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School District #69 Community Resources. Food. Salvation Army (Parksville) – 250-248-8793 Lunch - 11am - 1pm - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Food Bank - 9am - 4pm - Tuesday & Thursday (phone for appointment) St. Stephen’s Church - 150 Village Way - Qualicum Beach – 250-752-1878
Food Salvation Army (Parksville) – 250-248-8793 Lunch - 11am - 1pm - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Food Bank - 9am - 4pm - Tuesday & Thursday (phone for appointment) St. Stephen’s Church - 150 Village Way - Qualicum Beach – 250-752-1878 Lunch – 11:15am – 1pm Thursdays Loaves and Fishes - Nanaimo Food Bank – 9am – 11:30am Monday & Thursday; 4pm – 6pm Thursday 7-10 Club- Nanaimo 250-714-0917 admin@nanaimo710club.org Breakfast/Bag Lunch – 7am – 10am Monday – Friday Family Resources Association Community Kitchen - Parksville 250-752-6766 The Community Kitchen is sometimes open at the “Youth Room” at the FRA offices in downtown Parksville. Society of Organized Services (SOS) Food is often provided at their youth/teen drop-in programs and events. ArtSpeak – Parksville 151 Harrison Avenue 250-954-0888 onefiveone@island.net A free weekly (Thursdays at 4:30pm) drop-in teen community art studio for youth to hang out and produce art work. Food is often provided.
Clothing Society of Organized Services Thrift Shop (SOS) – Parksville 188 West Hirst Avenue 250-248-2532 Mon- Sat, 9am - 4pm.The SOS has the largest Thrift Shop on Vancouver Island, with over 18,000 sq. feet. It offers a wide variety of clothing, jewellery, accessories, shoes, household items, furniture, appliances, toys and books. FRA Clothing Exchange – Qualicum Beach 181 Sunningdale Road West 250-752-6766 The Clothing Exchange is a volunteer-run exchange of good used clothing. Donate or take clean clothing in good condition. It is free of charge, If you wish to come and look around please call first to make sure there is someone available to let you in. If you would like to drop off donations there is a drop box at our front door. Salvation Army - Community and Family Services – Parksville 886 Wembley Rd 250-248-8793 The Army cares for people at their crisis point. In keeping with the philosophy of William Booth, we work to restore hope and dignity to those who might otherwise remain invisible in society. Emergency assistance is provided in the form of clothing, food, accommodation, life skills training and counseling
Shelter/Housing ShelternetUnderstanding abuse, finding a transition house (shelter), making a safety plan. Nanaimo Youth Services Association – Youth Housing - Nanaimo 250-753-3212 Manager – Gord Fuller The intent of NYSA’s Youth Residence is to provide safe, supportive, and affordable housing for youth between 16 and 19 years of age. The residence is a drug, alcohol, and violence free environment. - 20 units available – 16 bachelor, 6 two bedroom single parent units, 1 wheelchair accessible Application and references required – when there is a vacancy, applicants with the most need will be screened and invited to an interview APPLICATION/REFERRAL FORMS Tillicum Lelum/Friendship Haus - Nanaimo 250-753-8266/250-753-8291 The Friendship Haus is for Aboriginal Youth 12-18 years. Friendship Haus Service Statement is to promote a safe, secure, stable, nurturing environment for Children and Youth Who Are At Risk. Our goal is to assist young adults to leave the streets, and to learn to live safe, healthy lives. Samaritan House - Nanaimo 250-753-1474 Samaritan House has been in continual operation since 1989 providing emergency and temporary shelter for the homeless of Nanaimo - 20 emergency beds, 3 Supported Living Beds Haven Society/Transition House - Parksville 250-248-3500 Provides safe shelter and support to women and children escaping violence. The service operates 365 days a year. Nanaimo - 250-756-2452 ext. 2
