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Gender-sensitive Monitoring and Evaluation. For Training Course on “Gender Equitable development Projects” APMASS & WAP, AIT: Vietnam Karabi Baruah- Ph.D Gender, HIV & Development Specialist 27 th June 2012 Danang , Vietnam. Session Objectives.
Gender-sensitive Monitoring and Evaluation For Training Course on “Gender Equitable development Projects” APMASS & WAP, AIT: Vietnam Karabi Baruah-Ph.D Gender, HIV & Development Specialist 27th June 2012 Danang, Vietnam
Session Objectives • Identify critical considerations of a gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation framework. • Identify the necessary components of a gender-sensitive evaluation.
A quick check… True or false? 1.Men and women have different development priorities, needs and constraints and are affected differently by development programs 2. Conventional M&E systems often capture gender differences in access and impact 3. Efficiency/ equity enhanced when gender differences are taken into account. 4. Most people assumed in “gender neutrality” of M&E methods & processes
?Do you believe that …. • Having a gender-neutral M&E (with no reference to any sex), including the use of gender-neutral language, is the correct way of conducting M&E? • Gender-neutral M&E, in most societies ends up reflecting men’s priorities
For Monitoring and Evaluationto be Gender-sensitive… • Requires gender issues to be monitored at each stage of the project cycle • Assess differences between women and men in terms of project performance and results • Reflect the needs and experience of women and men Overall a Gender sensitive M&E Improves development outcomes by ensuring target populations are better served by projects
Gender Sensitive M&E Measures… Not just the what, when and where, but • Change in the division of labor • Access to and control over resources • Practical and strategic gender needs/interests • Participation (within projects, and in household/community) • Change in decision-making • Changes in gender gap 7
Adapt monitoring program to: • Acknowledge differing, • Roles (currently accomplished, division of labor) • Responsibilities (who makes decisions on specific tasks, i.e. water fetching, market access) • Capacities (able to do; based on knowledge, assets, etc.) • Constraints (time, social skills, double burden, etc.)
Shift from WID to GAD affects GDD • Women and development approach (WID), focus on women as a homogenous group • Gender and development approach (GAD) focus on gender relation (women in relation to men), gender equality. • Gender Disaggregated Data GDD should reflect this by shifting from women only activities, to activities where women and men are involved, and measuring relational aspects (division of labor, change in intra-household decision-making level)
Example- A gender sensitive M&E ensures the capture of women’s contribution to agricultural* production
Because…. • Women’s Role in staple and secondary crops (underestimated in the first case, undervalued in the second case) • Greater role in subsistence agriculture is explained by lack of access to agricultural service and inputs, less assets (not a simple division of labor) • Women may be involved in low yield complex production systems that ensure stability and resilience, so a yield-based assessment would underestimate women’s contribution.
Invisibility of women’s work in survey and other data collection tools Tend to be more true of a quantitativeapproach Surveys are often based on the assumption that the heads of household are men. Data tend to focus on visible, formal or paid workor task (underestimating unpaid work, the informal sector or home-based work) Often assume static gender roles* Survey design tend to be done by menand it reflects their experience and interests
What in your experience/ perception are the issues & challenges in Gender sensitive M&E?
Lack of gender data can lead to incorrect conclusions Lack of knowledge may • lead to overlooking or underestimating gaps in access to and control over resources and benefits • underestimate roles in and contributions of women in unpaid work and also in remunerated work Lack of understanding on work task, phases and specialization • May lead to wrong associations or incomplete findings (income with men, etc)
Lack of gender data leads to poor management • Users of resources are misunderstood or misidentified, leading to poor project design, offering wrong solutions and potentially affecting project outcomes • Lead to wrong intervention, and a waste of expertise (as with women and fisheries) • Lack of knowledge of participation barriers undermines participatory approaches • M&E does not provide proper feedback
Monitoring Gender Sensitive Participation in Project Cycle Project management: Women <—> Men Identifi-cation Design Implemen- tation Evaluation Women <—> Men Project target groups * Monitor and evaluate ‘within’ processes at each stage, including evaluation (hence gender M&E)
Key issues to consider at different stages in a gender sensitive M/E system…
A FRAMEWORK for Monitoring and Evaluation Input Process Output Outcome Impact People money equipment policies etc. Results: Activities or Services done Livelihoods Empowerment Health Implemen- tation Training Logistics Management etc. Behaviour Practices Knowledge (target population) Source: Adapted from www.who.int/hiv/strategic/me/en/me_of_aids_overview.ppt
DATA COLLECTION for Monitoring and Evaluation Gender integration Low Common Some Some Low Input Process Output Outcome Impact Sustainable Livelihood Framework Gender analysis Household Surveys Qualitative methods Programme Monitoring Source: Adapted from www.who.int/hiv/strategic/me/en/me_of_aids_overview.ppt
Checklist for Assessing gender sensitivity data collection Situations /Issues to Avoid Actions to ensure methods adequately address gender issues • Sex disaggregated data is available but not used • Information is not collected from the right people • Household surveys are not the appropriate data collection method • Inadequate analysis of gender differences in control of resources within the household • Assess the availability of gender-responsive data before considering the need to collect new data. •Include additional questions on gender-specific topics •Use special methods to analyze gender differences in household decision-making and control of resources. •Use special methods to study domestic and public violence •Budget time and resources for follow-up field visits to interpret and further explore statistical findings.
Engendering the Logical Framework (LF) • Engendering the logical framework is particularly about identifying and accounting for the gender issues implicit in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects, i.e. ensuring it is conscious of social equity issues such as gender relations (FAO) • You can use the following 4 slides as a tool to ensure the LF is engendered
Goal checklist Source: FAO/WFP, SEAGA for Emergency and Rehabilitation Programmes: Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis, 2008.
Purpose objectives checklist Source: FAO/WFP, SEAGA for Emergency and Rehabilitation Programmes: Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis, 2008.
Outputs checklist Source: FAO/WFP, SEAGA for Emergency and Rehabilitation Programmes: Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis, 2008.
Activities checklist Source: FAO/WFP, SEAGA for Emergency and Rehabilitation Programmes: Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis, 2008.
Engendering the LF is NOT just about adding gender components • It can be in ensuring GDD for all indicators • It can be about including women or men in activities where they are usually not engaged but where their participation is important, i.e including women in agricultural training, including men in nutrition training, or reducing gaps in participation or benefits. • It can also be about within-project processes, like project staff trained, number of women managers or women enumerators.
??? • How do the issues raised in the presentations relate to your work • Did any ideas emerge on how the issue or concern might be addressed at your work • (eg WAP= annual workplan or IFAD- LF?) • After the next session on GDD you will get a chance to practice engendering a LF