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White Bear Lake Advanced Softball Clinic Classroom Session 2. Review. What are some things you need to know before the play? What is a secondary play? What are some things you need to know before the pitch? What are some things you need to know on the base paths ?
White Bear Lake Advanced Softball Clinic Classroom Session 2
Review • What are some things you need to know before the play? • What is a secondary play? • What are some things you need to know before the pitch? • What are some things you need to know on the base paths? • 3-2 count and 2 outs, as a baserunner – what should you do? • When do you slide? • What is the bench’s responsibility
What Makes A Player GREAT? ? • What is greatness? • What does it look like? • What does it say? • What does it sound like? • What makes a team great? • What makes a great player?
What Makes A Player GREAT? "Great players - they are willing to go out beyond their comfort zones, where they know they can succeed, and be willing to fail today so they can be better tomorrow." "If you are going to go beyond where you are now, you need to stretch beyond your current limitations. Sure, you may find your reach exceeds your grasp at times. But you may also find out your grasp extends farther than you thought. After all, you can't get anywhere just standing still. "
What Makes A Player GREAT? Fabric of the Great Elite status is never a destination, but always a process. It is the process of IMPROVING UPON PERFECTION or continually perfecting the parts, in order to make the ‘WHOLE’ better. So focus on the process and not the result in order to grow the GREAT ATHLETE.
Expect Greatness Prepare to be the One! You never know when the game will call on YOU to make the play, be the difference or Be the One – so you’ve got to practice everyday to Be the One! • People act like their Environment • if the environment buys into the program they will succeed. • If they mock the program they will fail. Greatness is a Choice
6 Ps of Peak Performance • Present Moment: Focus in the moment - the here and now. Totally engaged in what is happening in front of you
1. Present Moment • Today + Today + Today = Your Career: Career is made up of a sum of Todays. Not about counting the days but making the days count. Goal is to get better every day and let the results take care of themselves. • W.I.N: Importance of playing the game one play-at-a-time and living in the present moment. THIS PLAY is important now, getting LOCKED IN - complete focus on the now.
1. Present Moment • Next 200ft: Focus on the present - focus on process vs. looking at entire picture and win/loss
1. Present Moment • Check in: Check in to positive self-talk, body language, and thoughts. Negative self-talk/images are inevitable - the best players know how to check in and get back on track • You are only as good as your next At Bat/Ground Ball/Pitch
1. Present Moment • What are some common distractions? • Paralysis by Analysis – Thinking too much • Injuries • Boys • Parents • Fear of Failure • Coaches comments • Team performance
1. Present Moment • Pigeons vs. Eagles
1. Present Moment • Circle of Concentration - Routines • Concentration Grids
6 Ps of Peak Performance 2. Process: focus is on the things in their circle of control - themselves and their Attitude, Performance, & Effort (APE) - control the controllables. Process-focused athlete is concerned with playing well and executing in the moment. Winning is a byproduct of playing well and playing well is about executing in the moment
2. Process • E+R=0 Events + Response = Outcome: Response to events determine ones outcome - what can be controlled? Take responsibility - don't look for something else to blame it on • Attitude is a decision • Flush it: letting go of mistakes and moving on and getting back to the next pitch vs. letting previous mistakes weigh you down.
6 Ps of Peak Performance 3. Positive Mindset focus on what you are trying to accomplish vs. focusing on what you are trying to avoid (no no-thinkers)
3. Positive Mindset • Pink Elephant
3. Positive Mindset Instead of… • I suck • I can’t… • I don’t want to… • Don’t strikeout/screw up • This pitcher is really good • This Team is really good You move in the direction of what you think
6 Ps of Peak Performance 4. Perspective Enjoy the journey and the process of playing, not on end results (i.e., winning) Championship Label
6 Ps of Peak Performance 5. Preparation Practice makes permanent. Athletes should be should be working at peak performance at a consistence level, not just games. Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Preparation is an essential key to confidence. Routines - lead to familiarity - leads to confidence. Pre-game routine & in-game routines
