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From the Origins of Agriculture to the First River-Valley Civilizations

From the Origins of Agriculture to the First River-Valley Civilizations. AP World History Chapter I. Early Areas of Human Occupation and Migration. The Iceman 4000 BCE How does this picture portray the environment in which he lived? The technology he used? His way of life?.

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From the Origins of Agriculture to the First River-Valley Civilizations

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  1. From the Origins of Agriculture to the First River-Valley Civilizations AP World History Chapter I

  2. Early Areas of Human Occupation and Migration

  3. The Iceman 4000 BCE How does this picture portray the environment in which he lived? The technology he used? His way of life?

  4. Early Centers of Plant and Animal Domestication

  5. Passage-Tomb at Newgrange, Ireland 3200 BCE What does this structure indicate about the religious beliefs, community structure about NewGrange?

  6. Neolithic Goddess at Catal Huyuk 6000 BCE What does this figure represent? How can it be linked to the power structure and belief systems of the community?

  7. Mesopotamia: The First Civilization on Earth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8v2vRlLL58

  8. Mesopotamia

  9. Mesopotamian Cylinder Seal 2350 BCE What does this seal depict? How and why was the seal used?

  10. Ziggurat of Ur-Nammu 2100 BCE What does the architecture of the ziggurat suggest about the Sumerian culture? *Violence and Order in the Babylonian New Year’s Festival

  11. Ancient Egypt

  12. Model of Egyptian River Boat 1985 BCE How and why was this ship suited for Egypt?

  13. River-Valley Civilizations, 3500-1500 BCE

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