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Evolution. Charles Darwin. Evolution- change in populations over time Charles Darwin - (1809-1882) -published On the Origin of Species (1859) which had 2 points: All species evolve from ancestors Mechanism for evolution  natural selection.

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  1. Evolution Charles Darwin

  2. Evolution- change in populations over time • Charles Darwin- (1809-1882) • -published On the Origin of Species (1859) which had 2 points: • All species evolve from ancestors • Mechanism for evolution natural selection

  3. Natural Selection- mechanism for change in a population • -organisms w/ certain variations survive, reproduce, & pass their variations to the next generation • Evolutionary Adaptations- inherited characteristics that  organism’s ability to survive & reproduce in a particular environment

  4. 1700’s- Natural Theology dominated the time which said adaptations of organisms was evidence that the “creator” had designed every species (specifically created) for a particular purpose for a particular environment.

  5. Carolus Linnaeus- (1707-1778) Swedish physician/botanist • -founded taxonomy (naming system for organisms) • -A.K.A. = binominal nomenclature (genus/species)

  6. Fossils- impressions of organisms found in rock • Paleontology- study of fossils-developed by Georges Cuvier -species appear/disappear in strata rock layers -supported catastrophism- said a drought or flood destroyed species

  7. Jean Baptiste Lamarck- (1744-1829) • -published theory of evolution in 1809 (year Darwin was born) • -was in charge of invertebrate collection at Natural History Museum in Paris • -saw many ladders of life that species could move up (toward greater complexity) • -Evolution-according to Lamark was toward greater complexity

  8. Lamarck’s Mechanism for Evolution • 1. Use/Disuse • Parts used= larger/stronger • Parts not used= deteriorate (waste away) • 2. Acquired Characteristics- modifications acquired during lifetime can be passed to offspring (ex. Long giraffe neck) • -NO EVIDENCE YET THAT GENES ARE CHANGED BY THIS

  9. Lamarck’s theory of acquired characteristics

  10. Charles Darwin-(1809-1882) born in Shrewsbury, England • -read nature books- liked to fish, hunt, & collect insects as a boy • -Charles earned his B.A. in 1831 & went w/ Captain Robert Fitzroy to sail on HMS Beagle • -goal of the voyage  chart poorly known stretches of the South American coastline

  11. Voyage of HMS Beagle

  12. -Darwin spent most of his time collecting diverse/exotic species • -Darwin noticed plants/animals had different characteristics than those in Europe • *PUZZLING- Galapagos Islands- 900 Km west of South America but he saw animal species on Gal. that weren’t found in other parts of the world • ex. Finches- 13 types collected; very similar but differed most in beaks  adapted for special diet • -large ground finch- large beak for cracking seeds • -small tree finch- beak used to grasp insects

  13. Darwin’s finches

  14. Darwin’s Findings • Origin of new species • Adaptation to environment  closely related • *Finch results- Darwin believed that if 1 species is separated by a geological barrier they could become dissimilar to be called different species

  15. Darwin’s main points • Recognize evolution as explanation for life’s unity/diversity • Recognize Natural Selection as cause of adaptive evolution

  16. Darwin’s Beliefs about Evolution • 1. Struggle to Survive • 2. Individuals who inherit characteristics that best fit the env. will leave more offspring than less-fit individuals

  17. Darwin’s evidence for evolution • 1. Biogeography- islands  species of plants/animals that are native to island but are closely related to mainland species • 2. Fossils- Bacteria  prokaryotes are earliest known fossils so they should precede all eukaryotes • *Fossils do show this order (prokaryotes  eukaryotes) • ex. Vertebrate record • fossil fishes  amphibians  reptiles mammals birds

  18. *BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN EVOLUTION VS. CREATIONISM • -Idea that all species were created at same time says they would all appear in rocks of same age but this in contrast to what paleontologists observe because some species appear than disappear in different rock layers.

  19. Evolution according to Darwin • *Natural Selection- mechanism for change in populations • 1. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive ex. Fish lay millions of eggs • 2. In any population, individuals have variations ex. Fish differ in size, shape, color, speed, etc.

  20. Evolution according to Darwin • 3. Individuals with certain useful variations such as speed are morelikely to survive in their env. passing those variations on to the next generation • 4. Overtime, offspring w/ certain variations (adaptations) make up most of the population, & may look entirely different from their ancestors • *Modern Biologists-define evolution as a “change in a gene pool (gene frequency) of a population over time”

  21. Adaptations/Structures which give evidence for evolution • 1. Mimicry-structural adaptation that enables one species to resemble another species • ex. Yellow jacket vs. syrphid fly • (harmful) (harmless-looks like yellow jacket) • So, predators avoid eating both insects

  22. 2. Camouflage- adaptation that enables species to blend w/ their surroundings • -survive to reproduce b/c can’t be found by predators Flounder blending in with sea floor rocks

  23. 3. Homologous Structures- can be similar in arrangement, in function, or both • -evidence that organisms evolved from a common ancestor • ex. Whale, crocodile, & bird forelimbs are similar

  24. Homologous Structures

  25. 4. Analogous Structures- body parts of organisms that do not have a common ancestor but are similar in function • ex. Wings of butterfly & wings of birds

  26. . Vestigial Structures- body structure that has no function in a present day organism but was probably useful to an ancestor • ex. Ostrich- has reduced forelimbs & can’t fly (ancestors probably foraged for food on land & nested on ground so they got too large to fly

  27. Vestigial Structures

  28. Embryology- embryo- earliest stage of growth & development ex. Embryos of fish, reptiles, birds, mammals all look the same & suggest a common ancestor

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