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Proteins/Amino Acids. Preliminary Concepts. Protein is the principal constituent of organs and soft structures of the animal body a continuous supply is needed from food sources throughout life for growth/repair food protein body protein food protein: plant or animal
Preliminary Concepts • Protein is the principal constituent of organs and soft structures of the animal body • a continuous supply is needed from food sources throughout life for growth/repair • food protein body protein • food protein: plant or animal • unique proteins found in each animal • no two are alike in physiological behavior
Roles of Protein • Bulk composition of the body (structural aspects of the cell) • oxidative metabolism (used as energy source in energy-deficient diets) • enzymes (globular proteins that regulate and influence metabolism) • plasma proteins (circulating, mobile proteins such as immune bodies) • hormones (regulatory role)
Special Functions • peptides (formation of proteins) • purines/pyrimidines (control of protein synthesis) • histamines (active compounds, allergies) • conjugated proteins (assist in the excretion of other compounds) • pigments (e.g., melanin, derived from amino acids)
Elementary Composition of Proteins • Chemical composition: primarily carbon, hydrogen, oxygen • additional difference: contain a fairly constant amount of nitrogen found in amino groups (17%) • many also contain sulfur, phosphorus and iron • structure is typically complex, having high molecular weight
Protein Classification • simple proteins: essentially pure proteins, when hydrolyzed, produce individual amino acids (e.g., egg albumin) • conjugated: protein unit linked to another non-protein unit (e.g., casein, the protein component of milk with phosphorus esterified to it via the AA serine (ser) • derived: modified proteins such as peptides, modified by heat, acidification,etc.
Conjugated Proteins • nucleoproteins: protein + nucleic acid (e.g., seed germs) • glycoproteins: protein + COH group (e.g., mucus) • phosphoproteins: protein+ P-containing compound (e.g., casein) • hemoglobins: protein + hematin or similar substance • lecithoproteins: protein + lecithin (e.g., fibrinogen)
Structure of Protein Molecule • As mentioned, proteins are sequences of amino acids hooked together by the amino group of one to the carboxyl group of another • this bond is known as the peptide linkage • AA found in protein are known as residues • protein chains of AA have typically 100-200 residues • many proteins have more than one chain
Protein Structure • primary: the sequence of AA’s forming the protein • secondary: forces generated by the close proximity of one AA residue to another (e.g., helix design or pleated sheet)(i.e., certain amino acids can form bonds with others, if close enough, cysteine) • tertiary: bending of one AA chain due to attraction of individual AA’s distant from each other • quaternary: packing of chains together
Amino Acids (AA) • As mentioned, proteins are polymerized residues of amino acids • the number and proportion of AA vary from protein to protein • when proteins are denatured, the AA remain • to study protein, you must study AA • at least 30 different AA, some essential others non-essential
Characterizing AA • Most AA are derived from lower or short-chain fatty acids (FA; such as acetic, proprionic or butyric acid) • naturally-occurring have L-configuration • synthetic have large proportion of D configs • soluble in water, amphoteric • show various types: aliphatic, aromatic, heterocyclic, etc.
Chemical Determination of Protein • The direct determination of protein in tissue is impractical due to quantity/variation • nitrogen, however, occurs at fairly constant levels: • [N] x 6.25 = protein level • some proteins have well-known nitrogen levels (e.g., milk @ 15.7% N) • determined by Kjehldal N methodology
Protein/AA Quality • Amino acids are basically divided into two nutritional categories: • essential: those the animal cannot synthesize in sufficient quantity to support maximum growth, typically dietary in nature • nonessential: synthesized by animal body, typically non-dietary in nature • determined first by Rose (1930) working on factorial deletion with rats
Essential AA Exceptions • lysine (LYS) • arginine (ARG) • methionine (MET) • histidine (HIS) • isoleucine (ILE) • leucine (LEU) • threonine (THR) • tryptophan (TRY) • phenylalanine (PHE) • valine (VAL) dogs, rats ser/gly essential for chicks pigs = rats (max growth) pigs don’t need ARG, HIS, LEU for maintenance no big problem for ruminants, why? All essentials are in L form only humans really needs HIS
Protein/AA Quantitative Requirements • A protein requirement is really an EAA requirement (why?) • reports persist on “protein” requirement • protein “requirement” for fish: 25-50% • the above statement says nothing about requirement: it doesn’t measure intake • unfortunately, not all sources of protein are “balanced”, not all are digestible • why? Variance due to culture conditions
