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Mrs. Anna Ward Ridge Road MS. Introduction to Weather & Atmosphere. Please read the article provided and answer the questions on the side board next to my desk. Warm UP!!! (Block 1—early arrival). Warm-UP : Page 3 Density and Altitude. Welcome to Quarter 2 Fresh start Day #2 REMIND 101
Mrs. Anna Ward Ridge Road MS Introduction to Weather & Atmosphere
Please read the article provided and answer the questions on the side board next to my desk. Warm UP!!! (Block 1—early arrival)
Welcome to Quarter 2 • Fresh start Day #2 • REMIND 101 • Text the code @mrswardssc to 980-734-3912 • Updates and important reminders Announcements
“What’s Up in the Air?” Hands-On Inquiry Activity (25 minutes) • Review from yesterday (20 minutes) • Goldilocks Principle (5 minutes) • Guided Notes (20 minutes) • Atmosphere Videos (5 minutes) • Exit Ticket (5 minutes) Agenda 09/04
PLEASE FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CLOSELY. • For this exercise, you will use: • Clear Jars • Dried Brown Beans • Dried Black Beans • Dried Red Beans What’s UP in the air???
Think back to our DO NOW…. On the Bottom of Page 3, record the following data: • 78% of Earth’s Atmosphere is comprised of NITROGEN • 21% of Earth’s Atmosphere is comprised of OXYGEN • 1% of the Earth’s Atmosphere is comprised of OTHER GASSES (Argon, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor, etc.) What’s up in the air
Each of the beans will represent a gas found in our atmosphere. • 78 Brown Beans will represent Nitrogen in your jar • 21BlackBeans will represent Oxygen in your jar • 1 Red Bean will represent all the other gasses. build the Earth’s Atmosphere in your Jar.
Density: The mass per unit of volume Altitude: The distance above sea level when discussing the atmosphere Air pressure: Some important vocabulary:
Air has mass, because it is made up of molecules of gas (Nitrogen, Oxygen, etc.) Gravity exerts a force on these molecules, pulling them closer to the surface of the Earth and holding them there
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQPyNY2WIdw&feature=relmfu • http://app.discoveryeducation.com/core:search/view?isStandards&StandardID=f68381e6-1adf-11e0-afbd-9b749dff4b22®ion_code_hidden=North Carolina&documenturl=Essential Standards&subject=Science&grade=7&year=2010®ion_code=US|37#selItemsPerPage=20&intCurrentPage=0&No=0&N=4294956956%252B4294953836&Ne=18384&Ntt=&Ns=p_Popularity_ALL%257C1&Nr=AND(d_Grade%253A6-8%252COR(d_Media_Group_Key%253A4024-8BB7%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A404E-878E%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4062-B8E4%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4069-8C4B%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4143-6AF3%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A42A0-92E9%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A448E-BA21%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4527-A89F%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A455A-909A%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A45DA-A760%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4641-A1FA%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4651-A23F%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4699-8382%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A46C9-B059%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A470F-9C15%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A49B2-8999%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4A84-B433%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4B94-A20A%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4BC4-A269%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4C06-B74B%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4C1F-9718%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4D27-BFE5%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4D5A-93A9%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4E09-B3B9%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4E33-BC86%252Cd_Media_Group_Key%253A4E54-8CE3)%252CNOT(d_Asset_Type%253AAssessment%2BQuestion)%252CNOT(d_Asset_Type%253AAssessment)%252CNOT(d_Asset_Type%253AQuizQuestion)%252CNOT(d_Asset_Type%253AState%2BStandards))&browseFilter=&indexVersion=statestandards&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode%252Bmatchallpartial • http://app.discoveryeducation.com/core:search/view?isStandards&StandardID=f68381e6-1adf-11e0-afbd-9b749dff4b22®ion_code_hidden=North Carolina&documenturl=Essential Standards&subject=Science&grade=7&year=2010®ion_code=US|37 Atmosphere Intro…
Use the diagram to the right to describe the difference in temperature and pressure between the top and the bottom of the mountain. Defend your claim by using the terms density, altitude, and molecule. Homework…answer on a sheet of paper