6 Ps of Peak Performance Where does confidence come from?
6 Ps of Peak Performance 6. Pride Excellence is a lifestyle - not a light switch, cannot be turned on/off
6. Pride • Get Big: Walk with a swagger - fake it until you make it • ACT: Acting Changes Everything - act the role you are supposed to play. Whether you are 10-10 or 0-10 you act the same way. Walk the walk. If you want to be Great - act like it before you get it and it will be easier to get
Failure • Albert Einstein didn’t speak until age 4 • Thomas Edison failed 1,000 times before creating light bulb • When asked about his failures – “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” • Dr. Seuss’s first book was rejected by 27 publishers
Failure • Walt Disney was fired by the editor of a newspaper for lacking creative ideas • Michael Jordan was cut from his HS bball team • "I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.“ • Babe Ruth was a Home Run King but also frequently lead the league in strikeouts
Fear of Failure • Female Mentality • Embarrassment • What others think • Just want to make others happy • Fear of success (web) • How do you deal with Failure or Adversity? • Accept that failure will happen….China doesn’t care • Failure is a good thing – Its how we learn
Fear of Failure SuccessSuccess What people think What it really it looks like looks like
Overcoming Failure • Think “Big” - focus on team success • Think “small” – focus on doing the little things • Think “strengths” • Think “New” • Think “Forward” • Think “Slow” – slow down, one step at a time
Winners vs. Whiners First: • Winners take responsibility - Winners tend to look at people and situations as "good." They don't worry about those things, people, or situations that they cannot control • Whiners play the victim - Whiners allow their fears, worries, doubts, and suspicions to guide their actions. Whiners typically believe they have no choice . . . and "whatever happens, happens.“
Winners vs. Whiners Second: • Winners find a way - Winners believe they can finish the job. Their belief shows itself in confidence, persistence, and perseverance. • Whiners find an excuse - because they don't believe they can be successful, whiners find excuses as to why they cannot complete the task.
Winners vs. Whiners Third: • Winners brighten a room by entering - Winners are full of energy, passion, and enthusiasm and they make a point to talk about the good things that have happened and what others are doing well. • Whiners brighten a room by leaving - Whiners tend to be draining as they suck the energy from those around them. They often gossip about others and complain about how bad life is.
Winners vs. Whiners Fourth: • Winners build friendships - Winners understand the importance of "true" friends. They find ways to respect those they are working with, despite having different opinions and perspectives. • Whiners destroy friendships - Whiners generally don't understand the need to work through differences and often demand that their way is the right way.
Winners vs. Whiners Fifth: • Winners think big - Winners know that thinking big leads to excitement and enthusiasm for what could be. They know if they expand their thinking and ask bigger questions that they will grow and have a chance to win more. • Whiners think small - Whiners seem to always be in survival mode. They stick to their old ways of thinking and believing and are reluctant to think bigger. They are gripped by fear and anxiety and, in the end, ignore their goals and dreams. Whiners simply choose to stay the same and then blame the results on someone or something else.
Competitors • Crave Challenges – turns everything into a challenge • Compelled • HATE to lose • Play with Emotion • Takes things personally and are motivated by it • Play with something to prove • Take Pride in Performance • Aggressive • Relentless • Highly Demanding or self and others • Confidant and Optimistic • Ruthless
Definition of a Team What makes a team? What makes a team great? What makes a good teammate? How is a team different then a group?
Definition of a Team Team • Work together to achieve something – have a mission • Cooperate • Have roles • Communicate – Optimism & Enthusiasm is contagious Softball is a team sport that puts emphasis on individual performances Remember – Its not about you Bent Nickels
Strengths & Weaknesses • Physically • Skillfully • Attitudinally • Mentally • Emotionally
Goals What do you want? What do you want to do that you can’t do now? What are the steps to getting what you want?
Goals S. = Specific M. = Measurable A. = Attainable R. = Realistic T. = Timely
Goals Ultimate goals • Are the culmination of what you want to accomplish and how you want to accomplish it. What accomplishments to you want to hang on your wall when your all done? Product goals • Result-oriented goals. They are clearly measurable. i.e. strike outs, batting avg., etc Process goals • What it takes to achieve the product goals you set.
Goals • What is your ultimate goal in softball? • List 2-3 product goals for this season • List 3 process goals needed to accomplish it • List 2 sacrifices it will take to achieve your ultimate goal. • List your 3 greatest strengths that confirm that you have what it takes to achieve your ultimate goal.
Goals • Go public - Write your goals down • It increases accountability and motivation for achieving them. • Think about them daily - Make it part of your daily training
Success Log • What 3 things did I do well today? • Based on today's performance, what do I want to improve? • What is one thing I can do differently that could lead to that improvement? • Put an individual effort rating on your practice or game