Health Services Youth Health Clinic – Parksville 249 West Hirst Ave 250-248-2044 No appointment needed for youth up to age 23. Early intervention team - Speech therapy, occupational therapy, physiotherapy. Tuesday & Thursday from 3:30-6:00pm Parksville After Hours Walk-in Medical Clinic - Parksville 154 Memorial Avenue 250-248-5757 Open from 5 pm to 9 pm daily. Public Health Nurses - Parksville Health Unit – Parksville 249 West Hirst Ave 250-248-2044 Public Health Nurses assist individuals, families and communities to promote health, encourage individual responsibility for health, and provide assistance with specific health concerns. Services include: Maternity pre and postnatal information and counseling, Prenatal classes, Breastfeeding counseling, Baby drop-in clinics, School and youth services, Immunizations for infants, school-aged children and adults. Disordered Eating Services for Youth & Adults (AFCSS) – 250-248-0076 (Susan Butler) Provides therapeutic services for children, youth, and adults with disordered eating concerns through support groups, parent/family/friends groups and one-to-one counseling. Referral Procedures: Youth Referrals are accepted from Child & Youth Mental Health at MCFD 250-954-4737. Self and Community referrals 250-248-0076 (Susan Butler) Adult Referrals are by self-referral 250-248-0076 (Susan Butler) and funded by Vancouver Island Health Authority [VIHA]
Mental Health Services Child and Youth Mental Health (C&YMH) - Parksville 250-954-4745 (Mon-Fri) 9am to 8pm.For children and their families. C&YMH Services include therapy (individual, family, and group) *Parent education. *Suicide Risk Assessment. Aboriginal Child and Youth Mental Health - Nanaimo/Parksville 250-xxx-xxxx Parksville Mental Health & Addiction Crisis Services Team Accessed by calling the crisis line (250)248-3111 This is a face to face contact either in the community or at the mental health office between 8:30 - 5:30. After hours crisis are handled by Nanaimo CRT. Parksville Mental Health & Addiction ServicesPhone: (250) 248-8300 Hours: 8:30 am to 4:30 pm (Monday to Friday)
Dental Services Vancouver Island University Dental Clinic (Nanaimo) 250 -740- 6240 VIU Dental Clinic (in conjunction with the VIU Dental Assistant Program) offers “cost-effective” (and sometimes free) the following services to the public: - teeth polishing - fluoride application - oral hygiene instruction - also, x-rays, desensitizing and sealants if required and prescribed by the dentist. They usually have a dentist on site to prescribe treatment and remove a small amount of calculus if it is present.Contact: Rosemary Holley to check on availability or the dental clinic line at 250 -740- 6240 for information. Rosemary Holley, Chair Dental Assistant Program Vancouver Island University 900 5th St. Nanaimo, BC V9R 5S5 250-740-6247 rosemary.holley@viu.ca
Employment Services Career Centre- Parksville #110 - 198 East Island Hwy 250-248-3205/250-248-4154 (fax) Provides free services available to residents of the Parksville/Qualicum area. In addition to a multitude of self- serve resources and group workshops, we offer individual employment and career assistance through the provision of a range services including: - Resume & Cover Letter Assistance - Job Search Services - Electronic Job Banks - Career Planning - Photocopying & Faxing - Job Boards & Postings - Computers, Internet/Email - Job Search Sessions -Employment Counselling - Assessments & Referrals - Telephone Message Service Career Centre also provides a range of Career Workshops: Career Workshop NewsletterCareer Workshop Calendar Employment Assisted Services [NYSA] - 290 Bastion Street, Nanaimo 250-754-1989 Assisting unemployed & out of school youth Ages 15-30 in finding employment through the provision of a range services including: - Resume & Cover Letter Assistance - Job Search Services - Electronic Job Banks - Career Planning - Photocopying & Faxing - Job Boards & Postings - Computers, Internet/Email - Job Search Sessions -Employment Counselling - Assessments & Referrals - Telephone Message Service NYSA Employment Assisted Services also provides a range of Career Workshops: Career Workshop DescriptionsCareer Workshop Calendar
