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Biomolecules. The Raw Materials of Biotechnology The Molecules of Cells. Organization of Life. Entire organism System Tissue Cells Organelle Molecules Atoms. Molecular/atoms lowest level of organization. Elements of Life. Organic chemistry Chemistry of Carbon CHNOPS Carbon
Biomolecules The Raw Materials of Biotechnology The Molecules of Cells
Organization of Life • Entire organism • System • Tissue • Cells • Organelle • Molecules • Atoms Molecular/atoms lowest level of organization
Elements of Life • Organic chemistry • Chemistry of Carbon • CHNOPS • Carbon • Hydrogen • Nitrogen • Oxygen • Phosphorus • Sulfur • Several Trace Minerals
CARBON --The main event Forms a bond with 4 other atoms in which electrons are shared forming a covalent compound C
CARBON -4 Bonds to other atoms H HCH H CH4
CARBON -4 Bonds to other atoms • H \ HC OH H CH3OH
CARBON -4 Bonds to other atoms H H H C C OH H H CH3CH2OH
CARBON -4 Bonds to other atoms O H C H CH2O
Four Main Types of Biomolecules All are polymers All are organic (C) compounds • Carbohydrates • Proteins • Lipids • Nucleic Acids Differ in terms of composition and function
Function:Four Main Types of Biomolecules • Carbohydrates……. Energy, support and recognition • Proteins……………..Enzymes, structure, recognition, transport pigments, signals, mov’t • Lipids………………..Cell membrane structure energy storage, signals cellular metabolism (VitK..) • Nucleic Acids……….Hereditary and protein information, energy, signals
Structure:Four Main Types of Biomolecules • Carbohydrates……. Polysaccharide..of simple sugars • Proteins……………..Polypeptide..of amino acids • Lipids………………..Insoluble in water..although common polymer glycerol and fatty acid • Nucleic Acids……….Polynucleotide..of • nucleotides
Carbohydrates-Common Features • -OH Several OH (alcohol) groups This group LOVES water Makes sugars solids and water soluble • C=O C with a double bond to an oxygen Aldehyde or ketone Joins w/an –OH to form a cyclic structure The resulting C (C-1) has OH/H Position of OH determines further bonding
Comparing Two Different Sugars Open Chain Cyclic
Disaccharides-Two sugars Loss of H and -OH Loss of Water !!!!!
Disaccharide: Lactose • Lactose = Milk Sugar • Lactose = Glucose and galactose • Lactase = Enzyme that digests lactose • Most mammals express lactase only as juveniles • Adults are lactose intolerant • Once weaned = NO MILK!!!!!
Polysaccharides Starch...bonds between glucose can be digested Amylose=plant Glycogen =animal Cellulose…bonds between glucose cannot be digested by mammals
SO…both are GLUCOSE ????? • Cellulose is a rigid molecule of support • Cellulose Cellobiose • Cellulase • Cellobiose 2Glucose • Cellobiase • Good for making paper • Starch stores glucose molecules for energy • Amylose Maltose Amylase • Maltose 2 Glucose Maltase • Good for providing energy
Other carbohydrates Chitin
To Test for Carbohyrate Benedict's …Chemical test for reducing sugars To test for the presence of monosaccharides and reducing disaccharide sugars in food, the food sample is dissolved in water, and a small amount of Benedict's reagent is added. During heating in a water bath, which is usually 4-10 minutes, the solution should progress in the colors of blue (with no glucose present), green, yellow, orange, red, and then brick red or brown (with high glucose present). Lugol’s …Chemical test for starch An indicator test for the presence of starches Reacts by turning a dark-blue/black. Stain starches due to iodine's interaction with the coil structure of the polysaccharide
Function:Four Main Types of Biomolecules • Carbohydrates……. Energy, support and recognition • Proteins……………..Enzymes, structure, recognition, transport pigments, signals, mov’t • Lipids………………..Cell membrane structure energy storage, signals cellular metabolism (VitK..) • Nucleic Acids……….Hereditary and protein information, energy, signals
Proteins • Proteins (also known as polypeptides) are organic compounds made of amino acids. • Proteins are essential parts of organisms • Proteins participate in virtually every process within cells. • Proteins make up half the dry weight of an Escherichia coli cell (other macromolecules such as DNA and RNA make up only 3% and 20%, respectively). • Proteins have diverse functions due to their ability to bind other molecules specifically and tightly
Protein Function………..!! WOW!! • Structural…. Bones,skin, nails, hooves, hair • Enzymatic… Digest sugar, makes DNA, makes fatty acids • Transport… Carries oxygen and fats in blood, Ca2+/Cl- • Contractile.. Muscles for movement, move chromosomes • Hormone…. regulate blood sugar, increase heart rate • Immunity... Antibodies fight foreign substance • Pigment….. Pigment in skin, eyes • Recognition. On cell surfaces—Other molecules (receptors) • Toxins…… Stops nerve transmission, effects movement of ions, enzymes that destroy red blood cells
Protein Structure:Polypeptide • Polymer of many amino acids Amino Acid H O H N C C OH H R Central Carbon R group
Amino acids are distinguished by the R group • Twenty different amino acid are found in proteins • Most microorganisms and plants can biosynthesize all 20 • Animals (including humans) must obtain some of the amino acids from the diet. • The amino acids that an organism cannot synthesize on its own are referred to as essential amino acids. • Humans require 8 essential amino acids
Amino acids combine by a dehydration synthesis reaction Also called a condensation reaction An octapeptide
