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Join us in refining education standards through peer review, contextualizing policy standards, and planning next steps for education in emergencies in South Sudan. Engage with INEE for resources and support.
Welcome and Review of Day 2 Evaluation • All participants agree or strongly agree that they know how to contextualize the INEE Minimum Standards for Ed in Emergencies • All participants agreed or strongly agreed the content of the workshop relevant and thought it would impact their work • All participants agreed or strongly agreed that the workshop methodology and materials helped them to understand and answered their questions. INEE and Global Education Cluster
Welcome and Review of Day 2 Evaluation • 12/15 participants found the contextualization sessions most useful • Regarding suggestions for improvement, • 4/15 suggested that more partners be included • 5/15 suggested that more time should be included INEE and Global Education Cluster
Objectives Day 3 • Objectives: • Refine the standards through peer review and application. • Contextualize the Education Policy Standard. • Plan next steps for the INEE Minimum Standards for Education in Emergencies for South Sudan. INEE and Global Education Cluster
Peer Review Activity Review the standards contextualized by other groups. Note any questions on flip chart paper. (15 minutes) Then go to table, each standard working group reviews the flip chart questions. Write down solutions to each question written on the flip chart. (25 minutes) In plenary, groups report the issues and proposed solutions. (20 minutes) If there is time: In plenary, address the problem issues noted on Wednesday. INEE and Global Education Cluster
Activity: Contextualize the Policy Standards Move into 4 NEW working groups. 2 groups for each Policy Standard Assign a writer (hard copy), task manager, and time-keeper. Contextualize the policy standard. (30 minutes) Then join the other group with your standard and agree on the final language. (20 minutes) Each pair of groups then picks one person to present to plenary. (10 minutes) INEE and Global Education Cluster
Pilot the Contextualized Standards The Minimum Standards are the glasses you put on to look at education policies, programs, proposals, and schools. The Minimum Standards can help you find better ways to carry out that work. Stay in your four groups. Read the South Sudan Case Scenario. Write the response activities that should be done. For each response activity write down the applicable Minimum Standards. In plenary, each group shared one activity/MS. INEE and Global Education Cluster
Piloting the Standards: South Sudan Case Scenario • Education has been significantly affected in the Pibor area. • Two schools are are being occupied by the military, including the only Secondary School in the County. • Three schools have been affected by violence, and schools in the area are closed due to insecurity. One of the schools was burnt to the ground, with all materials destroyed. • Four primary schools in the affected area were not burned, but teaching and learning materials were looted and the schools are closed due to insecurity and students were among the dead, missing and wounded. • Further assessment is needed to determine the impact of conflict on the education system. • There are significant numbers of children and youth among the affected populations who have suffered displacements and witnessed distressing events.
Next Steps INEE and Global Education Cluster
Engage with INEE! • Join INEE at www.ineesite.org/join • Call INEE with your questions! Every Thursday from 9-10am EST, the INEE Coordinator will be available through phone or Skype (tzvetomira_kaltcheva) • Submit a case study on how you used the INEE Minimum Standards. • Submit a blog entry or join the INEE Language Communities (French, Spanish and Arabic) • Order INEE resources online or by emailing materials@ineesite.org • Keep us posted on your Education in Emergency work—we love to hear from you! INEE and Global Education Cluster
THANK YOUfor participating in the South Sudan Contextualization Workshop