Job Skills Programs Bladerunners [NYSA] – Nanaimo 250-754-1989/250-751-5101 Bladerunners is a Youth Skills Link program that creates valuable employment opportunities, and promotes Individual Success and Independence through Partnerships within the Construction & Trades Industry. Participants have the opportunity to work towards the following certifications: - OFA First Aid - WHMIS - Fall Protection - Confined Space Entry - Ladder Safety - Asbestos Abatement - Forklift Operator Certification - Flagging Certificate Bladerunners at NYSA runs programs several times a year.NEXT SESSION: October 2009 – 24 participants needed Contact: Linda Milford or Chris Lakusta (Bladerunner Coordinators) at 250-754-1989 Bladerunners Provincial Information Website: www.bladerunners.info Youth Employment Skills Link (YESL) [S.O.S.] – Parksville 250-248-2093 (ext. 0) sos@sosd69.com “YESL” is a 22-week program of client supports, employability skills, personal development skills and work experience, which will facilitate the transition of youth to the labour market. Participants are paid a weekly stipend during training to assist with living expenses and minimum wage for the duration of the work experience. (30 hours/week for 22 weeks) YESL Information/Recruitment Poster Contact: Katrina Keifer (YESL coordinator) at 250-248-2093 (ext. 0)
Addictions Services Discovery Youth Addictions [VIHA] (Parksville) 250-947-8215/250-248-3465 (fax) Provide effective, integrated, strength-based community services that are accessible and accountable to youth (aged 13-19) and their supports who have concerns about alcohol or other drug use. “Discovery” offers a range of services including: - Individualized Planning Services - Individual and Family Counseling Services - Outreach Services - Coordination of Services - Withdrawal Management Services - Supported Residential Services “Keepin’ It Real” Group programs/one-to-one support available within School District#69 schools: Ballenas Secondary and PASS/Woodwinds • Jason LeFevre – 250-927-2956 Jason.Lefevre@viha.ca Kwalikum Secondary • Michael Mills – 250-739-5790/250-927-1299 Michael.Mills@viha.ca “Exodus” Program – Parksville - Thursdays 6:30pm 155 Weld Street Provides an opportunity for youth to: change/reduce your substance use; learn/teach and relate to others. Call Jason LeFevre to register or ask questions: 250-927-2956 Referral Procedures: Contact Discovery Youth Addictions for information. Parksville: 155 Weld Street 250-947-8215/250-248-3465 (fax) Nanaimo: 206-96 Cavan Street 250-739-5790/250-754-0816 (fax) Ladysmith: 1111- 4th Avenue 250-739-5788 (local 54806)/250-245-3238 (fax) Narcotics Anonymous – 1-888-265-7333 www.cviana.ca
Youth Outreach Services Youth Outreach/Life Skills Program (FRA) – Contact: 250-752-6766 - ext. 403 Youth Outreach workers provide outreach and support services to youth between ages 12-19. including: • Assistance with reconnecting to school, employers and other community services. • Assistance with reconnecting to their family, extended family and community, as well as assistance to homeless youth obtaining safe accommodation. • Support in the development of life skills ? this support may be through one-on-one contact or through a development group. • Life skills include conflict resolution, anger management, communication, banking, budgeting, shopping, menu planning, cooking, health and nutrition, home management, pregnancy/parenting, resume writing, job searches and education. Referral Procedures: Referrals are accepted from the Ministry for Children and Family Development, parents, school personnel and other community agencies. Youth can also make a self-referral. The Family Resource Association offers this program free of charge. The Youth Outreach/Life Skills Program is funded by the MCFD APPLICATION/REFERRAL FORMS Youth Outreach Worker (AFCSS) – Parksville 250-248-0076 (Susan Butler) Youth Outreach worker works with individual youth, their family and natural community supports including neighbours, teachers, extended family members and others identified by the family or the youth. Assistance with reconnecting to school, employers and other community services. Referral Procedures: Referrals from the Ministry for Children and Family Development will be given precedence over self and community referrals. Contact the MCFD for a referral: 250-954-4737 Self and Community referrals: 250-248-0076 (Susan Butler) Supportive Living Program(NYSA) – Nanaimo Referral Procedures: Referrals accepted from the Ministry for Children and Family Development.
