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Mrs. Kunst’s 3 rd Grade Ford Elementary August 8, 2017. Class Schedule. 7:15-7:50 Student check-in/unpack; morning work 7:50-8:00 Pledge of Allegiance; Ford Mustang News 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting (review morning work, class news and announcements, plan for the day)
Class Schedule 7:15-7:50 Student check-in/unpack; morning work 7:50-8:00 Pledge of Allegiance; Ford Mustang News 8:00-8:15 Morning Meeting (review morning work, class news and announcements, plan for the day) 8:15-9:00 Writer’s Workshop 9:00-9:45 SPECIALS 9:50-11:00 Guided Reading and English Language Arts* 11:00-12:00 Math 12:00-1:00 LUNCH & RECESS 1:00-1:30 Number Talks / Math Facts Practice 1:30-2:00 Science or Social Studies (Units of study will alternate between these two subjects and also be incorporated into reading and writing lessons during other parts of the day.) *Computer Lab rotates among 3rd grade, 10-11 a.m. (every 6th day) and will likely cause changes in that day’s schedule.
Homework * Reinforcement and practice (NOT new concepts!); spirals so that concepts are never “left behind”. * Should take 30 minutes or less * Homework is weekly; your child may work on it nightly OR do more on nights with a lighter schedule; homework is collected on Fridays. Reading * 20 minutes everyday * Record and initial nightly in agenda * Free choice – meant to foster enjoyment of reading and can include you reading to your child (shoot for something with a higher vocabulary that your child might not be able to read him or herself.
Report Cards Standards based – students are evaluated standard by standard rather than one grade for the entire subject area 3+ - student is consistently working above grade level on this standard (*Note that this is not always possible. ie. multiplication facts) 3 – student is consistently performing that standard without mistakes 2 – student is making progress but inconsistent in performing that standard 1 – student is struggling with this standard; poor performance across multiple assignments * On individual assignments, you will see number correct out of total (12/15) or the number marked incorrect (-2). * Number given on report card reflects the student’s pattern over the course of the nine weeks. If, at the end of the quarter, your child is consistently performing the standard, it’s a 3. Even if he or she started out as a 1 – the point is the opportunity to learn before giving a grade!
Attendance Excused Absences:· When personally ill and attendance in school would endanger their health or the health of others When there is a serious illness or death in the immediate family On special and recognized religious holidays observed by their faith Please note that documentation regarding the reasons for the child’s absence must be receivedwithin 3 days. Unexcused Absences: Please send in a note explaining your child’s absence. The notes are given to the child’s teacher and then sent to the office for coding. When no note is received, the absence defaults to UNEXCUSED in our computerized system after 3 days. At three (3) unexcused absences teachers will communicate with parents regarding student attendance via e-mail, phone, parent conference or postcard. At five (5) unexcused absences each school will utilize computer generated contact through one of the following: Telephone call, letter, and/or email. At seven (7) unexcused absences a School Social Work referral will be generated by principal or principal designee listing specific school-based interventions (telephone calls, letters, conferences, etc.) that have occurred prior to making the referral.
Love and Logic – embracing life’s natural consequences! Class Dojo • Points given individually, by team, whole class – reinforcing positive behaviors confirms for that child and models for the others. • Points can also be taken away but this is avoided unless the behavior is repeated and gentle reminders are working. Communication home • Agenda • E-mails or Class Dojo message • If a message home is needed, Fun Friday will be missed. • Friday Folder (papers will keep you informed about student performance but I will contact you for big concerns.
Academics • Language Arts • Reading-Comprehension, accuracy, fluency, extended vocabulary, Daily 5 structure • Grammar – Parts of speech, punctuation • Writing-Narrative, Opinion, Informational, constructed response • Differentiation through guided groups and leveled activities • Math • Differentiation-guided math groups and leveled activities • Whole group lessons and games with manipulatives • Number sense, addition, subtraction, and problem solving • Weekly timed tests
Academics, cont’d… • Science • Rocks and Minerals-First Quarter • STEM Groups activities • Social Studies • Native Americans • Regions • Rivers and Mountain Ranges • Cursive • Introduced later in the year
3rd Grade Testing Sept. 6-8 CogAT Testing (reasoning and problem solving; natural verbal, quantitative, nonverbal abilities) Sept. 11-15 IOWA Testing (achievement testing – measuring what can be taught in school) Nov. 13 - Dec. 15 Gifted Testing (Given by Target teachers to students that met pre-qualifications on CogAT / IOWA testing.) April 11-20 Georgia Milestones End-of-Grade Testing (based on 3rd grade standards)
Field Trips • CATO Environmental Parks • Two away from school • Three in-school • Cost is $8.00 Permission slips and payment envelopes given out at Sneak-a-Peek; anything still needed is on your child’s desk tonight. • Money • Must be put into money envelope • Child’s name and Teacher’s name a MUST • Exact change only • Checks payable to Ford Elementary • Permission Slips • Do not place slips in money envelope
Medications • Letter of permission and dosage • Stays in clinic
Safety • Transportation Changes • in writing • Do NOT e-mail changes; Changes that were not sent in writing MUST go through the office. • Tardy? Walk your child in to the office to sign them in and assure safe arrival. • Visiting? Sign-in and wear a nametag, please. Teachers and other employees are instructed to intervene if no visitor’s pass.
Class T-shirts$5.00Worn for field trips and field dayEach class a different color – we’re red!Order form and envelope is on your child’s desk.
BYOD • Form on your child’s desk needs to be signed • Serial numbers must be on paper work; can be changed during the year if device changes • You will be notified when we are ready to start.
Thank you for coming! Please be sure to read and respond to your child’s letter. They are looking forward to a reply on their desks in the morning!
Class Wish List Colored copy paper Math Games (all available on Amazon): Sequence Numbers 4 Way Countdown Clumsy Thief Zoom! http://a.co/2vrguZc