Amino acids combine to form protein • The order in which amino acids are bonded is called the sequence • The sequence of amino acids determines the primary structure of a protein • Determined by the genetic code (sequence of DNA)
The chemical nature of R groups defines the characteristics of the protein • Some amino acid groups are attracted to each others • Some amino acid groups are repelled by each other • http://www.biog1105-1106.org/demos/105/unit1/proteinstructure.html
Four levels to protein structure • Amino acid groups determine the overall shape of protein • Proteins are not long straight molecules, but are usually folded into a 3-D shape
Four levels to protein structure • Structural proteins confer stiffness and rigidity to otherwise-fluid biological components. • Most structural proteins are fibrous proteins. • Polymerize to form long, stiff fibers that comprise the cytoskeleton, which allows the cell to maintain its shape and size
Genetic Disease is due to Incorrect Proteins • DNA • RNA mRNA to be exact Protein • Angelman’s Syndrome • Color Blindness • Cystic Fibrosis • Duchenne muscular dystrophy • Hemophilia • Sickle Cell Disease • Tay Sacs • Phenylketonuria • Ataxia telangiectasia • Gaucher disease • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis • Parkinson Disease • Huntington Disease • Alzheimer Disease • Cancer (Breast, Colon, etc.. • And the list goes on and on and on Central Dogma of Molecular Biology
Changes in DNA = Change in Protein = Change in Function • DNA Transcription • RNA mRNA to be exact Translation Protein Regulation of transcription determines genes expressed (and proteins produced) Shortly after or even during synthesis, the residues in a protein are often chemically modified by post-translational modification Alters the physical and chemical properties, folding, stability, activity, and ultimately, the function of the proteins. Gene Expression
Detecting Proteins • Chemical test used for detecting the presence of peptide bonds. • In a positive test, a copper(II) ion is reduced to copper(I) • Forms a complex with the nitrogen and carbon of the peptide bonds in an alkaline solution. • A violet color indicates the presence of proteins • Alternative protein assays include: • UV spectroscopy • Lowry protein assay • Bicinchoninic acid protein assay (BCA) • Amido black protein assay Biuret test Other Tests
Brown Recluse Spider Toxin Effect on Red Blood Cells • Venom released by the brown recluse spider contains a complex collection of enzymes. Primarily protein-based, the brown recluse spider's venom has antigenic and locally destructive properties. Among other subcomponents, esterases, hyaluronidases and proteases have been isolated from recluse spider venom through various purification techniques. Of these, Sphingomyelinase-D has been identified as the primary substance with a toxic effect on red blood cells. • Sphingomyelinase-D directly causes hemolysis, which damages red blood cell walls and leads to the leakage of the red, oxygen-bearing protein known as hemoglobin. Anemia may result. After red blood cell casts are discarded, they are filtered through the kidneys and can cause renal failure. • Brown recluse venom triggers the aggregation of platelets and endothelial swelling in order to combat harm caused to red blood cells. White blood cells are brought to the area of the injury. However, instead of forming blood clots where needed, these white blood cells form blood clots in capillaries, resulting in necrosis.
Function:Four Main Types of Biomolecules • Carbohydrates……. Energy, support and recognition • Proteins……………..Enzymes, structure, recognition, transport pigments, signals, mov’t • Lipids………………..Cell membrane structure energy storage, signals cellular metabolism (VitK..) • Nucleic Acids……….Hereditary and protein information, energy, signals
Lipids-What are they? • Sometimes used as a synonym for fats Fats are a subgroup of lipids called triglycerides • Lipids are defined as molecules that are hydrophobic or amphiphilic • Hydrophobic..they don’t dissolve in water • Amphiphilic nature = some lipids form structures such as vesicles, liposomes, or membranes in a water environment
Lipids –What are they? The main biological functions of lipids include: • Energy storage • Structural components of cell membranes • Important signaling molecules. • Broad group of molecules that includes: • Fats Waxes • Sterols • Fat-soluble vitamin (such as vitamins A, D, E and K), • Monoglycerides, • Diglycerides, • Phospholipids, • and others.
Lipids—What are they? • Made of mostly C-H • Some oxygen • Some phosphorus • Might see nitrogen • Made of mostly C-H • That’s why they are hydrophobic They Don’t like water…They Don’t like water..They don’t like water
Three general groups Remember …mostly carbon and hydrogen! Triglycerides Phospholipids Steroids
Triglycerides • Animal fat and plant oils • Energy storage molecules • Composed of glycerol and fatty acids
Fat VS. Oil—It’s all in the Fatty Acids • Saturated fats..All C-C single bonds • Molecules pack together well—a solid –or fat--at room temperature • Unsaturated fats..A few to many C = C double bonds • Molecules don’t pack together—a liquid—or oil—at room temperature
Phospholipids • Found primarily in cell membranes • Similar to triglycerides except…these have a phosphate group • Makes the molecule capable of interactions with water Phosphate = polar head
Phospholipids • Phosphate = A negative charge • Hydrophilic-phosphate (head) • Hydrophobic-fatty acid (tail) • Make membrane bilayer in water environment (like the cell)