Violence/Sexual Abuse Violence/Abuse Kids Help Phone 1-888-668-6868 Harmony Program (FRA) – Contact: 250-752 -6766 - ext. 107/318. The Harmony Program provides counselling for Children/Youth (ages 3-18 years) and addresses concerns and issues that arise when a child or youth is exposed to violence/abuse. The intent is to promote healing and help children and youth learn to cope with the impact of their exposure to violence through direct interventions and support to their caregivers. Referral Procedures - Contact the Harmony Program to discuss the referral process. APPLICATION/REFERRAL FORMS True Life Change (TLC) Program (FRA) – Contact: 250-752 -6766 - ext. 318. True Life Change(TLC ) Counselling Program provides counseling (individual/group) for women whose lives have been affected by sexual abuse and assault, violence in relationships, and historical abuse. Counselling is provided in a safe and confidential environment, acknowledging the woman's inner strengths and capabilities. Workshops may also be offered. There is no cost to program participants and confidentiality is maintained at all times. Referral Procedures - Contact the TLC counselor directly or through a referral from any community agency APPLICATION/REFERRAL FORMS Victim Services – Parksville 250-954-2277 A service intended to help ease victims and witnesses of criminal acts into and through the criminal justice system. Battered Women’s Support Services Sexual Abuse Sexual Abuse Intervention Program [SAIP] (FRA) – Contact: 250-752-6766 - ext. 314. The “SAIP” Program providesconfidential counseling for victims (aged 12 - 19) and families of sexual abuse. Referral Procedures - Contact the “SAIP” Program to discuss the referral process. APPLICATION/REFERRAL FORMS
Grief/Emotional Healing Rainbows – Parksville (250) 248-3927 office@kucparksville.ca (Ages 4 – 12) Rainbows is an international not-for-profit organization that fosters emotional healing among children grieving a loss from a life-altering crisis. These losses, among others, include separation, divorce, death, incarceration and foster care. Spectrum – Parksville (250) 248-3927 office@kucparksville.ca (Ages 13 – 18) Spectrum is an international not-for-profit organization that fosters emotional healing among children grieving a loss from a life-altering crisis. These losses, among others, include separation, divorce, death, incarceration and foster care. • Parksville/Qualicum – Contact the Knox United Church: (250) 248-3927 office@kucparksville.ca - two twelve-week sessions a year – beginning in September and January - parents must register children and sign the form • Nanaimo – Marg Foster or Isabel Van Grootheest 250-751-7888 Crisis Society of Central Vancouver Island 250-753-2495 Offers support for those suffering from loss of a loved one through suicide.
Crisis Services Assess Immediate Risk 1. Is the child/youth in immediate danger? 2. Stay with the child/youth to ensure safety. 3. Arrange transport to the hospital. 4. If safe transport is not available, phone 911 for ambulance/police assistance. 5. Inform parents/guardians. 6. Inform child’s/youth’s therapist, social worker and/or the following: Outreach and Stabilization Service at: 250-954-4544 (pager) 9am to 8pm Monday thru Friday Outreach and Stabilization Service (AFCSS) - 250-954-4544 (pager) 1. Workers meet face-to-face with child/youth identified as “at some risk for suicide”. 2. Workers support and provide parents/guardians with verbal/written instructions on signs of suicide, the appropriate responses to child/youth in need, and emergency numbers to use should they become concerned 3. Workers provide further assessment and a stabilization plan for child/youth in need. 4. Short term treatment will be provided with consultation and community resource liaison. Crisis Line (Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society) 250-248-3111 Provide non-judgmental emotional support, crisis and suicide intervention services and community resource information. Calls are kept confidential and anonymous. Kids Help Phone 1-888-668-6868 Parksville Mental Health & Addiction Crisis Services Team 250-248-3111 Accessed by calling the crisis line (250) 248-3111 This is a face to face contact either in the community or at the mental health office between 8:30 - 5:30. After hours crisis are handled by Nanaimo CRT. Victimlink 1-800-563-0808 For victims of family and sexual violence and all other crimes. Haven Society/Transition House 250-248-3500 Emergency shelters for women and children caught in the Cycle of Violence.