Factors Affecting Protein “Requirement” • Size of fish/shrimp • water temperature • feed allowance/feeding rate • amount of non-protein energy sources • quality of protein (AA) • availability of extrinsic sources of nutrition • salinity (affects digestibility) • physiological/nutritional state
Additional Protein Requirement Info • 3 g catfish require up to 4x more protein intake on daily basis vs. 250 g catfish • pond sources of protein are typically protein dense (over 50% protein on DM basis) • protein “requirement” can be reduced by feeding more frequently w/attractant • NPU for most aquatics is around 40% • could vary with enzyme activity, molt status in crustaceans
Requirements for Amino Acids • Somewhat variable due to “apparent” nature of determinations • no standardized methodology can be applied due to differences in feeding behavior, treatment system design, way in which EAA is presented, etc. • for fish, the EAA requirements are similar to those of other animals • only difference is with ARG (Table 2.4, Lovell)
EAA Requirements of Several Fishes, Chickens and Swine AminoChannelTilapia AcidCatfishniloticaChicken Swine ARG4.34.25.6 1.2 HIS1.51.71.4 1.2 ILE2.63.13.3 3.4 LEU3.53.45.6 3.7 LYS5.15.14.7 4.4 MET+ CYS2.33.23.3 2.3 PHE + TYR5.05.75.6 4.4 THR2.03.63.1 2.8 TRY0.51.00.9 0.8 VAL3.02.83.4 3.2
Requirements for EAA • Requirement for one EAA can be partially mitigated by a NEAA • example: CYS sparing of MET • CYS replaces about 60% of MET • often reported as MET-CYS requirement • example: TYR sparing of PHE (about 50%)
Requirement for Lysine by Fish • Sciaenops ocellatus 4.43% • Oreochromis aurea 4.30% • Oncorhyncus tshawytscha 5.00% • Ictalurus punctatus 5.00% • Dicentrarchus labrax 4.82% • Morone saxatilis 3.4-4.0% • Cyprinus carpio 5.70%
EAA Requirements by Shrimp • the quantitative requirement for only two essential amino acids has been determined for shrimp: ARG, LYS • difficulty: crustaceans are sloppy eaters, don’t effectively use crystalline sources, experimental conditions allow cannibalism, extrinsic sources of EAA (bacteria) • difficult to formulate reasonable diet and vary only one EAA
Crystalline Amino Acids • Most EAA requirement studies have used CAAs • CAAs produced by bacteria • can help reduce formulation cost of feeds because they are 99% digestible • for most aquatics, no more than 12.5% of AA-N • problems: reduced palatability, leaching, rapid uptake
Amino Acid Metabolism: protein synthesis • Complex process occuring in most animal tissues • involves DNA, RNA and ribosomes • chromosomal DNA is storeplace of genetic information, transmission from one generation to the next • DNA = 4 nucleotides: adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine
Protein Synthesis • DNA controls formation of RNA • one form of RNA (RNAt) transfers amino acids to ribosomes • ribosomes are the source of protein synthesis (anabolism) • protein synthesis (about 50 seconds/protein) • amino acids also catabolized for energy: transamination or oxidative deamination
Protein Digestibility • Dietary protein quality is determined by its bioavailability to the animal • “bioavailability” is not simply digestibility, it also includes assimilation and incorporation of the AA into protein • most common index of protein bioavaila- bility is apparent protein digestibility (ADP) • ADP = % of protein not rejected as feces
Protein Digestibility • APD depends upon degree of purity of proteins involved • purity ratings: purified, semi-purified, practical • purified: gelatin, casein, soy-isolate • semi-purified: hi-pro soybean meal, glutens • practical: fish meal, squid meal, peanut meal, rice bran, etc.
Protein Digestibility • Contrary to popular beliefs, animal protein is not more digestible than plant protein • digestibility really determined by level of purification and degree of interaction (competition for absorption sites) between one nutrient and another • factors: salinity (indirect), size/age (indirect)
Amino Acid Digestibility • apparent amino acid digestibility (AAAD) is directly related to protein digestibility • proteins vary in APD, but amino acids don’t in terms of AAAD (proteins compete with other nutrients, AA’s don’t) • amino acids are typically absorbed in the gut (fish) and midgut/midgut gland (shrimp) • 6 transport mechanisms: 1) neutral AA’s (mono’s), 2) basic (diamino’s), 3) acidic (dicarboxylic’s), 4) aromatics, 5) alanine and 6) glycine
Amino Acid Assimilation • “assimilation” is not transport, it involves the appearance of AA’s in various tissues (blood, hemolymph, muscle, etc.) • appearance OK for intact-sourced AA’s, but rapid and unsynchronized for CAA’s (too much, too quickly) • CAA’s possibly used with increased feeding frequency
Amino Acid Toxicity/Antagonism • Toxicity/antagonisms are result of dietary imbalances in EAA • when one EAA is fed in excess it can also increase the requirement for another, structurally-similar EAA • toxicity = overfeeding of one EAA and negative effects not mitigated by increasing other EAA • antagonism = one EAA regulates uptake of another • LEU/ILE in catfish (Robinson, 1984) • LYS/ARG in shrimp (Fox, 1992)