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Ejemplos de aplicaciones colaborativas

Ejemplos de aplicaciones colaborativas. Nelson Baloian. ECo. Luis Guerrero, José Pino University of Chile, Department of Computer Science, Santiago de Chile, Chile. Sistema. Tipos de interacción. Definición de roles. Awareness de la colaboración. Comunicación entre los participantes.

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Ejemplos de aplicaciones colaborativas

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  1. Ejemplos de aplicaciones colaborativas Nelson Baloian

  2. ECo Luis Guerrero, José Pino University of Chile, Department of Computer Science, Santiago de Chile, Chile

  3. Sistema Tipos de interacción Definición de roles Awareness de la colaboración Comunicación entre los participantes Quilt (Leland, 1988) Asincrónico Autores, Revisores, Lectores Comentarios, E-Mail’s E-Mail’s PREP (Neuwirth, 1990) Asincrónico Autores, definición de funciones Comentarios Comentarios SEPIA (Haake & Wilson, 1992) Sincrónico / Asincrónico Autores Trabajo sincrónico, Barras de estado de los participantes Audio, Telepunteros ECo Sincrónico / Asincrónico Escritor, Lector y modificación de roles Comentarios, versiones sugeridas, versiones del dueño Comentarios, Mensajes, Chat Sistemas de Edición colaborativa

  4. ECo Interfaz de ECO y mecanismos de awareness

  5. ECo Versiones de párrafos sugeridas por otros

  6. ECo Visor de versiones

  7. ECo Ambiente de usuarios

  8. PRIME Luis Guerrero, José Pino University of Chile, Department of Computer Science, Santiago de Chile, Chile

  9. PRIME Prime (Pre-meeting Information Management Engine) Prime es un sistema para el apoyo a las pre-reuniones basado en el modelo académico SISCO.

  10. PRIME • ¿Por qué reunirse? • Una herramienta de cooperación • Compartir conocimientos y experiencias • Propósitos de una reunión: • - Reconciliar un conflicto (29%) • - Obtener criterio de grupo o decisión (26%) • - Resolver un problema (11%) • - Asegurarse que todos entienden (11%) • - Facilitar la comunicación entre miembros (5%) • - Obtener apoyo para un programa (4%) • - Explorar nuevas ideas y conceptos (4%) • - Aceptar informes (2%) • - Demostrar un proyecto o sistema (2%) • - Otros (6%)

  11. PRIME • Acciones anteriores a la reunión • Escenciales para el éxito de la reunión • Usualmente no realizadas o subvaloradas • Componentes: • - Problemas y resultados esperados • - Agenda • - Roster (gente a invitar) • - Reglas básicas / roles: • + slots de tiempo (reglas) • + facilitadores (roles) • + tomadores de decisiones (roles/reglas) • - Preparación de participantes • + distribución del material • + obtener información necesaria

  12. PRIME • Acciones después de la reunión • Mantener el momentum de la reunión • Incrementar la confianza en la herramienta de la reunión • (A veces es manipulada por administradores. Decisiones y • acciones son dejadas sin realizar) • Requiere herramientas de coordinación • Componentes: • - Registro de decisiones y planes • - Trabajo en itemes que requieren más investigación (próxima reunión) • - Implementación de decisiones • - Seguimiento de decisiones • + realimentación a participantes • - Responsabilidades

  13. PRIME • ¿Por qué las reuniones fallan? • Demasiadas reuniones • - Usadas para tratar cada crisis (pequeñas o triviales) • - Uso de tiempo invaluable (que de lo contrario habría sido • dedicado a "trabajo real") • - Sensación de "¿qué estoy haciendo aquí?" • Las reuniones toman demasiado tiempo • - No se les asigna tiempo suficiente • - Falta de coordinación • Las reuniones son usualmente ineficientes e improductivas • - Falta de preparación • - Demasiados egos • - Muy pocos leones (demasiadas ovejas)

  14. pre-reunión inicio reunión durante post-reunión salida PRIME Ciclo de vida de una reunión

  15. PRIME Sistemas de Apoyo a las Reuniones • Para pre-reunión: • - Definir agenda • - Pre-discusiones • - Disponibilidad de la información • Para la reunión: • - Organizar la discusión • - Permitir interacción en paralelo • - Editores cooperativos • - Generación de memoria organizacional • - Votaciones y conteo de votos • - Permitir el cambio de roles • Para la post-reunión: • - Informar de acciones de seguimiento • - Coordinación de acciones • - Consultas a la memoria organizacional • - Post-discusiones (clarificaciones)

  16. PRIME Modelos conversacionales • Definen la interacción entre usuarios • Ejemplo: IBIS para toma de decisiones (J. Conklin & M.L.Bereman 1988)

  17. PRIME Ejemplo de discusión utilizando el modelo IBIS: Tema Riesgos de Salud Tema generado Riesgos de Fumar Posición Fumar hasta los 32 años no es riesgoso Argumento a favor Algunos científicos dignos de confianza evidencian esta descripción Argumento en contra Fumar a cualquier edad siempre es perjudicial para la salud

