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,,The change in university was happening because I was visible and I needed to be everywhere”. Ruta Ruolyte LINK conference ,,How do you make change happen?” 5-6th of July, 2011 Antwerp. Why this study?.
,,The change in university was happening because I was visible and I needed to be everywhere” Ruta Ruolyte LINK conference ,,How do you make change happen?” 5-6th of July, 2011 Antwerp
Why this study? • 8 years of participation in students movement and working with disability issues in Higher education (HE) • Growing number of disabled students in HE in Lithuania • Lack of disabled students initiatives in HE • Lack of qualitative research about disabled students personal experiences in HE in Lithuania
research • Pilot research: 10 semi-structured interviews (7 disabled students, 2 disabled pupils, 1 disabled pupil mother) • Main research: 25 semi-structured interviews (19 disabled students, 6 HEI members)
data analysis: grounded theory • Open coding Parafrases Concepts Categories 2. Axial coding
axial coding: paragidmic model Causal conditions Phenomenon Context Intervening conditions Action/Interaction strategies Consequences
phenomenons • It was a complicated path traveled till university • The fear of four walls • The life of disabled is entire prove • Freedom through studies • The change in university was happening because I was visible and I needed to be everywhere • I want to work but not for nothing
research questions • How is changing the understanding of disabled students self-consciousness and self-power during studies in HEI? • How disabled studying in HEI are changing the organization of the study process? • What are the participation/changes in HEI strategies of disabled students with visible and hidden disabilities? • What kind of mobilization processes have disabled students and what resources do they use in order to act as an interest group?
disabled in HEI: ,,Oh, you are as well here” “Sometimes it happens that we are going to watch a movie in another building and them I am saying “what about me?” “Oh, you are here as well?!”. So, for me that ,,oh, you are here as well… And most importantly I am already doing the third year of studies and sitting in the front row” Informant (23)
doubt “What you are doing here if you don’t see? So, it is almost as saying that maybe it is better to stay at home between four walls. “If You don’t see, so how you will be communicating with your patients?” Informant (23)
support “My father went to the dean to talk about studying possibilities. Afterwards, I went myself there and then he says “I know that it will be hard, but you can try”. So really, if that dean would have said to me that there are no possibilities to study and maybe better go home, so I would be still sitting at home now. But that man gave a chance to me and I took that chance” Informant (34)
disabled students fight “When I am already in the third year of my studies, I feel that I have developed the instinct of fight. I am fighting, I am reading legislation and requiring what as a right do belong to me. Because I noticed that if I will be silent, so nobody will give me anything, nobody will notice me” Informant (23)
The change in university was hapenning because I was visible and I needed to be everywhere
action/interaction strategies • I am doing everything for myself but it will be easier for students after me • Leisure time with other students • Collaboration with HEI administration, Students Union other related NGO‘s • Regularly organized social education events • Raising the issues, speaking out, suggesting possible solutions
consequences • flexible study process organization • accessible physical and informational environment • awareness how to help disabled if needed • other disabled student’s consultation • the institution which is changing
A.Giddens “Structuration theory“ agents, when they express themselves as actors, are continuously recreating the social practices and institutes which in turn are constraining agents actions
Thank You Ruta Ruolyte Email: ruta.ruolyte@gmail.com Mob.tel. +370 611 02 291