Family/Parenting Parent Support Program (FRA) – Contact: 250-752 -6766 - ext. 118. The Parent Support Program is available to parents requiring current information with regard to child development, family communication and parenting techniques and provides additional support in their role as parents/caregivers. Referral Procedures: Referrals are accepted from the Ministry for Children and Family Development, parents and other community agencies. The Family Resource Association offers this program free of charge. The Parent Support Program is funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Family Preservation Program (FRA) – Contact: 250-752 -6766 - ext. 115 The Family Preservation Program is a short-term, intensive home/community based service with the goals of keeping the family safe, preventing unnecessary placement of a child in substitute care, and improving family functioning so the behaviours that led to the crisis will be less likely to re-occur. Referral Procedures: Referrals are accepted from the Ministry of Children and Family Development. The Family Preservation Program is funded by the Ministry of Children and Family Development. Youth Services & Family Counseling (FRA) – Contact: 250-752 -6766 - ext. 109. Assists the family in developing strategies for problem solving decision-making and behavioural management as well as developing awareness and understanding of the personal and familial dynamics. Provides families with options for dealing with conflict and follow-up appropriate to the client and their family. Facilitates and/or coordinates parent self help groups. Referral Procedures: Contact the Youth Services and Family Counselling Program by calling 752 -6766 - ext. 109. Family Therapy (AFCSS) – Contact the MCFD 250-954-4737 Focuses on the family as “a whole” – a unit with unique characteristics that differs from the sum of its members. Assists in helping families alter communication, behaviour, cognitive and emotional matters that have created problems. Referral Procedures: Referrals are accepted from the Ministry of Children and Family Development – 250-954-4737 Family Preservation & Parent Training & Education (AFCSS) - Contact the MCFD 250-954-4737 Aids and supports parents and their children who are at risk of removal due to protection, safety, and neglect concerns. Provides children/youth understand and cope with personal and family problems and assist families with parenting skills. Referral Procedures: Referrals are accepted from the Ministry of Children and Family Development – 250-954-4737 Family Group Conference (AFCSS) - Contact the MCFD 250-954-4737 A collaborative planning process where a child’s extended family comes together in a facilitated conference to make decisions and plans to address a child’s need for protective services. Referral Procedures: Referrals are accepted from the Ministry of Children and Family Development – 250-954-4737 Triple P Parenting (Society of Organized Services) Contact sos@sosd69.com Two groups: For families with 2-6 year olds and 6-12 year olds. ($20 workbook required)
Social Groups Society of Organized Services(SOS) - Parksville 245 Hirst Avenue250-248-2093 (ext. 0) Middle School Mania– Grades 6 to 8 Mondays, 5:00 - 9:00pm Guitar lessons, cooking, activities, casual life-skills and more. Teen Zone– Grades 9 – 12 Fridays, 5:00 - 9:00pm Come hang out with your friends! Music, food, art activities & more. Youth are provided with an opportunity to 'express'. Free of judgment and grading, children and youth of all ages are offered a diversity of art forms in which to indulge their free spirit. Register with SOS. Girl Talk - 9 - 10 year olds Tuesdays 3:00pm – 5:30pm - 11 years old and up 6:00pm – 8:30pm A time just for girls filled with fun activities, group discussions & interesting projects. Parents must be present when participant joins the group for the first time to fill in registration and waivers. Fun, friendships and staying real. This activity based group encourages and inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Through support, accurate information and mentoring, girls can become clearer and more confident about who they are. Guyz Time 9 - 10 year olds Tuesdays 3:00pm – 5:30pm - 11 years old and up 6:00pm – 8:30pm Activity based group. Have fun and hang out, while developing communication, confidence and relationship skills. Parents must be present when participant joins the group for the first time in order to fill in registration and waivers. Navigating the social pressures of youth, enjoy some hangout time and get the scoop on stuff you like, while you explore some of the issues that currently present challenges. Meet some new friends and have fun. “OneStop Youth Centre” [NYSA] – Nanaimo 250-754-1989 (local 663) – Yvonne VanderKooi One Stop is a drop in centre for youth 13 to 18 years old. The one stop is a safe, fun and supportive environment, in an informal setting. The centre is operated by a team of youth workers who have access to community resources and make referrals as needed. Art, writing, music, pool, games, food, youth coffee house, live music…. Hours of Operation Tues, Wed, Thurs - 5:00 - 9:30 Sat - 12:00 - 4:00 Contact: Yvonne VanderKooi (Coordinator) 250-754-1989 local 663 vanderkooi@nysa.bc.ca or onestop@nysa.bc.ca
