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Implementation of CCSS. CCCOE Curriculum Council November 2011. Three Recently Published Documents. CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA Supporting Implementation of CCSM: Recommendations for Professional Development.
Implementation of CCSS CCCOE Curriculum Council November 2011
Three Recently Published Documents • CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation • Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA • Supporting Implementation of CCSM: Recommendations for Professional Development
CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation Center on Education Policy Study September 2011
This Report • describes districts’ perception about • the impact of the CCSS • their progress in implementing • the challenges they face • is based on a survey of nationally representa-tive school districts and was conducted in the winter and spring of 2011.
6 Key Findings • Almost 60% of the districts viewed CCSS as more rigorous than the ones they are replacing, and expected the CCSS to improve student learning. • 67% have begun to develop a comprehensive plan and timeline for implementing the standards (or intend to do so in the 2011-12 school year.) AND 61% of the districts are developing and/or purchasing curriculum materials. • Adequate funding is a major challenge
6 Key findings (cont.) • About 67% cited inadequate or unclear state guidance on the CCSS as a major challenge • Districts appear to be facing relatively little resistance to implementing the CCSS from parents, community, members or educators • District or school level staff, participated in various state, regional, or district activities in school year 2010-11 to become informed about the CCSS.
District Initiated Activities * If difference between estimates is 15% or greater there is significant difference
Local Staff Participation in Information Activities about CCSS
Conclusions • majority expectation is that CCSS is more rigorous • Many districts have begun to make changes • Having inadequate funds is a major challenge for over 80% of schools • approximately half of the schools find a lack of guidance on local assessments and lack of curriculum materials to be a major challenge
Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA CCSSO – Achieve - NASBE 8/25/11
Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA Grades K-2 & 3-12 • Paid for by a contract from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation • Informally vetted by publishers, researchers, state officials, teachers and others • The documents are being circulated more widely now. And are eventually headed for posting online to guide not only publishers, but also anyone developing curriculum for the standards
K-2 Criteria Center on Aspects of Significant Shift • Focus on reading informational text • Building coherent knowledge within and across grades • More in-depth approach to vocabulary development • Students encounter sufficiently complex texts through reading, writing, listening and speaking
Grades K-2 Document Organization • Key Criteria for Reading Foundations • Key Criteria for Text Selection • Key Criteria for Questions and Tasks
3-12 Criteria Center on Aspects of Significant Shift • an intense focus on close examination of text as the source for study across disciplines • Students are expected to learn increasingly complex readings (literary & informational), infer meaning from what they read and build agreements based in evidence from the text. • 80-90% of reading standards in each grade require text-dependent analysis so curriculum should mirror this. • Materials should be sparing written or spoken activities based on students’ background knowledge and the experience they bring with them to school. These are not sufficient.
Grades 3-12 Document Organization • Text selection: complexity & range and quality of texts • Questions and tasks • Academic vocabulary • Writing to sources and research • Additional key criteria for student reading, writing, listening and speaking
Supporting Implementation of CCSM Recommendations for Prof. Dev. NSF Funded Research November 2011
Overview of Recommendations for CCSM-PD • Emphasize the Substance of CCSM-PD • Create and Adapt Materials for Use • Design PD based on Features that Support Teacher Learning • Build Coherent Programs of CCSM-PD • Prepare and Use Knowledgeable Facilitators
Overview of Recommendations for CCSM-PD (cont.) • Provide CCSM-PD Tailored to Key Role Groups, in addition to teachers • Educate Stakeholders about CCSSM • Continuously Assess CCSSM-PD • Create CCSSM Consortia
Three Recently Published Documents • CCSS: Progress and Challenges in School Districts’ Implementation • Publishers’ Criteria for the CCSS in ELA • Supporting Implementation of CCSM: Recommendations for Professional Development