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Force. A force is a push or a pull A force is an interaction between objects; they are exerted by one thing onto another thing Force is a vector quantity. Free Body Diagrams. A Free Body Diagram (FBD) is a visual representation of all the forces acting on a single object.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Force • A force is a push or a pull • A force is an interaction between objects; they are exerted by one thing onto another thing • Force is a vector quantity

  2. Free Body Diagrams A Free Body Diagram (FBD) is a visual representation of all the forces acting on a single object FBDs are extremely powerful problem solving tools that bridge the gap between qualitative analysis and a quantitative mathematical representation

  3. Drawing an FBD… • A simple dot can beusedtorepresenttheobject in question • IdentifytheforcesactingONthatobjectonly • Drawonearrowtorepresenteachforceacting ON theobject • Allarrowsshouldbedrawnfromthedotorthe center of theobject • Thearrowspoint in thedirection of theforce. • Thelength of thearrowrepresentstherelativemagnitude of theforce…ielongerarrows = largerforce

  4. Normal Force FN Fg Weight/ForceduetoGravity Example 1 A block of woodrestingon a desktop

  5. FN AppliedForce FA Friction f Fg Example 2 A block of woodmovingwith a constantvelocityacross a surface

  6. FN FA f Fg Example 3 A block of woodacceleratingtotherightacrossthesurface

  7. Tension T FN f Fg Example 4 A block of woodacceleratingtotherightwhenpulledby a rope at anangle

  8. Tension T Fg Example 5 A tetherballwhileswinging at a constantspeedaround a pole Notice there is nothing in the original description that says the tetherball is being hit. A diagram for the ball as it is being hit would show an additional force acting on the ball.

  9. Try it… Draw a FBD and write the 2nd law equations for a lawn mower being pushed at a constant speed

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