Art Groups ArtSpeak Youth Art Studio – Parksville 151 Harrison Avenue 250-954-0888 A free weekly (Thursdays at 4:30pm) drop-in teen community art studio for youth to hang out and produce art work. They have partnered with the Parksville Downtown Business Association to create lively and colourful murals to beautify downtown Parksville. The Studio is run by the “One Five One Association” (a registered non-profit society) through support of District 69 Parks & Rec., Parksville Downtown Business Association and the City of Parksville. Food is often provided. ArtSpeak video Contact: One Five One Outreach Association 250-954-0888 onefiveone@island.net Teen Zone (S.O.S.) – Parksville 245 Hirst Avenue250-248-2093 (ext. 0) Grades 9 – 12 Fridays, 5:00 - 9:00pm Come hang out with your friends! Music, food, art activities & more. Youth are provided with an opportunity to 'express'. Free of judgment and grading, children and youth of all ages are offered a diversity of art forms in which to indulge their free spirit. Register with SOS. The Hand “Youth Action Committee” 250-927- 3923 Group of socially conscious youth who meet to work on projects to better their community (and the world around them) for youth of the Parksville/Qualicum area. Contact: Jamie Black – Area F (Coombs/Errington/Hilliers) 250-927- 3923 jamie@arrowsmithcommunity.ca
Sports Vancouver Island German Ju Jutsu- Parksville 183 McVickers St. 250-248-3538 Provides a youth martial arts program to mentor at-risk/high need youth in the community in an effort to assist youth in developing positive personal development, confidence, and responsibility. Assistance with activity fees for youth in need may be available through a partnership with Family Resource Association – contact Sensei Joe Friede for information. Contact: Information 250-248-3538 info@gjjs.ca Sensei Joe Friede 250-248-3538 joe@gjjs.ca Sensei Jeremy Buerge 250-248-3538 jeremy@gjjs.ca Youth Yoga (S.O.S.) – Parksville 245 Hirst Ave 250-248-2093 (ext. 0) Tuesdays 4:00 –5:00 pm, Connected with and registered through the ‘Girl Talk’ program. Recreation and Parks - Regional District Nanaimo District 69 - Parksville 1-250-248-3252 Support Services: Staff, instructors and volunteers are dedicated to making everyone feel welcome in our programs and facilities. Financial Access Program: If needed financial assistance may be available for you, or someone you know, in order to participate in a recreation program. Child, Youth and Family Recreation Fund [S.O.S.] – Parksville 250-248-2093 (ext. 0) sos@sosd69.com Provides financial support for children, youth, and families who wish to take part in sport and recreational activities yet currently lack resources to access such activities. Can provide financial assistance towards registration/league fees, equipment access. Contact: Katrina Keifer (YESL coordinator) at 250-248-2093 (ext. 0)
Education Assistance After School Education Assistance [S.O.S.] sos@sosd69.com 11 years and up. Tutors are available to assist students in math or English. The Write Place– Parksville 499 West Island Highway 250-248-4041info@writeplace.ca A Literacy Services Center operated by Project Literacy Parksville/Qualicum.Our services include: - Computer access lab, providing free public Internet access and one-on-one computer instruction. - Family literacy community partnerships, including Building Learning Together (BLT), Mother Goose and the WOW bus. - Reading and writing help for children. - Help with résumés, applications and letters. - Photocopying and faxing. Tuesday to Thursday9:00 am - 4:30 pmOur location: Building Learning Together Centre499 West Island HighwayParksville, BC.
Girls Esteem Esteem Child and Youth Services 250-668-7454 Esteemed CHICs is dedicated to creating places and spaces where girls can come to learn to overcome poor body-image and self-esteem. They provide a client based preventative program that delivers creative and educational skill-building workshops for girls to promote body positive and life positive ways of thinking. Group and “one-to-one” counseling. Various workshops are available for girls aged 10-17. Contact: Angela Slade 250-668-7454 Blog: www.teencoachblog.blogspot.com Sisterhood (FRA) – Parksville/Qualicum 250-752-6766 Ext. 109 Sisterhood is an 8-session confidential counseling group for young women (aged 5-18)interested in learning skills to access and use their personal power to deal with various challenges such as body image concerns, stress and anxiety, self-esteem and self-confidence, peer relationships, and bullying. This group gives young women the opportunity to explore what it means to be female in our society and to share and connect with other young women. You are invited to be actively involved in discussing your concerns and to participate in activities such as self-defense, guided imagery, role-playing, and belly dancing! Contact: Tamara Fernandez 250-752-6766 Ext. 109 tamara@d69fra.org Girl Talk (SOS) - Parksville 245 Hirst Avenue250-248-2093 (ext. 0) 9 - 10 year olds Tuesdays 3:00pm – 5:30pm - 11 years old and up 6:00pm – 8:30pm A time just for girls filled with fun activities, group discussions & interesting projects. Parents must be present when participant joins the group for the first time to fill in registration and waivers. Fun, friendships and staying real. This activity based group encourages and inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold. Through support, accurate information and mentoring, girls can become clearer and more confident about who they are.
