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RUANG LINGKUP RISET PERILAKU KONSUMEN. Retnaningsih. DEPARTEMEN ILMU KELUARGA DAN KONSUMEN FAKULTAS EKOLOGI MANUSIA Institut Pertanian Bogor 201 1. TIK. Setelah mengikuti kuliah ini, mahasiswa dapat mengetahui ruang lingkup dalam riset perilaku konsumen. RUANG LINGKUP RISET KONSUMEN.
TIK Setelah mengikuti kuliah ini, mahasiswa dapat mengetahui ruang lingkup dalam riset perilaku konsumen
RUANG LINGKUP RISET KONSUMEN 1) Karakteristik Konsumen - Budaya - Sosial - Keluarga - Pribadi - Psikologis2) Pengambilan Keputusan: - Kebutuhan - Pencarian Informasi - Evaluasi - Kepuasan - Perilaku Purnabeli
- Cultural Influences on Decision Making- Consumer Motivation- Consumer Learning- Socialization of Child Consumer- Consumers’ Use of Persuation Knowledge- Children, Advertising, and Product Experiences- Impulsive Buying Behavior- Compulsive Consumption: Comorbidity of Impulsive Buying and Bieng Eating- Disposition and Distribution of Special Possession- Consumer Satisfaction - Food Consumption Behavior - Consumer Financial Behavior TOPIK RISET PERILAKU KONSUMEN Dalam 10 Tahun Terakhir
TOPIK Lanjutan - Price Information and Consumption- Gender Differences in Retrospective Judgments of Consumption Emotions - Intention and Purchase Behavior- Budgeting and Consumer Decision- Recall of Advertising Messages- Self Perception- Measure of Consumer Expertise- Cross Cultural Consumer Research- Unique Features and Consumer Choice- Consideration Set and Choice- Possession and Consumer Choice- Interaction in Family Decision Making- Consumer Credit and Credit Card Behavior
TOPIK Lanjutan - Measuring Emotions in the Consumption Experience- Advertising and Persuasion- Knowledge, Information Mode, and the Attraction Effect- Interaction of Spoken and Written Information- A Study of Classifiers in Consumer Cognition, judgment, and Choice- Consumer Cognizance, Emotions, and Coping Strategies- The Behavioral Effects of Temporally Separating Payments from Consumption- The Influence of Display Characteristics on Visual Exploratory Search Behavior- Consumer Preference and Attitude (Such as in Organoleptic Test)
TOPIK Lanjutan - Gift Receipt and the Reformulation of Interpersonal Relationships- The Effect of Time Pressure on Consumer Choice Deferral- The Role of Direction of Comparison, Attribute-Based Processing, and Attitude-Based Processing in Consumer Preference- Postexperience Advertising Effects on Consumer Memory- The Effect of Discount Frequency and Depth on Consumer Price Judgments- The Effects of Positive Mood on Memory- The Social Uses of Advertising: An Ethnographic Study of Adolescent Advertising Audiences
TOPIK Lanjutan - Heart and Mind in Conflict: The Interplay of Affect and Cognition in Consumer Decision Making- Intimate Exchanges: Using Computers to Elicit Self- Disclosure from Consumers- The Influence of Culture on Persuasion Processes and Attitudes, Diagnosticity or Accessibility?- Motivated Reasoning: A Depth of Processing Perspective- Why is the Trivial Important? A Reasons Based Account for the Effects of Trivial Atributes on Choice- The Influence of Positive Mood an Brand Extension Evaluations- Regret: A model of its Antecedents and Consequences in Consumer decision Making
TOPIK Lanjutan - Consumer Attitudes Towards Products and Services Including Ideas and Programs- Lifestyles and Consumer Psychographic and its Relationship with Consumption- Consumer Perception of Brands and Products- Brand Awareness and Brand Loyalty- Consumer Knowledge- Information Processing- Buying Behavior- Consumer Decision Making- Family Srages and Consumption Behavior- Consumer Demographic Profiles and Consumption- The Influence of refernce Group on decision Making- Media Habit
JURNAL ILMIAH - Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal- Journal of Consumer Psychology- Journal of Consumer Affair- Journal of Consumer Research- Journal of Retailing and Condumer Service- Journal of Consumer Marketing- Journal of Consumer Policy- Consumer Law Journal- Journal of Advertising Research- Journal of Marketing Research- Market Research Society Journal - Psychology and Marketing - Academy of Marketing Science Review
ASOSIASI RISET PEMASARAN ONLINE AAPOR: American Association for Public Opinion Research (www.aapor.org) AMA: American Marketing Association (www.marketingpower.com)ARF: The Advertising Research Foundation (www.arfsite.org) CASRO: The Council of American Survey Research Organization(www.casro.org) MRA: Marketing Research Organization (www.mra-net.org) QRCA: Qualitative Research Consultans Association (www.qrca.org) RIC: Research Industry Coalition (www.researchindustry.org) CMOR: Council for Marketing and Opinion Research (www.cmor.org) ESOMAR: European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research (www.esomar.nl) MRS: The Marketing Research Society (www.marketresearch.org.uk) MRSA: The Market Research Society Australia (www.mrsa.com.au) PMRS: Council for Marketing Research Society (Canada) (www.pmrs.aprm.com)