences and discuss the consequences

  12. “In fact, according to Yahoo! News, an angry customer is likely to tell anywhere from 11 to 20 other people about the experience. Compare this to the one other person a happy customer is likely to tell, and you can see why customer service is so critical to the success of an enterprise.”

  13. “For example, if a company decides against investing money in employee training, how might that affect customer satisfaction at the point of sale?”

  14. Discuss the ethical aspects of a company’s responsibility to provide its customers with quality products and services.

  15. How a company handles the “little” things is just as important as how it handles the “big” things. What are the little things? What are the big things?

  16. WRITING • Choose a talkingpointfrom p30/31 fromtoday’s lesson and write a composition 250- 300 words

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