Boys Esteem Guyz Time (SOS) - Parksville 245 Hirst 250-248-2093 (ext. 0) 9 - 10 year olds Tuesdays 3:00pm – 5:30pm - 11 years old and up 6:00pm – 8:30pm Activity based group. Have fun and hang out, while developing communication, confidence and relationship skills. Parents must be present when participant joins the group for the first time in order to fill in registration and waivers. Navigating the social pressures of youth, enjoy some hangout time and get the scoop on stuff youlike, while you explore some of the issues that currently present challenges. Meet some new friends and have fun.
Mentoring Big Brothers Big Sisters In-School Mentoring250-756-2447 Mentors work with children in a school environment to build a child’s self-esteem and school performance while having a lot of fun. Currently, we have the In-School Mentoring program in eight schools in the Central Vancouver Island area, including: Winchelsea Elementary Contact: 250-756-2447 bbbscvi@shaw.ca Big Brothers Big Sisters Teen Mentoring250-756-2447 Teen Mentoring is similar to In-School Mentoring. High school Teens are matched with a student in a nearby elementary student. The program provides a positive mentor to elementary students, and high school students gain leadership skills and work experience. Contact: 250-756-2447 bbbscvi@shaw.ca
Self Actualization Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder [FASD] Key Worker Program (FRA) - Contact: 250-752-6766 - ext. 119. The FASD Key Worker provides information, advocacy and support to families with children and youth (ages 0 -18) where Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) or other similar neurodevelopmental conditions are suspected, or where there is a confirmed diagnosis. Assistance throughout an FASD assessment can also be provided, as well as ongoing parent-to-parent support. Referral Procedures - Parents and caregivers are encouraged to contact the FASD Key Worker directly to access this service. Referrals are also accepted from the community with parental consent. APPLICATION/REFERRAL FORMS
District 69 Family Resource Association G1.1.01 • 181 Sunningdale Road West, Qualicum Beach, BC V9K 1K7 G1.1.02 • G1.5.03 • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • CONSENT TO RECEIVE SERVICE • The Family Resource Association recognizes the importance of mutual respect, safety and • trust in our relationship with our clients. We strive to provide services that are accessible • and flexible to the needs of the persons we serve. Service hours may vary among the • programs offered, including evening/weekend hours. • Client’s Rights • 1. To receive services in an honest and respectful manner. • 2. To access services and receive accurate information that permits them to make healthy • life choices. • 3. To receive services in a safe and healthy environment. • 4. To receive a confidential service (as stated in the FRA Confidentiality Policy) • 5. To access their file in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of • Privacy Legislation. • 6. To be informed of changes in the appointment times. • 7. To provide feedback and evaluate the services received. • Client’s Responsibilities • 1. To treat the FRA staff and others receiving service in a safe and respectful manner. • 2. To inform the service provider of anything that may affect the service delivery plan or • personal safety. • 3. To respect the confidentiality of others receiving service. • 4. To honour the service environment in a way that is not disruptive to others. • 5. To inform the service provider of any cancellations or changes to appointment times. • Service Provider’s Rights • 1. To be treated in a safe and respectful manner. • 2. To be informed of anything that may effect the health and/or safety of the service • provider and staff. • 3. To deny or discontinue service to clients if feeling unsafe, threatened, or otherwise • harmed. • 4. To be informed of any concerns regarding the quality of service delivery. • 5. To be informed of any cancellations or changes in appointment times. • Service Provider’s Responsibilities • 1. To provide services in a safe and respectful manner. • 2. To inform the client about their rights and responsibilities with regard to FRA. • 3. To honour the service environment in a way that is not disruptive to other staff and • clients. • 4. To honour the personal safety of staff members and clients and to discontinue services • if personal safety is threatened. • 5. To work in partnership with the client to develop and achieve service goals. • 6. To respect the client’s confidentiality or others receiving service. • 7. To inform the client of any cancellations or changes to appointment times. • FRA Confidentiality Policy (*12 years & older) • Client information is privileged and confidential and will not be shared without signed consent • except for the following reasons: • • A child or youth is suspected of being abused or is believed to be in danger of being • abused; • • A person is believed to be at risk of harming her/himself or others; • • A court requires evidence by law; and • • For supervision purposes in order to maintain quality assurance. • I have read, understand and agree to the terms of receiving service and I am aware that I • can discontinue service at any time. • I have received the FRA Handbook. Yes No • Client’s Signature (*12 years & older) ________________________ Date: ___________ • Parent/Legal Guardian: __________________________________ Date: ___________ • Service Provider: _______________________________________ Date: ___________ • * See Service to Children Policy