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When was Jamestown founded?. 1607. When was the Declaration of Independence signed?. 1776. When was the Constitution written?. 1787. When was the Louisiana Purchase?. 1803. When was the Civil War?. 1861-1865. What were the three reason that the English colonies were founded?.
What were the three reason that the English colonies were founded?
Economic (Money) Political (More freedoms) Social (freedom of Religion)
Economic policy where the colony sends the parent country raw materials, and the parent country sends back manufactured goods.
Came up with the Albany plan of Union, inventor, and member of the declaration committee.
Commander-in-Chief of the American Army during the Revolution.
This established how slaves would count towards representation.
Which political party favored a strong federal government and supported the constitution?
Who favored a weak federal government and demanded a Bill of Rights to protect citizens rights?
Anti-Federalists (Democratic-Republicans)