  18. PRIME

  19. PRIME

  20. PRIME

  21. PRIME

  22. A Platform for Motivating Collaborative Learning Using Participatory Simulation Applications Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita University of Chile, Department of Computer Science, Santiago de Chile, Chile

  23. Participatory simulations Role-playing activity oriented towards learning complex and dynamic systems Mapping real world problems to simulated context and behaviors Knowledge and patterns emerge from local interactions among users Highly effective in large groups Simple to set up and interact with Simple decision process: Analyze information, exchange information, make decisions and see the outcomes It allows to relate actions and their consequences Highly motivating even in large groups Participation and collaboration increase the understanding of the simulated reality and problem-solving abilities Mobility has positive effects in engagement Can be integrated in a whole classroom learning by doing

  24. The Framework should help: Networking Discover participants, build connections, synchronize information Define and assign roles Which kind of actors and what they will represent Define and assign objects Which kind of objects will be exchanged between participants Specify rules How will objects be exchanged (still not very automatic) Teacher support The conductor must ensure all participants play an active role in the simulation

  25. HCI Principles considered Pen-Based User Interface offers a more natural and intuitive interface enabling the sharing and exchange so as to improve efficiency Gestures most frequent actions are deleting, selecting and moving an efficient as a form of interaction easy to learn, utilize and remember Mobility and exchange of objects on the fly handhelds provide high mobility and portability and easy way for creating ad-hoc networks through peer-to-peer connections such network allows deliberate information exchange between users as well as to automatically interaction between devices: Proximity detection is done with infrared sensors (IrDA) combined with Wi-Fi

  26. Designing (creating) roles &Items Example: A Trust building rules learning scenario

  27. a b Designing Items Example: Diseases, symptoms and treatments

  28. Exchanging Items: Proximity+ IrDA

  29. Exchanging Items (Example:shares)

  30. Teacher support to oversee the activity

  31. The Technological Base TCP/IP connections to other applications for transmitting/receiving objects Multicast UDP traffic for discovering and discarding partners Multicast discovery manager TCP/IP connections manager Communication Node Active partners list

  32. Dealing with the students' attention problem in computer supported face-to-face lecturing Nelson Baloian1, José A. Pino1, H. U. Hoppe2 1Department of Computer Science, University of Chile, Chile // nbaloian@dcc.uchile.cl // jpino@dcc.uchile.cl 2Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany // hoppe@collide.info

  33. The Computer-integrated Calassroom

  34. Students’ attention problem in a Computer-integrated Calassroom • Students frequently lose the focus of attention if too much information is displayed • The students get distracted if the teacher has to spend too much time in entering commands, searching for files, changing between programs

  35. Coping with the Students’ attention problem • Automatize frequently performed action • Distribute assignments, learning material • Collect results • Share documents for collaborative use • Use integrated environments • For avoiding context changes • Promote the use of as few windows as possible

  36. The Teacher’s inerface

  37. The Students’ interface

  38. CIC- Computer Integrated Classroom Henning Breuer, Roberto Konow, Nelson Baloian, Gustavo Zurita University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Interaction Design Lab, Potsdam, GermanyUniversity of Chile, Department of Computer Science, Santiago de Chile, Chile Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile, Chile

  39. CIC Motivation • Integration of classroom learning and learning “in the wild” • Lack of common data platform to exchange data • Different interaction rules in each application

  40. CIC A platform which offers • a collaborative environment for learning and teaching • a learner-centered design of educational technologies (PDAs and whiteboards) • a seamless integration of interaction design inside and outside of formal learning environments.

  41. CIC PDAs provide for a unique interface and a seamless transition between the learning environments of the classroom, outside “in the wild,” and at home.

  42. CIC McSketcher • overview of different types of documents (instructions, material and personal work) that may be shared with other participants

  43. CIC McSketcher – interaction • The user drags one node (basement) to a student and another one to the teacher

  44. CIC System architecture • Decentralized architecture • No central server • Replicated architecture • All uses have their own copy of the data and the application • State-based synchronization • The current state of the objct is used for sincroniztion • Trans-Platform • Object exchange between java and .NET • Support for gesture-based interaction • Providing a reusable library for gesture recognition

  45. CodeBreaker Decentralized, cooperative and flexible support for extreme programming software development Nelson BaloianRoberto KonowFrancisco ClaudeCristian Tala

  46. The Problem Pedro Juanita

  47. * Extreme Programming * • Program as fast as you can • Simple Designs • Pair Programming • Small Releases • Beta testing • Team Communication

  48. Available Technologies • Version Control Systems • CVS • Subversion • Etc... • Collaborative Environments • IBM Rational ClearCase • TUKAN • File Level permissions • Central Repository • Synchronous/Asynchronous • Central/Distributed Repository • Expensive • Many Developers

  49. “Breaking” The code A.java Method z Method y String s int d

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